WORLD OF WARCRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best damn Pally tank ever is trying to form a new, experienced raid team, one of serious gamers, to hit the coming x pac hard.
Troy says he is down to co tank with me(id like to run a 3 tank comp(pally,DK,Warrior), id like 15-20 active raiders, 2 to 3 nights a week. 2 mandatory night, and a 3rd casual night that will not be required. if you miss the 2 required nights too often, I may have to cut you from team. I want medium to fast progression, I defiantly don't want a wipe fest. raid nights and exact times will be determined in future, I'm trying to avoid weekends. This will be an adult team, and we all have jobs and life stuff to do.
Approx 7pm start time