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[06/24, Sat] Juggalo Picnic at Belle Isle

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OK my boy Morbid asked us to plaster this all over everywhere so here it is:

Juggalo Picnic at Belle Isle NEWS.... June 22/2006

What??? Another Juggalo Picnic in Detroit... yup This time its for

real... going to be off the hook

Me, Havok and Jen (thanks ) , are hosting the juggalo picnic ONCE AGAIN

on june 24th at Belle Isle in Detroit Michigan... its popping off about

2pm at the usual spot.. its near the bathrooms and with a kids play

land area... just look for a sigh that says.. HERE!!!!! and you found the


bring food to pass, food to keep, just bring food... also you need to

bring your own silverware, plates, cups, bowls, what ever you normally

take on a picnic.. bring it.... also bring your kids, wifes, husbands,

lovers, sluts, hookers, and or whom ever you wanna bring...

havok will be there around 4ish.. but you know him.. but me and Jen

will be there oohhh about 2pm.... so I hope to see you all there and I

have personally invited 54 different artist to come promote thier stuff

... so if they show.. just show some love.... aight people.. i gotta

run.. any questions or concerns.. hit the fat man up.. oh yea.. keep

posting this.. i want a damn good turn out this time...

peace and much love, Morbid...

PS KEEP PASSING THIS AROUND!!!!!!!! i wanna see a ton of you all there

this weekend... (repost this all over blogs, myspace, different sites,

i dont care.. just get the word out

So there you have it. We've been doing these for a few years now & they just keep getting more off the chain. Joe Bruce, Esham, & Lavelle showed up at one last year so you never know what hound-dogging opportunities may arise :wink ! Our traditional picnic spot is at the western end of the island, to the west of the Scott Fountain (the big fancy fountain where errone takes wedding pictures). Look for the Burger King flag and vehicles w/Psychopathic stuff plastered all over them. As stated, there's a decent rest room and a nice kids' playground right there. We'll have the grills fired up, bring any foodstuffs you want to toss on 'em. Any questions, directions, afterparty info, feel free to hit me up here, IM or email! And of course everyone is welcome, whether you're down with the clowns or not- we're friendly people and helly fun to party with, just ask HomicidalHeathen!

Peace, MCL, see y'all there!

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