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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. posted this in the "donate here" thread as well, regarding the "donate any amount"-type button...
  2. but beer *does have redeeming qualities... carbs, protein, and in moderation, some health benefits - "No matter what type of ale you prefer, studies show that drinking beer in moderation (up to 2 drinks a day for us guys) can and will reduce your chances of strokes, as well as heart and vascular disease." i've yet to find anything like that about man-made trans-fat. (apparently, there are some naturally-occuring trans-fats, but i've not found much about them, other than they are found mostly in animal fats.
  3. i mostly agree, but name one good thing about trans-fat. i mean, what/who is it harming to ban it? it's a man-made chemically-altered fat, and from what i've heard/read, it has very little to recommend it.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQ4j-MBnLQo
  5. anyway, i'm thinking that i wish i lived somewhere that i actually had friends i could hang out with. isolation sucks.
  6. eh, wellbutrin isn't very effective. of course i didn't find anything that was... tell them you want to try another.
  7. slightly off-topic, but i was making these names up on the fly, and looking back over them, i love the name "your mothers' combat boots" and "the ugly dionysus"!!
  8. finally got a run in - 2 miles, feel pretty good.
  9. feeling a bit tired, yet energized, just got back from a 2-mile run...
  10. still mostly disagree... and i echo these guys - wait a bit.
  11. go for a jog, for a change... oh, how i suck at this again!
  12. dude, lighten the f**k up - i'm entitled to express my opinion too. my point was - what would you rather see? 3-4 genres? rock, country, classical, hip-hop? do you really think that's enough to explain the various subtle but important differences in thing like heavy metal, acid rock, industrial; or bluegrass, southern rock, classic country; or blues, r&b, rap, hip-hip, etc!? anyway, it's fine, i'll shut up now. i do get it, and i'll let you all get back to your fun. sorry for being a wet blanket...
  13. i'm classified as obese as well, and truly, it's nobody's business, as long as the individual is happy as they are. thing is, most of the people banging the "big is beautiful" gong that i've interacted with, i've found have decided that accepting being unhealthily fat is easier than doing something about it. as for the "don't have time to worry" about being healthy? you either take the time now, or you likely die years (or even decades) early. just because you can't afford healthy food doesn't mean you can't slim down a bit. eat less of the junk, move more, etc. going to mcdonald's? just get a small hamburger, small fry... you know? there are so many little steps. well, not my place to say either way, just trying to express my opinions. i'll shut up now...
  14. it's true that there are a lot of different "builds" and that we should embrace all of them, but what's also true is that, no matter your frame, once you get to the point of having more than 30% (or so) of your body weight in fat, you're unhealthy, (or 'less healthy', if you prefer). and i'm sorry, but if you get to 40-50% BW in fat? there should be no accepting of that as a "status quo". i do agree with accepting yourself as you are in the current moment, but that shouldn't preclude you from taking steps to better your health. once you get down to 25-28% BF, then i'm all for people accepting themselves as they're built, and embracing it. apologies if i offend anyone.
  15. http://www.rickbeat.com/modelslibrary/4004lk/4004lk.htm
  16. this thread honestly irritates me a bit - if you don't label/classify music to some extent how do you ever discuss it? i mean, sonmeone asks you what style of music a band is and you say "i don't categorize musicians by label, so i can't/won't answer you"!? i mean, c'mon... you want to talk about a new band, you need something to offer by way of comparison so that people will know in which direction the music lies. genres, subgenres, are necessary, otherwise you end up with this... "so i heard this great band last night!" "yeah? what do they sound like?" "ever heard 'chilled monkey's brians'?" "nope..." "how about 'the ugly dionysus'?" "nope..." "how about 'your mother's combat boots'?" "nope..." "how about 'over the enders' maw'?" "nope..." "how about 'primal estrangement'?" "nope..." "how about ..."
  17. right, but kids don't want anything to do with pot...
  18. ditto, except for the preferred age. it also depends on what kind of relationship one is looking for, as to how big a deal the age difference is...
  19. thinking that going thru the motions is getting really fucking lame.
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