I'm living in kind of a poor area. My daughter plays with two neighbor kids who come over to my apartment from time to time. A few months ago they came over and told me they had lost their cable and could not afford the payments. They asked if they could look through my dvd collection and borrow a few of them. I said okay but told them I will not lead out Lord of The Ring's collection or Harry Potter. I also told them that they can get dvds from the library for free. They just looked at me funny when I said that. Anyway I let them borrow some dvds and they went on their way. A few days later they return the dvds and ask to borrow more. I said okay and so they did. Now it seems I have become their video store. Every few days they knock on the door, return the dvds and ask for new ones then leave. Last night at 9:30pm they boy who is 11 years old, knocked on my door and asked if he could use my internet to download games onto his laptop. I told him no and he went away. I am happy to help out someone in need but they are becoming a pest. They have shown up on weekends when I am trying to sleep knocking on the door asking to borrow dvds. I know I should just put a stop to it but I just don't and I don't know why.
( I don't believe this. Just as I am typing this they are knocking on my door. I'm not answering)