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The meds aren't working

Fierce Critter

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I don't think the Effexxor is having any affect on me whatsoever.

I've been bumped up from the 37.5 intro doseage to 75 mg. Most people go up to 150.

I thought I was responding, but I think that was wishful thinking. In all honesty, I still feel like a man whose legs don't work, even though he keeps mentally screaming at them, "MOVE!"

I keep screaming "MOVE" at myself, but the motivation just isn't coming back.

I have a follow-up with my doctor this week. I have been seeing a commercial for an Effexxor-like medication on the market. I'm going to suggest switching me to that instead. Or if you're reading this and have a suggestion for another med, please let me know.

We didn't think I need anything as strong as Prozac or any of the more habit-forming meds. I still don't think so. But I still can't seem to "fix" myself.

Jon and I talked about this the other day. It's so frustrating. I'm so used to seeing a problem, and tackling it tenaciously until it's solved. I'm not used to not being able to figure out how to fix, well, anything. To know I have a problem yet not be able to fix it is frustrating as all hell. =(

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Guest Megalicious

=( I'm sorry FC! My doctor has me on Prozac and I find it just fine. I am on 10 mg a day and it has made such an improvement. However I know you said you dont want to go the prozac route.

Perhaps Cymbalta?

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That's exactly the med I was thinking of, Meg. Thanks - I'll check that link out now.

I'll go the Prozac route if need be. I won't turn it down if other things don't work.

And I might see if my doctor has advice on how to get some counseling, too. Finances were the issue before, and that hasn't changed. And hours and hours of researching phone numbers and making calls to low-income assistance plans were fruitless before. But maybe she might have an idea.

There have been other life issues afoot in the past few months that have caused me to be pretty low on the energy meter. I'm thinking that could be a hinderance towards recovery from this blasted inertia, but maybe a counselor can better objectively view things and help me figure that out, instead of me playing personal expert.

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The only thing that sucks about effexor is you have to step down from it cause it feels like an addiction if you miss a pill, just remember hun that we do live in a medicated society and alot of times you don't even need them. don't let them sell you something you don't need is all I'm saying

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just remember hun that we do live in a medicated society and alot of times you don't even need them.  don't let them sell you something you don't need is all I'm saying


If you knew me well, you'd know that's not possible with me. :wink

Believe me. If I could find a way to snap out of this without meds, I'd do so in a second.

Every med I'm on (hay fever, thyroid) I have only resorted to after every other option was exhausted. And I am continuously trying new ways of combating issues when possible.

As for stepping down from Effexxor, the few times I've been late taking it I've gotten a pressure headache to remind me. As for it feeling like "an addiction", it's not supposed to be "that kind" of drug, which is one reason I tried it first. That, and my husband has had such incredible results from it.

He had obvious physical effects upon starting it, however. Whereas I felt nothing, absolutely nothing. I was concerned about that, but got varied responses from people who have been on depression meds themselves. So I have just been "giving it time" for now.

3 months is time enough. Time to make a change, 'cause this ain't doing anything for me. Even self-counseling isn't helping.

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My doctor put me on Lexapro. After a week of being a giggling zombie I took myself off it. I've also had bad reactions to Celexa, Welbutrin, and Prozac. I've vowed to just live with being sad. It's easier than the drug game. Good luck to you.

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I don't think the Effexxor is having any affect on me whatsoever.

I've been bumped up from the 37.5 intro doseage to 75 mg. Most people go up to 150.

I thought I was responding, but I think that was wishful thinking. In all honesty, I still feel like a man whose legs don't work, even though he keeps mentally screaming at them, "MOVE!"

I keep screaming "MOVE" at myself, but the motivation just isn't coming back.

I have a follow-up with my doctor this week. I have been seeing a commercial for an Effexxor-like medication on the market. I'm going to suggest switching me to that instead. Or if you're reading this and have a suggestion for another med, please let me know.

We didn't think I need anything as strong as Prozac or any of the more habit-forming meds. I still don't think so. But I still can't seem to "fix" myself.

Jon and I talked about this the other day. It's so frustrating. I'm so used to seeing a problem, and tackling it tenaciously until it's solved. I'm not used to not being able to figure out how to fix, well, anything. To know I have a problem yet not be able to fix it is frustrating as all hell. =(


I dont know if you have ever taken prozac and i do not know all the in and outs of it but for me it did the trick with the generic at a small dose of 10 mg instead of the full 20 mg dose. I took it for about 2 years with no problems. The doctor even let me decided if i should skip days or if should bump up to a full 20mg on certian days, If i was feeling extra bad or extra good etc.... Then i had to stop abruptly due to lack of insurance and cash. I did not have any problems from stopping with out stepping down the dose or frequency etc.... The effect of "happiness" lasted about 3 years after my last pill. Its was not bad at all for me like every one makes it out to be. BUt then agian i am an odd ball so.....

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That's food for thought, Harmony. Thanks for sharing.

The thing with me and Prozac is, I'm already really frustrated at the knowledge that I just can't "fix" this myself, and that I'm pretty much at the point where it's medication, or misery. My mind wants to soften the blow somewhat by saying, "well, maybe you need meds, but at least you don't need PROZAC!!" You know what I mean?

And one thing too, I'm not having ups and downs. I'm having absolute nothing. I'm basically stuck in a holding pattern that won't break for anything, not pleasure, not pain. I feel emotion, but I just can't find the energy or interest in doing much. Even things like video games. I have a stack of new ones sitting by that I can't bring myself to play because if they're action, it's too much work with my hands and eyes. If they're thinkers like Myst, it's TOO much thinking. The only video games I can play right now are breakout/arkanoid style. Bounce, hit. Bounce, hit. Ahhh. That I can handle.

It's also why I'm not going to the club. I have threatened to lately, but Saturday comes, and I find it oh so much easier just to go to bed.

Can't wait to see the doctor tomorrow. I am so fed up with this I could puke.

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Guest Megalicious

Can't wait to see the doctor tomorrow. I am so fed up with this I could puke.


Good luck FC, I hope it brings somekind of alternative for you that you are happy with =) I know it can be so damn frustrating .. but don't worry, once you find the right kind of Med for you (or something else that works besides meds) it will be so very worth it. I will send good vibes to you tommrow =) :wink ( I know its so damn hippie of me to say lol)

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That's food for thought, Harmony. Thanks for sharing.

The thing with me and Prozac is, I'm already really frustrated at the knowledge that I just can't "fix" this myself, and that I'm pretty much at the point where it's medication, or misery. My mind wants to soften the blow somewhat by saying, "well, maybe you need meds, but at least you don't need PROZAC!!" You know what I mean?

And one thing too, I'm not having ups and downs. I'm having absolute nothing. I'm basically stuck in a holding pattern that won't break for anything, not pleasure, not pain. I feel emotion, but I just can't find the energy or interest in doing much. Even things like video games. I have a stack of new ones sitting by that I can't bring myself to play because if they're action, it's too much work with my hands and eyes. If they're thinkers like Myst, it's TOO much thinking. The only video games I can play right now are breakout/arkanoid style. Bounce, hit. Bounce, hit. Ahhh. That I can handle.

It's also why I'm not going to the club. I have threatened to lately, but Saturday comes, and I find it oh so much easier just to go to bed.

Can't wait to see the doctor tomorrow. I am so fed up with this I could puke.


I actually got lucky, i started out by getting it for Horriable periods and at the same time sarafem (same ingredents as prozac but made pink and called a new name to avoid the stigma) had come out for PMDD. It happened to work out insurance would pay for generic prozac but nothing else. After my intial reason for use i noticed how it effected the other areas of my life wich was nice. It may not even be an option you have to explore. If it is however, dont feel down about it and those on it are more common then any one may think they just dotn talk about it much ya know, cause no one wants to think of themselves as that bad off.

Good luck with Dr appt. I pray you leave feeling hopefull, bursting with energy, motivated and full of concertration. :clover :clover :clover

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My mom takes effexor... and I've tried to talk her off of it several times, but it's working for her.

I took it for a while... and it basically made everything really bright and shiny. My pupils would dilate for hours after taking it. It was kind of like being on speed, but not as fun. I was not a fan.

It made me sillier than usual, it gave me headaches, and it dehydrated me.

I prefer to be non-medicated. I'm manic though, not depressive. For me, to get better has involved a lot of life changes. I still have really bad days where I don't feel like doing anything... but I still get out of bed. And I still have days where I just want to run and run and run and break things... but I focus it into working and it makes things okay.

Good luck with your particular issues, Critter. It may take some bouncing before you get where you need to be, but hopefully you'll get there in one piece. =)

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