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  1. I dabble in these stupid dating sites just because they are kind of funny to me, but sometimes I will meet someone if they seem interesting or something, but lately I really don't care, and honestly I made this profile and I feel like an ass for doing it...should I just delete it...I am going to post it, am I being too brash? I think I realize if I continue to, well be myself, I will be single for the rest of my life and although I don't have time for a relationship right now...I do eventually want a life with someone again, (sigh) Anyway, here it is: "My name is Mandi and most of you can't handle me. No, I am not being narcissistic nor am I being shallow. Why? Because I am, extremely independent, strong, but uber sensitive..I am not afraid of emotions..crazy? Sure, why, the hell not? As a female I am automatically classified in that category. I also cannot stand the guessing game that people play with one another. Tell me from the start what your intentions are...don't lie...I don't care if it's just looking for a friend, I may not agree, but I have the right to know the truth so I can decide if I am down for the ride..I mean, why waste both of our times? Oh, and do not try and play me..and I know I am not the only one, either..so don't run that on me, please..If I meet you on a dating site..you can say all the sweet, romantic things you want to me via IM or text, but it's the same thing you probably said to all the girls you talk to... so I know I am not special...I may go along with your game and try and humor you for awhile because I think you are a jackass but I have both a college and a street education..I know the tricks....so here is the challenge: I been through alot and overcame it all alone, I am independent and very strong, I have bad luck with men most likely because I have some grief and loss issues with men in my life (I am being up front, deal with it) all I ask is that one guy in this world prove me wrong.....show me that you are not all generic. I had a guy tell me that all men will cheat if they see something more attractive no matter if they are married or in a relationship or not...because that's how they are wired...I didn't want to believe it but the older I get, the less hopeful I am in finding someone else that "get's this drift"....and yes...I just semi-quoted lyrics from an Alanis Morrisette song."
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