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Everything posted by Vampyro

  1. Indeed you were right... partially. Cthulhu came to my door just a moment ago to try to suck my soul, however what he got instead was a face full of shovel from your's truely. And then a thankyou e-mail straight from Hell by Lucifer. Seems Cthulhu was being a bully and I just did the devil a favor. Needless to say, not only do I just rule the earth, but Hell now too! I already got vacation tickets to the river of Styx, anyone wanna go?
  2. Fear not, for the mighty Bruce Campbell will be waiting with his boom stick, when these horrid creatures arise from the depts of the dead black, Bruce shall blast their zombie asses back to hell... And so all will rejoice lest Bruce fails... Then cometh Vampyro Sinistral, and he shall without a sweat, put the monsters back into the darkness, and look pretty groovy doing it too!
  3. Absolute Vodka, straight from the bottle... fuck all that sissy shit called ice.
  4. Completely naked at the moment... really cant figure out what the hell i wanna wear... i've not stuffed my ass in my leather pants in a while... i think i'll do just that
  5. Ermm.... I have a crush, it is someone on this board, not specifically this thread, none of you know who i have a crush on, and I plan on keeping it that way. The less details people know of me, the less rumors go around, and the less drama caused. So I'll say this now, no one on this site knows, and I aint going to tell a soul on here either. So if you hear otherwise, it's crap, and if you go along with it... you're a dumbass. Other than that... MUCH LOVE EVERYONE!!!!
  6. My girl says her so I guess i have a crush on her lmao! (she know's i love her!)
  7. well i just had molson xxx, but if i had my last $20 to my name and had to drink, i'd just buy as much Jonny Walker scotch as that'll buy and drink that stuff straight outta the bottle.
  8. Not going, I'll be out from under my rock after November ends. I have too much I need to get done if I want to improove my situation in life.
  9. I was around, got to meet some more of you all, wich i thought was cool, sorry for missing you gothmama, but happy birthday! But I actually had a good time this time. Had lots of fun afterward too. $Dave, Catseye, Darque Metallion, Rambo, and Homicidal Heathen, It's always fun hanging around with you all, I had a great time. Froyn, Msterbeau great meeting you guys. Not to try threadjacking but there is something else I'd like to share. The month of november is almost over, and come this tuesday, I'LL NO LONGER HAVE TO SLEEP IN MY CAR ANYMORE!!! YAYNESS!!! I've found a place that fit's my budget finally! So sometime in december I'm going to be throwing a housewarming party (no better way to christen a new place than to throw a party!) Though if I get the impression that alot of people will show up, I just might throw it at City Club as to not piss off my room mate/land lord. Lookin forward to the next City Club visit.
  10. It is November, and I've been trying to stay hidden underneath my rock until this month passes over, but I've been talked into going this saturday. After wich, I will go back to hiding underneath my rock until Dec 1st.
  11. I didn't go, but I've heard plenty of things that make me glad I didn't go this time... Right now I'm at trixies, looking at someone... and shaking my head trying to hold back some vomit....
  12. Isn't detroit already notorious in it's reputation as one of the worst cities when it comes to rape and murder world wide? Aside from that, I'm posting on dgn, fixing my myspace, and listening to Type O Negative
  13. Heh, thanks, I never was a good speller, but at least I try to make some sort of effort to write correctly enough for people to understand.
  14. Wow... That's a great Idea... those people are always annoying. On another note, I had the unfortunate experience growing up with an english teacher for a mom. And I've been lazy for a while but for the most part as long as the text is legible, I've no problem with it. I'm not going to be a hypocrate about items I find myself slacking on such as "cant" ect.
  15. bluejeans and a red and white fox racing jersey... don't shoot.... i'm in the middle of doing my laundry
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