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So like.. all this talk about Adam and Eve... evolution and creationism... and though I talk about a great many ideas.. I never really say what I beleive. So... I am in hte process of writing that up and will have it posted shortly...

and then your all going to think I am Crazy.

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A little over 3 Million years ago our Solar system looked a bit different. Instead a of large Asteroid belt, we had a large rocky planet with one large moon and a few smaller ones.

Something happened. According to the Exploded Planet Theory, this planet exploded for an unknown reason. It’s largest moon spun off and found stable orbit at about 1.5au. We currently call this moon Mars. There is much scientific evidence to support this theory. It also explains many of the things that we have found on Mars. Such as.. Around 3million years ago Mars’s Axis changed by 90 degrees… like it had been hit with something HUGE. One side of Mars is pristine and has few craters while the other side looks like an interstellar war happened there. It also works out to be the side that would have had to have been hit to put Mars on its current Axis. Mars also had a thicker atmosphere that went away at about the same time. Water, Mars shows signs of having Liquid water for a time. It didn’t flow. No river beds or anything. Just big lakes and seas that dried up. Like Huge amounts of water fell out of the sky and then evaporated off over time.

Your asking yourself… How would a planet explode? Easy. According to current planetary models it would only take a large amount of uranium and plutonium at the core. The pressure and heat would be immense. Crushing the Uranium and Plutonium from all sides… If something… like a huge Solar wind were to raise the core temp beyond a certain threshold… BOOM.

How does this affect life on Earth? Many possibilities. One is in the form of a blast of radiation from the exploding planet. This would cause genetic mutation of some degree and change ensuing generations of life. The most wacked idea is that the planet had life on it... Life that had evolved into sentient beings. This race of people had colonized their moon (mars) and the survivors migrated to Earth to survive. They mingled with or altered the existing hominids that later evolved into us.

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Yes, I beleive in the Big Bang.

if planets did infact form by the condensing of interstellar gas, as is most widely beleived, the determining factor for a planet's make up is Mass.

Most of the gas would collect in the main gravity well.. and become a star... the rest would condense at certain distances that we can predict with a mathmatical formula called Bodes law.

OK, say we are looking at a distant star and detect a gravitational "bump" on the star. That means it has a planet orbiting it. If we calculate the mass of the star, Bodes law tells us approximate orbits for planatary masses. We then measure the buldge to determine the mass of the planet... then we can look at the predicted orbits for something of the predicted mass.

A highly massive planet will form as a gas giant... a smaller mass will form a rocky planet. Inner planets will almost always be rocky... as the star at the center of the gravity well will have sucked off a good deal of the mass.

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in a way, that might sort of fit in with the vimana-type stories that say there have been flying machines on the planet ages ago. if we had been martian-based, the only way to "colonize" this planet would be thru interstallar travel. that could even explain things like atlantis, etc, although i'm not sure of the timeline for those things...

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The poke in the eye comes from Physics. See, according to physics... nothing exists unless somethingis observing it. For the Big Bang to have happened there had to be a Super partical that lost balance and exploded.

Who was there to watch it except God?

what about zero-point/quantum fluctuations? couldn't they account for a thing like the big bang without the need for a conscious (let alone self-conscious) entinty being involved?

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what about zero-point/quantum fluctuations? couldn't they account for a thing like the big bang without the need for a conscious (let alone self-conscious) entinty being involved?


Well.. now we are delving in quatum physics. Event here though.. nothing is without something else. Something has to interact with something else or neither exists.

lets just create a model...

Say we have our Super partical. It's the only thing that exists. The only thing. Nothing else.

it just is..

forever and never in a quantum state of probability.

Probability waves flow across it

One of the Probabilitys is of "Another"

This "Other" observes the Super partical

This observation forces the Super partical to "Be" one thing

Being one thing is far more Unstable than being Everything


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sorry - didn't make the correlation...

so, according to that, god is a probability wave!?

edited to add, and then at that point, there would have been a "particle" around before god was? that would mean god wasn't the "beginning"...

not trying to be difficult, just trying to understand and come to terms with your thoughts... =)

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Are you confusing the heisenberg uncertainty principle in here somewhere, or is there some widely inaccurate and mis-interpretable rule of physics that I've forgotten? I don't ever remember hearing that "nothing exists unless it is observed/observable."

As for the aliens mixing with humans on or populating earth, it's not that far-out... but what would make you prefer that theory to the currently most-accepted ones involving self-contained origins?

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