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torn asunder

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Everything posted by torn asunder

  1. a fresh perspective, and to change this negative inner dialogue to a positive one...
  2. when i first read this, i thought it said "Getting the VD without too much fuss!" HA!
  3. i was really disappointed - "asshole" is a stereotype, isn't it!? yeah, i got "hippie"...
  4. "i'll be there for you" by megadeth, off of the "risk" album...
  5. HA!! Pacquiao vs. Cotto online! what a great fight for manny!
  6. gah! i'm jealous - i really wanted to see this fight! i hope they show it on a regular station sometime soon. manny's an amazing fighter!
  7. it's no sweat, it's just that the negative posts are what we mostly see on the board. i'd love to see more "good mood" posts from you!
  8. not for nothin' but are you ever *positive* about anything?
  9. if i could influence these kids in any way, i'd have them pick a new word every week to use, like "hello", "please", "thanks", "excuse me", etc... get a shitload of typical conversational words banned! wait!! i know the next word!!!
  10. yep, still a loser - trying to get myself started back into working out, but it's not been going as i'd hoped. i'm really getting fluffy again!
  11. i can't decide whether this is a sad, or a smart thing... sometimes i wish i'd never found out - better to not know what you're missing, maybe!?
  12. i left the list with hunhee - not sure where it went after that...
  13. not yet - gonna go in the spring. saw it on tv, lots of waterfalls in the area, beautiful scenery, sounds like a great cycle trip!
  14. i want to see how this turns out - he said he was a guest in the house, i bet someone just got pissed off at him & set him up...
  15. crawl in to that cold, empty place i call bed...
  16. damn, sounds like fun - i'll probably never be able to check it out, though...
  17. trying my best to hold onto a positive outlook despite letdown.
  18. 1) i'm very particular, 2) everyone i end up interested in is spoken for, 3) it's obviously my karma to be single. not that hard to understand, really...
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