So do you believe in the butterfly effect? Do you ever get that feeling that one, simple thing you did in life, like left for work at 7:15 rather than 7:20 can cause a significant change in the world, in you're life that had a huge impact on you're path, or purpose? Like, do you ever wonder if you would not have met a certain person and had a certain argument than end up like crashing your car the next day, I give this example because I ponder had I never got in a situation would things be different tonight, right now.. Would I be off work, would my coworker have cancer, do you believe, as Andy Andrews quote, "Every single thing you do matters. You have been created as one of a kind. You have within you the power to change the world"
I mean, it is a hell of a lot to swallow, right? I guess that's why we call it Chaos Theory.
Do you wonder what if you missed the greatest opportunity in life because you choose to wear the black shirt on Sunday or because you hit the snooze button too many times.
Is it weird that I been contemplating this since before I was able to cross the street alone?
I mean I didn't even know it was a thing that existed I just attributed to me being a little weirdo. Lol