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Everything posted by RosyBlue

  1. He does have trouble saying no to things. He spends way to much money on fast food and sometimes other things. He gets cranky/mean if I try to tell him no. We're supposed to start counciling but we're on a long waiting list for it.
  2. Well he's been smoking since he was a teenager and I think he never learned to cope with life without it.
  3. I'm feeling pretty good actually. It's been a while since I actually felt happy.
  4. I'm thinking of what I should do on the weekend.
  5. I don't know what more has to happen for him to realize it. I don't want something bad to happen to the kids or him before he comes to his senses.
  6. How do you make someone realize they're an addict when they don't believe you? Is that just a normal part of addiction, not believing there's a problem? My husband spends $120 on weed every month (usually more) and our only income right now is unemployment and SSD. When he doesn't smoke he turns into a monster. Snapping at everyone, breaking things, getting frustrated with the kids, yelling at me over nothing, etc. I know he's out before he even tells me just by the way he's acting. If I let him he'd spend more on it. I don't mind him smoking, but we just can't afford it right now. And he refuses to admit he has a problem with it. I've always heard weed is not physically addictive, but it sure is mentally addictive in this case. How do I convince him of that?
  7. I had a lot fun. Danced more than usual.
  8. Wyandotte is where me and my boyfriend are looking to get a house eventually, so it sounds like that will be a good move. Hopefully it'll be close enough to the bars that I can walk there. Never been bar hopping before lol. Always wanted to do that.
  9. I should be going and bringing three people with me
  10. Pastel blue or white as they're sometimes called.
  11. I have a parrotlet. About the same size as a parakeet.
  12. A baby parrotlet. One of the world's smallest parrots (but with all the personality of a big parrot).

  13. It will be going much better once my boyfriend gets his expense check in the mail (probably tomorrow). I'll be able to get my new little baby birdie friend. How are you?

  14. Awesome. Oh and I love your icon. It's so cute
  15. Of course I don't mind! Where in Canada are you?
  16. So what is there to do downriver? I'm on Fort St. between West and Van Horn. Lol ok thanks. I'll have to make it out to one of your events some time soon.
  17. Ferrets are awesome. I used to have two. They're so crazy. But they're not much fun when they hide your keys on you.
  18. is impatiently waiting to get her little birdie friend

  19. I'd love to be friends too. I can't drive either though. So that kind of makes things difficult.
  20. I do worry about windows and open pots of food on the burner and such. You have a bird, Rev?
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