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torn asunder

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  1. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to Msterbeau in Where have the DGNers gone?   
  2. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to Simon Bar Sinister in WTF?!   
  3. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to Nienna in Who Here Is Single   
    By being a cold hearted bi*ch? LOL No really... I'm so incredibly damaged at this point that I have walls so thick that no one gets through unless I open the door, and it's completely intentional. I wish I didn't have to be this way, but like I said, I had love, real love. He would have eventually destroyed me though so I ended things. I have yet to find anyone else that made me feel that way. I refuse to settle, so I have what I have. It's fine for now. I'm not really fufilled, but I'm too old to be depending on a significant other to do that for me anyway. Maybe sometimes I'll find another person who makes me sing, but I'm not holding my breath. Sorry to be so blunt. It's just the way it is with me now.
  4. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to Nienna in Aging   
    I'm almst 33. I also still pass for mid 20s usually and get carded often w=for cigs and booze. It's fine with me. I still feel great and want to go out alot. That said, my BF right now is only 5 years older and claims he has little interest in going out because he has gotten too old and "age is catching up to him". That's sad to me and I think it's just mind over matter really. He's decided he's old, so he is. I refusae to be, so I'm not. Besides, I have friends ranging from their teens up to their 80s right now and I relate to them all on a personal level that transcends age. Whay can't I relate to a scene in the same way?
  5. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to Joey Deadcat in Random pictures!   
  6. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to n0Mad in Who Here Is Single   
    What if you jump too early and the train runs you over?
  7. Upvote
    torn asunder got a reaction from Joey Deadcat in What Are You Thinking?   
  8. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to taysteewonderbunny in What Are You Thinking?   
    The heat is back!
  9. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to n0Mad in Where have the DGNers gone?   
    I'm still here El Guapo!

  10. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to Class-Punk in What Are You Thinking?   
    I'm going to end up deleting my FB this year, I really should have done it a long time ago. I'm staying away from social networking sites and sticking to forums as far as the internets goes.
  11. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to Destroit in Welcome Tyger - New Moderator Emissary   
    We'll be Gothsfromoverthepond,eh.net before we know it .
  12. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to n0Mad in Welcome *Siren*   
  13. Upvote
    torn asunder got a reaction from Joey Deadcat in What Are You Thinking?   
    is her name jeannie!?

  14. Upvote
    torn asunder got a reaction from phee in What Are You Thinking?   
    i'm thinking -

    "i'm still here, el guapo!" (or in this case, la bella!?)

  15. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to phee in DGN MANFAST Registration Thread   
    Just take a nap while you are driving... make sure that the road is straight and that you are going straight so there won't be any problems....
  16. Upvote
    torn asunder got a reaction from KatRN05 in Who Here Is Single   
  17. Upvote
    torn asunder got a reaction from TitsMcGee in Who Here Is Single   
    saw this today & loved it!

  18. Upvote
    torn asunder got a reaction from Enishi in How Are You Feeling?   
    great advice sometimes comes from the most unusual sources. this was in a mike tyson interview, and really struck a chord with me...

  19. Upvote
    torn asunder got a reaction from StormKnight in Who Here Is Single   
    saw this today & loved it!

  20. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to victoriavengeance in Fav pic of yourself   
    put it back upppp
  21. Upvote
    torn asunder reacted to Tyger in Fav pic of yourself   
    I agree! Put it up!
  22. Upvote
    torn asunder got a reaction from KatRN05 in Who Here Is Single   
    WRECKLESS ERIC - Whole Wide World Lyrics

    When I was a young boy
    My mama said to me
    There's only one girl in the world for you
    And she probably lives in Tahiti

    I'd go the whole wide world
    I'd go the whole wide world
    Just to find her

    Or maybe she's in the Bahamas
    Where the Carribean sea is blue
    Weeping in a tropical moonlit night
    Because nobody's told her 'bout you

    I'd go the whole wide world
    I'd go the whole wide world
    Just to find her
    I'd go the whole wide world
    I'd go the whole wide world
    Find out where they hide her

    Why am I hanging around in the rain out here
    Trying to pick up a girl
    Why are my eyes filling up with these lonely tears
    When there're girls all over the world

    Is she lying on a tropical beach somewhere
    Underneath the tropical sun
    Pining away in a heatwave there
    Hoping that I won't be long

    I should be lying on that sun-soaked beach with her
    Caressing her warm brown skin
    And then in a year or maybe not quite
    We'll be sharing the same next of kin

    I'd go the whole wide world
    I'd go the whole wide world
    Just to find her
    I'd go the whole wide world
    I'd go the whole wide world
    Find out where they hide her
  23. Upvote
    torn asunder got a reaction from bean in What Are You Thinking?   
    i'm thinking that this isn't really the case - it's not love and passion, but the unreasonable *expectation* that the "desire" will never change, that brings about heartache.

    expectation of a particular outcome/result is the ultimate cause of our suffering, imo. when one goes into something with no firm expectations, one is rarely disappointed. accepting that things are ever-changing, and learning to come to terms with that will always make life easier to live. taking things as they come, being thankful for the things in one's life while they're here, and accepting when it's time for things to change is the key, to me. life is impermanence...
  24. Upvote
    torn asunder got a reaction from phee in What Are You Thinking?   
    i'm thinking that this isn't really the case - it's not love and passion, but the unreasonable *expectation* that the "desire" will never change, that brings about heartache.

    expectation of a particular outcome/result is the ultimate cause of our suffering, imo. when one goes into something with no firm expectations, one is rarely disappointed. accepting that things are ever-changing, and learning to come to terms with that will always make life easier to live. taking things as they come, being thankful for the things in one's life while they're here, and accepting when it's time for things to change is the key, to me. life is impermanence...
  25. Upvote
    torn asunder got a reaction from Rev.Reverence in Who Here Is Single   
    totally don't understand, but... ok??
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