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Most General Clubs suck

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Well if you want to go to a club where people aren't there for one night stands and is not a meat market, you might want to try City Club.  You also will not find any conformity there, everyone there wears a completely different shade of black.


And with white socks

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I had a period in the mid 90's when I ended up going to Wooly Bully's in St. Clair Shores for a year or so. The guitarist in my band was the Saturday night DJ there, so I ended up friends with his friends, and going there by default. I can't say I didn't like it.

I didn't care for the customers for the most part. The first day the band members took me there, I was in full punk regalia, leather jacket and shitkicker boots and all. I didn't let the staring people bother me, though.

After a while, I started dressing more "the part". I wish I had pictures of myself during that time. I lost a lot of weight and looked really good in my knee-high fringed suede boots, tight jeans, and self-painted white denim Journey jean jacket. :grin (someday, I WILL wear that outfit to City Club. Lemme lose a few pounds, and I promise I'll do it.)

The thing is, though, I can dance the part. I am really, really good at dancing to 60's and some 50's and 70's music. The DJ set-up there consists of a sawed-off Cadillac front-end, and the DJ spins from basically the front seat part, and on either side of him are two catwalk-type cages with plenty of room for dancing. And mostly 'cause the main floor was just too damned crowded and I liked being up by the DJ booth where the people I did know hung out, I danced in those cages. I used to have two main "theme" numbers - Journey's "Any Way You Want It" and "Cool Jerk" (original version, not the Go-Go's version). I could put on quite a show. :grin

I am much better dancing that style than I am goth.

But I never really felt comfortable there. It took me, literally, I kid you not, 3 hours sometimes to find a way to dress "normal" for going there. With goth/punk clothes, I'm ready in 20 minutes 'cause it's what I'm most comfortable in. It's what I know the best.

I'm just really comfortable at CC the most, and my husband, too. The thing is, however, we NEVER experienced the "meat market" aspect of it until we actually made friends there. That's when so-called "friends" started hitting on me and my husband. Before that, and especially when I was going by myself, people would compliment me on my outfits, ask me to dance, ask for my phone number and stuff, but in general, I was respected and didn't deal with a lot of rudeness.

I think it's kinda sad and telling that it's mostly friends/acquaintances who turn it into a meat market. Really - look at who's doing it.

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By the way, before I started hanging out at CC, I spent most of my time at St. Andrews and the Shelter.

Back when I was going, however, it was very different. 3 Floors of Fun actually was cool. The Shelter played alternative like Lush, Chapterhouse, Chili Peppers. The main floor played recognizeable house & hip-hop without any gangster rap (House of Pain, etc.), and the upstairs was always an interesting band.

I understand it's very, VERY different now.

Most of the other places I went were live band venues. Lili's, Hamtramck Pub, Paychecks, Alvin's, the Blind Pig in A2. Lili's and the Pub are, unfortunately, closed. I haven't been anywhere but CC since returning from NC, so I couldn't say as to the quality of anyplace else I used to go.

Most of these places were very accepting of goths/punks/whathaveyou, and you didn't generally get stared down.

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I've found that the difference between the clubs is music, clothing, and general appearance of the building. People are so universal that you could get the "meat-market" thing anywhere. Attitudes are generally the same concept only instead of the CC patrons saying how they don't like the way wiggers, for example, look the other groups talk about how they don't like the way (insert group here) dress. Everyone talks about work, school, sex, relationships, music, dancing, etc. not too much of a change. Dancing styles vary, but can overlap (ha- I could just see a goth line dance). You still get a bunch of people that act all crazy and get too drunk, people that don't drink at all.....

Really, not much of a difference.

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I don't like anything.

I am just a bitter man, and I admit it.

Saint Andrews 3 floors of fun back in the 90's was ok but I didn't like all the indie-hipsters.

Sports bars are ok but the generic muscle guys and ex-cheerleaders got annoying....though I suppose I have no right to call people generic.

Goth clubs - best music, best atmosphere I suppose - but being groped and having both men and women proposition my girlfriend right in front of me is not fun. And that's just the DGN corner.

I havn't been to Luna much but I've been told it's for yuppies and they play U2 and the Smiths....which is fine but not what I'm into.

I want a club like City Club with more normal people (no offense to the goths, it's just that I don't wear makeup or a cape and we all like to hang with likeminded people, don't we?) and less industrial music, more synthpop, no sluttiness (just my preference and this is MY post). And air conditioning and heat.

I guess my favorite nights out were either City Club or 5th avenue in Royal Oak on the top floor where I met some really cool people.

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I don't like anything. 

I am just a bitter man, and I admit it.

Saint Andrews 3 floors of fun back in the 90's was ok but I didn't like all the indie-hipsters.

Sports bars are ok but the generic muscle guys and ex-cheerleaders got annoying....though I suppose I have no right to call people generic. 

Goth clubs - best music, best atmosphere I suppose - but being groped and having both men and women proposition my girlfriend right in front of me is not fun.  And that's just the DGN corner. 

I havn't been to Luna much but I've been told it's for yuppies and they play U2 and the Smiths....which is fine but not what I'm into.   

I want a club like City Club with more normal people (no offense to the goths, it's just that I don't wear makeup or a cape and we all like to hang with likeminded people, don't we?) and less industrial music, more synthpop, no sluttiness (just my preference and this is MY post).      And air conditioning and heat. 

I guess my favorite nights out were either City Club or 5th avenue in Royal Oak on the top floor where I met some really cool people.


Did you see my post on human cloning? Maybe you should look into that. It sounds like you'd love to be surrounded by... well, yourself. =)

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You know, once upon a time I enjoyed going out to spanish clubs with my mom. I didnt understand the language or anything, but it was fun hanging around my mom. But I always felt I didnt belong. Same thing when I went to the few other clubs Ive to. All in all, Ive gone to the Cactus Lounge, Blue Diamond, Club International, Club 112, Mephistos, and of course, City Club. Not many, but I didnt enjoy the regular clubs as I enjoyed city club. Mephistos is cool, but I have only been there once. And I've heard of Luna but dont know how to get there and I dont know if there is an age limit. (I turn 21 in August!!)

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City Club's pretty bad - all ebm and industrial music; bunch of ebm kids, gravers, black metallers and techno people who all  erroneously  believe themselves to be "goth"(funny, considering there are rarely any actual goths or deathrockers at CC).

I stick to the bars like 2500, Lager House, or Garden Bowl.


I bet if you really asked them they would admit to being "industrial, ebm or gravers" but to anyone who doesn't know the difference it's easier group them all into "goth". I know I do it and I cannot stand true "goth" music. It just saves time explaining it to most "normal" people with all the subcultures being very similar and all. Most people have heard of "Goth", but who outside of the scene have ever heard of EBM, Industrial or Future pop. It's either lump them in with Goth, or Techno. A lesser of two evils thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What I hate most of all are these bars in Pontiac; Tiki Bobs, Tonic, Heat, Clutch Cargo's, and Visions. These bars are so mainstream and trendy it is pathetic. It saddens me that clutch cargo's used to be the Sanctum- damn trendy people.

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Personally I think it all depends on who you have with you whether or not a club sucks. it's who you are with that determines if your going to have a good time or not. hell, i went to tonic in pontiac one night on college booty night with my husband and our ex-girlfriend (her and i looking like little japanimation goth girls) and we had a blast! a bar that i normally would have a terrible time i actually enjoyed because of the people i was with. shrugging.


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