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I want to get pierced

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I know I've posted about this before but I REALLY REALLY want my septum pierced in the worst kind of way. The only thing that's stopping me is the pain factor. Pain + Nose = bad!

I might just do it though.. I have enough sedatives to get me throught it I think :blink

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I have a nostril piercing and I can honestly say it hurt like HELL.

My tongue on the other hand, no pain, just sore afterwards ... but I'm sure you know that one.


I had my nostril done last year that was the worst fucking pain I've ever had. I'd rather give birth to 10 babies a year for the rest of my life before I ever do that again.

Now the septum on the other hand might not be all that bad.. I hope :tear

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I have a high pain tolerance, so I don't know how it will be for you. It was one of my leat painful piercings though, and it goes quickly because the skin in that area is thin (they don't go through the cartilage unless you want them too).

It was really sore for about a week after and if I accidentally touched my nose my eyes would water from the pain, but after that it was fine. The lenghth of time will depend on how quickly you heal - I heal rather fast. The only problem is that you have to try and keep ut straight while it is healing or it will heal crooked (mine is a bit off). It may be easier to have it pierced with a retainer and when it heals, go back and have a ring put in.

I think you would look awesome with a septum ring!

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I say go for it! It can't possably be any worse than the nipples. Mine hurt for almost a year! I would really like to get my labrae done but my job wouldn't stand for it.


I have my labret pierced and look at the type of work I do! I wear a retainer at work so it's not that noticable.

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I've had my septum pierced for years now. I remember that it hurt (burning sensation) and I could feel it going through the layers of cart and skin individually, but it was completely work it. It's a quick pain and it didn't last long. I thought the pain would be really bad, but it wasn't bad at all. A bit discomforting but that is all. Stubbed toes hurt worse. You'd be surprised at how much you think its going to hurt and it doesnt. I say go for it. The minute of pain is worth the lifetime of adornment.

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I have a high pain tolerance, so I don't know how it will be for you.  It was one of my leat painful piercings though, and it goes quickly because the skin in that area is thin (they don't go through the cartilage unless you want them too).

It was really sore for about a week after and if I accidentally touched my nose my eyes would water from the pain, but after that it was fine.  The lenghth of time will depend on how quickly you heal - I heal rather fast.  The only problem is that you have to try and keep ut straight while it is healing or it will heal crooked (mine is a bit off).  It may be easier to have it pierced with a retainer and when it heals, go back and have a ring put in.

I think you would look awesome with a septum ring!


people who heal fast facinate me. i heal slow and i drink alot and i don't make friends with salad. i out last every one and that takes alot away from healing. i got this genetic skin thing and small stuff can scar for a long time. i go through alot. being hardcore an all so i got grey hair an i heal slow.

i bet you don't drink regularly and never smoke and get regular exercise and don't ever involve your self in competative eating. probably have a healthy sex life and a set pattern for regular sleep intervals. so i guess that makes you a good role model for me an any one else. i just figure i gotta be tough and slick enough to not get hurt in the first place.

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people who heal fast facinate me.  i heal slow and i drink alot and i don't make friends with salad.  i out last every one and that takes alot away from healing.  i got this genetic skin thing and small stuff can scar for a long time.  i go through alot. being hardcore an all so i got grey hair an i heal slow. 

i bet you don't drink regularly and never smoke and get regular exercise and don't ever involve your self in competative eating.  probably have a healthy sex life and a set pattern for regular sleep intervals.  so i guess that makes you a good role model for me an any one else.  i just figure i gotta be tough and slick enough to not get hurt in the first place.


I'm thinking you must not know our beloved Bean ........ :confused :confused :confused

But on the peircing yeah go for it....just do it!!!!!!!!!!

When i got my Nipples done they hurt a little bit and they felt like they were sticking out about a mile and i bumped them into everything........but i found the pain quite stimulating and tinglely.... :spank:Poke:whip

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people who heal fast facinate me.  i heal slow and i drink alot and i don't make friends with salad.  i out last every one and that takes alot away from healing.  i got this genetic skin thing and small stuff can scar for a long time.  i go through alot. being hardcore an all so i got grey hair an i heal slow. 

i bet you don't drink regularly and never smoke and get regular exercise and don't ever involve your self in competative eating.  probably have a healthy sex life and a set pattern for regular sleep intervals.  so i guess that makes you a good role model for me an any one else.  i just figure i gotta be tough and slick enough to not get hurt in the first place.


Please don't take offense, but your post made me laugh really hard because it is so far away from the truth! Up until the past month or so, I drank like a fish (I can still out drink most people), up until recently, I smoked about a pack a day. Regular exercise?? ha-fucking-ha! My sleep patterns are fucked up..I go days without sleep at times, then sleep for 20 hours a day at other times. I scar really easily. The fast healing is simply a result of good genes I suppose.

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