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Daily water intake


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8 glasses is the recommend daily dosage of water. How much is that actually, 2 liters? I forget.

What bottled water do you prefer? Which ones do you find repellent?

Do you drink from the tap, do you use a water filter, what kind?

I drink filtered tap water when I remember, but I'm so used to bottled beverages that it's a hard habit to break. Right now I'm drinkin Evian, straight from the Freedom Alps.

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I don't have a problem with decent tap water. The water at the house we're living now is fine. The water at my parents' house in Taylor, Michigan was good, too.

We had to buy bottled water when living at the first home we lived in here in NC. The water came out of the taps orange and rusty. Taking a bath was an exercise in major gross-ticity. NO way would we drink it.

I am one who can't taste the difference between decent tap water and bottled water. So I don't waste the $$ on myself. I'll buy a bottle if I'm on the road and just plain want some water, but I usually save the bottle and refill it with tap water.

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It's 64 ounces.. 2 of the large bottles of water commonly found at a gas station or roughly 3.5 normal bottles is it. I liked having the Brita pitcher back when I paid attention. The water tasted good and it was free. They say you aren't supposed to refill your bottles because it breeds bacteria but I never had a problem with it.

Also... if the water is nasty to you, (It is to me) Try Crystal Light in it. It's cheap, tastes good and is calorie free. You can also drink seltzer water (flavored or unflavored) as long as it has no sugar added. Just watch how much "fake" sugar you drink.. cause that's bad too.

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Here in lovely B-more, I find that our water tastes like shit.

True that. I use a filter most of the time The Brita pitchers are actually a pretty cost-effective option, if sort of inconvenient. Cause you've gotta keep 'em filled, and if you overfill them, they spill all over the place every time you use them until they get back down to a regular level.

As for bottled water brands, I have no particular preference (thought I'll watch out for coca-cola now)

there was a scandal here recently about bottled water

Reminds me of something.

I remember this one time I was visiting TN (where I used to have a bit of family; they've moved now). I was looking at the fine print on the bottled water I had bought.

And it said "Bottled at Community Source"

So. Tap water.

The community source was specified.

Oak Ridge. :blink:

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aye, but they said it was from communnity sourrce. not from a spring in brecon (more like the lake that we sell the water to england)

I'm not sure I understood this; pls. provide cultural notes. I'm probably missing something b/c I don't know what brecon is.

BTW, Oak Ridge is where they do nuclear research (or did at the time), which is maybe why the community source bit was in such fine print. The front had a picture of a lovely pure mountain stream.

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anyone ever notice that "evian" spelled backwards is "naive"??


Our tap is good. I also cannot taste the difference between tap and bottled.

We bought these handy bottles from Wal-Greens.

(trying to insert picture here but it keeps saying that it's an invalid format which I don't get)

It looks like a mini water cooler. Ther were around $5.

It holds your whole days worth of water.


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my tap water sucks. i don't think it is my *water* so much as it is my pipes. and that scares me into not wanting to drink it ever. if it tastes like THAT from my PIPES. i will drink other people's tap water if i have no choice but i prefer bottled/purified water. it just tastes better.

i don't even care what brand. i can taste the difference in different brands but i haven't had one that i really dislike. we get the big bottle of absopure and have it on one of those dispenser things. i love that. it has hot and cold. how nice ;)

i drink a ton of water. i don't ever think about how much i intake as far as getting the "8 glasses a day". i know i go well over that most days and other days don't have half that i am sure. i don't think i need the same amount every day. i think it depends more on how active you are, or if it is summer, etc.

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There's a really awesome episode of "Bullshit" with Penn and Teller where they dig into bottled water info. Most bottled water is actually some sort of tap water. Here in alaska, there are a few brands that say "from glacier springs," which translates into "from glaciers" which is exactly where all the tap water comes from.

Also, they did a segment in new york testing tap water against bottled by unmarked cups, and most people preferred the tap water.

There was also a segment done in a restaurant. They made up a "water list" with various made up bottled water companies, and filled all the bottles from the same hose, then asked people to compare the bottles. Not one person realized that the water was the same in every bottle. One in particular was labeled as being from Brazil, and a spider was placed in the bottle as part of a "special filtration system." And the people drank the water, and the water was good, even tainted with bits of nasty spider leggies.

Personally, I don't really care where the water is from, tap or bottle, so long as it's either 1) ice fucking cold, or 2) has incredible amounts of lemon juice in it.

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Heres a nice read for you all....

City tap water can have no confirmed E.coli or fecal coliform bacteria. FDA bottled water rules include no such prohibition (a certain amount of any type of coliform bacteria is allowed in bottled water).

City tap water, from surface water, must be filtered and disinfected. In contrast, there are no federal filtration or disinfection requirements for bottled water.

Most cities using surface water have had to test for Cryptosporidium or Giardia, two common water pathogens, that can cause diarrhea and other intestinal problems, yet bottled water companies do not have to do this.

City tap water must meet standards for certain important toxic or cancer-causing chemicals, such as phthalate (a chemical that can leach from plastic, including plastic bottles); some in the industry persuaded FDA to exempt bottled water from the regulations regarding these chemicals.

City water systems must issue annual "right to know" reports, telling consumers what is in their water. Bottlers successfully killed a "right to know" requirement for bottled water.

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This is just a weird tip I heard and I go by this. You're drinking enough liquid if you can pee at least once an hour. lol So if you do that or more, you're getting enough.

I don't like our tap because our water is nasty. I drink bottled water at work for the same reason. I drink the Sam's Choice water that's like 35 cents a bottle :) lol

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