Billions of dollars and thousands of lifes destroyed.
I personally think the oil is the reason were over there in the first place. The pending oil shortage that is on the horizon things are going to get sticky. The entire region is unstable has been for a very long time. Iran is its next door neighbor. They are developing nucs and they hate us. Something about keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
You put together this puzzle and in my humble opinion the only way to get out of this whole situation safely and with the grace of JFK is this.
1. Make Iraq an official state of are great nation.
2. Dump tons of resources into this state
a. Money and personall
b. rebuild
c. provide jobs
d. provide more education
3. where are we gonna get the money?
a. the oil
4. create a secure place that people want to live
It used to be Babaylon for christ sakes (no pun intended)
You pull out now with all the instability and we look like a bunch of asses. If thats what we are going to do we should have done it after we kicked there asses then we would have been cool. Now will just look like a bunch of pansies that don't know what the fuck were doing.
Are elected officials decided ya "lets go over and destroy the old russian tanks and outdated technology. Twice, we have fucked with this situation. Now we run the block. Make it a State. Set up shop I'm sure if a vote was held the majority of the people there would say yes.
Make it a beckon of the free world and a big fort in the desert.
And if anyone has anything to say about it screw em' were the USA.
I fear the future.