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  1. I apologize for my absence inbetween the years I've been on this website. I have had a lot happen. If you are curious, I did write about everything that happened to me in the "Mental Disorders Thread". Simply, I am alien and feral. Easiest way to explain. In the last time I've been here, I have had an amazing and also incredibly shitty life at the same time. But, that taught me about balance. I am now a mother to a miniature dachshund, our Mini Cooper. My boyfriend of six years loooooooves dachshunds, and since he is the bread winner, I gladly let him have his choice of dog. I'm an all animal woman. I also like my big doges. Big boofs. But I love the little sausage. He's our Mighty Weenie. Roger and I, /are/ engaged at this point. We have a house, a car, a life, a dog, friends, etc. We also happily came to terms with both being Asexual. Since we made the move years ago to be asexual/flux-sex repulsed. We PDA in public with kissing. We get into kiss fits... Body fluids just make us both vomit. Except blood. Lol. No kids for us... YAY! We are the adult kids. We cannot get married just yet. We both want to work on ourselves first. We aren't ready as people for a government document commitment. After getting published in popular High Fashion Magazines and various alternative ones, I've retired as a model. I gladly reached my goal of Vogue, and I feel completed in that section of my life. So it ended.... But! I now have a new goal. I am publishing a cookbook in my later years. I have been working through recipes and making my own. I also have an amazing art career And many gardens and plants of my own. Also, I get to hangout with Scott and even got to hug Raev this year as well. I'm happy to be back. I'm super busy now a days with real life. The internet is actually horrible, and real life is like a dream. I rather be in real life (social media has became a huge "turn-off" for me. Yet, here I am lol 😂 It's not Meta or Twit or turn tables, um.. Tiktok?... Yeah. I'm. Not over 30 at all). Yes, I'm weird, and I'm not here to turn anyone on. It's actually the complete opposite. *eyes move like lizard's, as tongue licks eyeball, slowly* My dude's 👇
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