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Who are the best comic book villans?

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I think the best is Black Adam from the Shazam comics. However he isn't really a villain. He toes the line between good and evil.


Grendel (Grendel)

The Thinker (Flash)

Sinestro (Green lantern)

Zoom (Flash)

Doomsday (Superman)

Galactus (Silver Surfer/Fantastic Four)

Warlock Prime (Various Marvel Comics)

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I think the best is Black Adam from the Shazam comics.  However he isn't really a villain.  He toes the line between good and evil. 


Grendel  (Grendel)

The Thinker (Flash)

Sinestro  (Green lantern)

Zoom (Flash)

Doomsday (Superman)

Galactus (Silver Surfer/Fantastic Four)

Warlock Prime (Various Marvel Comics)

Galactus is the shiznik

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The sentinels from X-Men. When they'd appear, I'd feel chills just like I was a mutant they were after.

And, though not your typical "villain", Lucifer from Sandman.

I have to admit to the fault of not knowing most of these villains from the actual comics, but from TV and movie adaptations.

That said, CatWoman is my #1.

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Since when is Galacticus evil? He's a Cosmic Force... Nuetral to the core.

My Favs...

Dr. Victor VanDoom (FF4)

Nightmare (Ghost Rider)

Mephisto (GhostRider and others)


well he banished Silver Surfer to Earth when he refused to eat the Earth at the request of the Final 4.

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He did that because... well... His job is to Destroy all life in the Universe and carry it over to the next Universe... Earth is on the list along with every other planet. He does end up "eating" Earth though... Last.


I am not familair with this, can you expand?

To be honest, I've only read a few Silver Surfer and don't know as much as you about Marvel.

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we are venom!

survival of the fitest en sabah nur lord of the apaccalypse

lobo when he fought santa with shivs

having been a big fan of sabertooth has payed off big time in my thai kwon do class. though i don't condone torcher or hurting women for entertainmeant. at least he's not canadian! follow me on this in the movie it should have been chris benoit V.S sid vicious/justice

yeah the joker from the cartoon i wathced every episode so i might get to laugh with the joker. when he grabbed that summer sausage in the movie and bust batmans head open i was laughing harder then him. i love that guy he's great.also the voice for the joker in the cartoon was brendon fraiser(the mummy)i found that out like a month ago

i don't like carnage cause i don't like cletus cassidy he's like some sniveling child molester normally scared of anything he can't dominate wich is not much without alien powers.

i like the king pin cause he allways wins in some way or another and look at how much more he's accomplished in his life then all the villians with super powers. he's in charge of almost all crime and has been for some time sitting at the top in the biggest building in new york. what would that city be without him and the order he brings at least he's a new yorker and not some foreigner he is new york.

kinda reminds me of myself in a few ways. I'm CaptianDeath because every one is on my team weather they know it or not. and the king pin allways wins in some way in every possable outcome.

when i was younger i allways had a crush on jubilee ahh the 90's

galactis was a villian cause the super HEROES fought him to save the planet that qualifies him.

hydra was a cool occult powered ninja secret society they produced all there own evil villians.

for over power it was appacalypse sentinals doctor doom and the punisher in reserve to catch em slipping.

i just watched the tick yesterday

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     kinda reminds me of myself in a few ways.  I'm CaptianDeath because every one is on my team weather they know it or not.  and the king pin allways wins in some way in every possable outcome.


I would like to declare you my nemesis. Is that ok with you?

By the way, that was an awesome post.

But you failed to mention Sinestro. Don't you think he is pretty cool too?

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