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Oh My God I Can't Breathe

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i know it hurts but plzz keep in mind that this was not the right guy, if it was ment for you two then it would have happened.

Prince charming will be just around the corner, and when he appears you will no doubt want to kick yourself for being so upset abuot this other guy......

thats what happen with me, so i have faith it too will happen with you.



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I know this is really easy for me to say, but sometimes it takes an outside point of view to give a different perspective.

Based on what you have shared about him, I feel very VERY sorry for her.

Personally, even knowing NOTHING about the man except that he is not supporting his child, I would have ran the other way as fast as possible. I'm trying to be polite about this, but I have a few ugly names I could call a man like that (or shoud I say boy, since it seems to me he doesn't deserve to be called a man).

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When I told my mom she said pretty much the same thing. I asked her if I should tell his *gulp* fiancee that he has still been sleeping with me and my mom told me to just sit back, feel bad for her and let her find out on her own. Oh my God I'm in total shock. I think I'm going to drop the baby off at my mom's and have another meltdown tonight.

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I'll bet the knowledge (which I'm sure you have) that it's for the best doesn't help much.

But it may be an opportunity to bust him on the child support; he's about to generate a public record. I don't know, maybe thinking about it from a child support strategy perspective, from a distance of whether/how you can get your child something out of this, might help.

I know setting my strategy-brain on the project can sometimes quiet my emotion-brain somewhat, but I'm really weird so YMMV. Worth a shot anyway.

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i agree with all that has been said.

he is NOT right for you. and that poor girl is the one that is going to suffer now. be glad it is not you!! you deserve more and you will get more. you just have to seek it out.

and go after him for that child support! your child deserves something out of this. seems his father is not going to grow up and take care of him in any other way. so go after him for that money!

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I'll bet the knowledge (which I'm sure you have) that it's for the best doesn't help much. 

But it may be an opportunity to bust him on the child support; he's about to generate a public record. I don't know, maybe thinking about it from a child support strategy perspective, from a distance of whether/how you can get your child something out of this, might help. 

I know setting my strategy-brain on the project can sometimes quiet my emotion-brain somewhat, but I'm really weird so YMMV.  Worth a shot anyway.


OH hell yes! He is about to mess up big time. I never thought of that. I have personal experience with this and know how hard it is to get them to collect (my kids are still waiting - I've given up for the moment and just work my ass off to support us all) but he is going to have to provide some info and you need to tell your local FOC office about these new developments.

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When I told my mom she said pretty much the same thing.  I asked her if I should tell his *gulp* fiancee that he has still been sleeping with me and my mom told me to just sit back, feel bad for her and let her find out on her own.  Oh my God I'm in total shock.  I think I'm going to drop the baby off at my mom's and have another meltdown tonight.


Karma is a bitch and she will find out. I take it back, I don't feel THAT sorry for her because she's just blinding herself to what an asshole she's with. (been there myself and suffered the consequences, learned a valuable lesson).

Oh man do I wish I lived closer to you. I bet if we got a group of DGN sexxy deth chicks together we could allll forget our troubles for awhile. We could have one hell of a hen party, heh heh.

Come to think of it.... we need to plan a DGN thrift-store hunt/get together sometime. Sometime on the weekend. Oh hell, we should do it once a month. wouldn't that be fun? (I may make a new thread later, got to get myself back to work at my boring job).


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When I told my mom she said pretty much the same thing.  I asked her if I should tell his *gulp* fiancee that he has still been sleeping with me and my mom told me to just sit back, feel bad for her and let her find out on her own.  Oh my God I'm in total shock.  I think I'm going to drop the baby off at my mom's and have another meltdown tonight.


Holy crap!!! man, thats a slap in the face. Shit, sounds like you might need to throw back a few.

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You're too good for him. Deep down inside, you know this. You don't need a waste of skin like that. Okay, okay....you need him to pay his child support. That is his responsibility. "Big Daddy" is nothing but a tiny little boy, and his poor, stupid, unsuspecting "fiancee" is too blind to see what an ass she's marrying. She thinks that she's won. In all reality, she has lost. And you, my dear, are better for it.

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"Now I can't breathe either... God men are all dogs you know??"

We are not all dogs; I just think women seem to have the propensity to be attracted to the worst of us.


My last girlfriend and I ended up breaking it off over her X. Seems that she preferred the guy that broke into her house and sold off her stuff for video games and drugs and then went into the army to someone who was trying to help her take care of her kids. They ended up getting married 3 months after we ended our relationship and I felt so shaken up over it. I had so many thoughts of worthlessness and being unwanted but mostly it was anger. Anger at letting it fail, anger at letting myself be used like that, and anger over feeling love for someone who so obviously didn’t know what it was. I know our situations are very different but I got through that by getting some distance and reminding my self of how much she is missing out on. Mine lost a man that would have loved and cared for her and her family, yours walked away from that and it was plain stupid on his part. You and your son deserve someone who will want to be with you and love you both. You’re young and beautiful and I'm sure in time you'll find someone to take away that pain. Good luck to you both.


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Karma is a bitch and she will find out.
So true, especially in this situation. The worst punishment for stealing a guy like that is having him.

You know, they say that the price of getting what you want is having what you once wanted.

She is going to learn that, I think.

I really, though, don't blame her as much as him. Guys like that love to play women off against each other when they're the real guilty parties, and probably lying to everyone anyway.

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