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Sudan Refugees...

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Guest Megalicious

I was listening to NPR, and I hear a piece on Sudan Refugees. This woman was saying how other countries should take them in because it is "Their Moral obligation" because of the genicide that is going on in their country.

With all this debate about immigration, I could help but think "if the people of mexico (or canada for that matter) killed off by the millions ... if it was mass Genicide" would people have a different view of tthe immigrations laws?

Do you think we as a country should feel Moraly oblige to take in these refugees if something like this was to happen to a boarding country?

Just a thought I figured I would share.

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That would change everything. Fleeing a corrupt government that keeps you poor is not the same thing as fleeing a murdering government that wants to put you in a mass grave.

and really.. How does this woman soppose we take them in? The waring factions kill everyone that leaves the "safe" camps. They also wont let anyone outside the African Union try to enforce a peace.

Hell, the UN sent 6 inspectors last week and every Jihadist group in the world called for thier heads...

I keep hearing people talking about "Why doesn't the USA help the people in Dafur?"

Because we cant. The AU told everyone from the get go to stay the fuck out.. The Un has tried and tried to get UN troops in there toi help

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