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7 reasons why men cheat

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this was sort os a spawn off of the other cheating thread but it did not fit in that situation so i made a new thread

anyhow i found it intresting the reasons these guys gave for "Doing it"

being a guy, there is only one simple reason, animal instinct. The need  to spread your seed.

that is what all male animals do, some can control this but most cant, i have even made the mistake but i am still very much in love with my wife. Brian

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6. Because you let him

"Yeah I admit it. I am a little bit of a dog when it comes to the ladies. Even though I consider Angela my girlfriend, there have been other women. I'm not saying that she thinks it was okay, but she did catch me once and after a little groveling and some flowers she took me right back. A man's got his needs. I think she knows that."

That's a pretty damn piss poor reason. So, they're saying, that if ALL the other requirements are fulfilled that it still might happen in a committed relationship because the woman LET it happen? ffs That's like saying "Just because you have emotional baggage and the relationship is failing, well, it's my fault anyways even when you can't overcome your issues." Not saying that emotional baggage is always easy to overcome but it can be in the proper situation. However, there's just some issues that a person can't let go of sometimes.

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Well simply put I don't cheat.. I've been put in situations where I could have, but never even considered it. I wouldn't want someone to do it to me so I wouldn't do it to someone else. Plain and simple.

Why other guys are dickheads, I don't know.

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there is no reason to cheat. if you are that unhappy with someone- work it out. or leave. don't cheat. if you are that much of a player - then don't be with someone and have other people on the side. be with many people if you must but be open about it.

i don't think there is EVER a good excuse to cheat. ever. if you cheat- you are to blame not the person you cheat on. you have something called self control- use it.

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"The week before I left for my trip, Heather and I got into another doozy. I love her and all, but no matter what I say she always ends up nagging me. I'm just tired of it. I travel a lot and I've got way too much invested in the relationship to break it off, so I have just decided to mix business with pleasure. What she doesn't know won't hurt her and I really need a break now and then."

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you cheat it means that you could not possibly love the person you cheated on. I just can't ever see myself cheating on anyone. Not even Roger and he treated me like dog-shyt. I went through hell and back with him and I never cheated, left him, yes. But, I never even considered cheating.

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There is no good reason to cheat. If you're not happy, GTFO. I have been cheated on by others (not Wayne), and it has to be one of the most painful things I've ever been through. Their excuses were the biggest bunches of bullshit ever. This article shows what appears to be a bunch of selfish little boys. I saw no real men in it at all.

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now i realize i may take alot of slack for this (bears down to take it in the rear)

1. i dont agree with cheating, it is wrong and the excuses or reasons why dont make it any better.

2. those who cheat should take responsibility for being wrong, it is there fault and no one elses

3. i think the men in the article are habitual assholes, and dont feel sorry for a dman thing they have done hence i agree these are boys not men.

Ok now my hubby already said above he has made the mistake of cheating on me. Many of you may ask why am i still with him, well the the main reason would be how he handled his mistake, and i call it a mistake because of the way he handled it.

He came to me admitted it, out of the blue, with no reason to tell me other then his own concious. There would have been no way i would have ever found out it had happen, so he easily could have kept it from me. I give him credit for comming clean on his own that had to take alot of balls, that would be one reason why i let him stay.

He felt if we were to have an honest good whole relationship he had to tell me and get it out and suffer what ever the Fate might be. I do not excuse him for this but i have forgiven him, although i have not forgotten it either.

His reasons for doing it did not excuse it nor did it make me feel any better, and it has taken a long time to find some sort of peace with the whole issue.

Brian did not give me any of the lame ass excuse the guys in the article gave, he simple said he fucked up, he knew he fucked up, and felt it was only right for me to know what an ass he was, instead of letting me go on through life thinking he was the only man in the world who had never cheated.

I dont know maybe i read all your posts and saw them as being black and white and wanted to say there can be a grey area. Actually i wish brain would have never added his snip it to my post as i really did not want to feel the need to go here, i just found the article read it and thought it might make for some intresting posts.

ok i am done now :ermm:

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I swear that some of the guys in the article are Wayne's friends. That is exactly the shit they've said.

I've always told Wayne that, if he ever cheats, I will rip off his penis and stuff it up his ass. I will then smack his woman so hard that her dead ancestors will scream.

I'm all warm and fuzzy now..........

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Her breasts are too large as well.. Then again I don't really find anything attractive about breasts so...

I hate 99% of guys for the simple reason that it's their fault I can't be trusted when I meet someone. I always meet someone who got screwed over by their ex from cheating, etc. and it makes it tough to prove that I'm not like that, that I'm not like anyone else except for me.

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nah. i would never cheat with anyone in the world. even if my husband was ok with it for some reason. just not who i am.


thats cool i get it

i think alot of us see the whole celeb thing as if it would never happen so you might as well enjoy teasing about i atleast .........

in my case Brian already used his mulligan so i am sort of entitled to tease about good ole MR Diesel......... :whistling:

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