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Don't use your race as an excuse!!!

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Deffinately, I don't think you can blame the guy who buys the new car or the person with the nice house just because they had the money to do it, but I believe it's very reasonable to blame the system that caused the situation to be so uneven. The fact is that for hundreds of years this country sponsored racism. It's no coincidence, certain peoples are not simply born with a gene that makes them more destitute.

The government didn't teach it = my ass.

I understand pride and I understand that living with disadvantages can drive someone to achieve more...but it's still not fair that certain people should have those disadvantages at such a dispropotionate level. Ideally we all start out with the same chances.


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Crap on a sugar coated stick.

Everyone has equal rights... It's not the governments fault if they don't use them. If all they do is blame where they are in life on evil "white people" and never get off thier ass and go do something abou tit.

In the governments slightly stigmatized eyes as of today... yes everyone is equal in theory... in practice.... no not at all.

Hurricaine Katrina is an example of this

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Crap on a sugar coated stick.

Everyone has equal rights... It's not the governments fault if they don't use them. If all they do is blame where they are in life on evil "white people" and never get off thier ass and go do something abou tit.


As long as there are ghettos mostly populated with American born people of certain colors, we do not have equal rights or equal opportunity here. If a government isn't responsible for the society it governs and did so for years with racist polocies by the way, then who is? Do we elect them to try and improve the way we live, or I mean what are they for if not?

It seems to me that you are saying that poor minorities are responsible for their own bad living conditions, not a government that enslaved them, didn't allow them to vote or hold public office or live in nicer areas, for hundreds of years, because they're too lazy to get off their asses and stop crying about 'the man'?

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I cannot imagine anyone deciding "hey, how about most of live in shit nieghborhoods for the next 200 years" and I don't see it as simply a coincidence that it happened either-not given some of the chapters in our history. People have a right to expect the same advantages that everyone else has and they do not have those advantages growing up at Mack ave. and Bewick, let me tell you. And it's not only an issue for minorities, I like the idea of justice for all, too.

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I'm saying that to an extent. I don't blame the government because it's not to blame.

This problem was caused by the People and the People are the ones that need to fix it. To get to that end we need a good begining. We the people have forced our government to undo most of the constraints that used to exists... those that still exists our outside government control. It goes back to the People... You and I.

We have Laws now to make sure Rights extend to those poor people.. no matter thier ethnicity... Infact we have laws that give those minoritys more rights than the majority in some cases. We the People now have to do our part. Education, starting with our own kids at home. We need to change the culture we live in... and yes, people need to take responsiblity for thier own life and stop asking for everything to be given to them on a silver platter because they happen to have a dark complection.

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Your going to bring up Katrina and the poor poor black people that were forgotten?

Then you might want to bring up the very worst hit areas of the area... Like Mississippi where it was mostly poor to middle class white people that lost everything. Did you know the hardest hit part of New Orleans was populated by middle class white people?

Don't try to bring up katrina as an example of how black people were shit on... The blacks are the only ones that got anythign out of that.. and still are... the whites and other races have been forgotten.

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I agree that our culture needs to be changed and that we should teach it in our homes but people also have a right to expect that their children don't have to grow up in those situations. The fact is man, that the amount of minorities who are poor is extremely disproportionate when compared to their actual numbers and trust me, they like to have money just like anyone else. These people are not really intersted in an "I'm sorry" or an "I love you man" from some random white dude on the street, what these people are intersted in is a better life for their future generations. A lot of these people work 2-3 jobs and are still broke. Do you understand how many more minority mothers work, than white mothers, in this country? Yeah, sure, there are some assholes out there but I don't think most minorities hate random white people. Minorities are just like you and I, essentially. They do not all get together and decide to think the same way. But wouldn't it piss you off a bit if it was you?

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Also you mentioned that it's not the governments responsibilities it's the peoples...

If I am not mistaken the government is supposed to be: For the people, by the people...

The governments responsibilities in otherwords, should be the same as the peoples, just in a larger sense...

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Affirmative action only continues to seperate the people.

It encourages "Entitlement", and seperation of colors

They need to rid of it.

If you are poor, and your family makes less than normal wages to put you through college, ok...maybe get some help...but ONLY if your GPA, SAT, and such scores are up to par.

No matter your skin color.

So WHAT if such and such school/major corporation only has 1% (I'm throwing out numbers here) of "Blacks" and 99% "whites". DID THEY QUALIFY? Did they qualify based on STRICT requirements? That's not racism...that is being qualified based on numbers...not colors.

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You are correct.. the government is just a tool the people have to do things... but it's not the right tool to fix this issue. As it stands, the government has done pretty much everythingit can... it's the people that need to change now. You know as well as I do that if the government trys to force that change it would cause wide spread.. whats the words... dissent?

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You are correct.. the government is just a tool the people have to do things... but it's not the right tool to fix this issue. As it stands, the government has done pretty much everythingit can... it's the people that need to change now. You know as well as I do that if the government trys to force that change it would cause wide spread.. whats the words... dissent?

I do agree with that actually

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Affirmitive Action, although it was created with good intentions, although it has helped to level things out a bit, does discriminate and beyond that it really hasn't been effective on a broad scale. I'll say it again--we have way too many ghettos. We still have too many after years of Affirmitive Action and it's not because the minorities in this country are somehow more lazy than minorities in other countries.

I never said more money should be spent in black areas or more money should be spent to help Native Americans, what I said is that more money needs to spent in low-income areas. Areas in poverty in this country are minority areas a lot of times and that makes it all the more important that it's done, but they're not always that way. It's terrible how many people in this country have to try to keep down 2-3 jobs and still have to look for that wellfare check at the end of the month, just to live in the lowest bracket. In the cases of a few of our minority groups it's never going to be a matter of a hand-out, it's a matter of justice--or at least it will be untill the problem is fixed.

It would be great if we could all simply change, but that's not going to happen. For one thing there's a lot of white people that think they can say they are not racist and at the same time believe that blacks are lazy, free-loaders if they are poor and angry. You know, a lot of people don't even understand that racism is not the only issue on the table here, there's also the matter of justice. A lot of blacks that have been sucessfull still want change and it's because they know that opportunity is not equal for others, Affirmitive Action or no.

How many 30-year-old white people do you see working the drive-through window at your local fast-food chains? None? How about black guys? Is that what you call equality? If I was black I would tell you, you could keep that shit. But you know what? -A lot of black people endure it.

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Wow, this shocks me.  I am very proud of my native american heritage.  I received the opposite treatment.  People would ask about my background and they would "ooh" and "aah" over it.  Never once did I have a problem.

I was called a nigger once in kindergarten by a misinformed child, but that one occaision was as far as that went.


Coming from a small hick town it really isn't surprising. Plus this town is rumored to have Klan ties if that says anything about the community.

The father is half Indian, my grandfather is full. We have never met any of our Indian relatives on my dad's side. They live up on a reservation on Beaver Island. Never met my grandfather, he divorced my grandmother shortly after I was born, moved out of state. Died in the early 80's of liver cancer. Being an alcoholic does that to you eventually.

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Affirmitive Action, although it was created with good intentions, although it has helped to level things out a bit, does discriminate and beyond that it really hasn't been effective on a broad scale. I'll say it again--we have way too many ghettos. We still have too many after years of Affirmitive Action and it's not because the minorities in this country are somehow more lazy than minorities in other countries.

I never said more money should be spent in black areas or more money should be spent to help Native Americans, what I said is that more money needs to spent in low-income areas. Areas in poverty in this country are minority areas a lot of times and that makes it all the more important that it's done, but they're not always that way. It's terrible how many people in this country have to try to keep down 2-3 jobs and still have to look for that wellfare check at the end of the month, just to live in the lowest bracket. In the cases of a few of our minority groups it's never going to be a matter of a hand-out, it's a matter of justice--or at least it will be untill the problem is fixed.

It would be great if we could all simply change, but that's not going to happen. For one thing there's a lot of white people that think they can say they are not racist and at the same time believe that blacks are lazy, free-loaders if they are poor and angry. You know, a lot of people don't even understand that racism is not the only issue on the table here, there's also the matter of justice. A lot of blacks that have been sucessfull still want change and it's because they know that opportunity is not equal for others, Affirmitive Action or no.

How many 30-year-old white people do you see working the drive-through window at your local fast-food chains?  None? How about black guys? Is that what you call equality? If I was black I would tell you, you could keep that shit. But you know what? -A lot of black people endure it.


Paul, they have ghettos in every Country and they are pretty bad. there are Algerian ghettos in France that make Detroit look good. England has some ghettos that are predominately black as well, hell, in England the BNP is a openly racist political party that just won seat in British counsil.

I also see plenty of 30 year old white people working at Burger King and Rally's. In fact, it's been said that if Black Americans were their own country, they would be the 10th richest Country in the world. I also think you'll find that Toronto is known as one of the most racist Cities in North America.

anyway, about France and their class divisions, you'll find Muslims fare much better in the US than they do in Europe. Not to mention that France is openly anti-semetic on several occasions, Chirac let Mugabe in and had dinner with him but refused to let Ariel Sharon in the Country at all, and remember all those holocaust memorials being vandalized in France? During the world Cup in Germany they told black people not to travel outside the major cities. In Italy is common for people to throw peanutes and make monkey noises at Black Soccer players, there is one club, lazio, who does not allow black players on their team. What do you think all those riots in France were about last year? These are Countries with a system more like the one you want in place and to be honest, I am not so sure that minorities are better off there, in fact they make more money here.

Articles about France and class division by race:




racism in Europe:



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As far as Affirmitive Action goes, there are better alternatives.

In Flordia they have the one Florida plan. This guarantees that all students who graduate in the top 10% of their class are guaranteed state aid for college.

This way it is not poor versus rich or black versus white in getting into college, people are only competing against people in their own schools who have the same advanatages or disadvantages. It's a program started by Ward Connerly and minority enrollment in Florida colleges rose dramatically after the plan was put into place.

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There are no ghettos as bad as some of the ones here in any of the places you listed. There not as many ghettos per capita in any of the places you listed. There are not as many ghettos in any of the other places you listed so full of people of particular races. And none of the other places you listed enjoy as high a standard of living as we do.



No specific examples were even sited...


This is not a racial hate blog.

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Have you ever heard a black person say give me a handout because I'm black? All I've heard is a bunch of white people using centuries old stereotypes.

If you really think that sitting on your asses and blaming minorities for all your problems is going to help you get further in life, I wish you the best of luck with that. Personally, I do not have time for it.

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I just want to offer that if you guys feel that a nigger is someone that sits around and complains that white people are to blame for all their problems then you should get yourselves mirrors and take a look. The only difference is that you're blaming black people.

What percentage of the population do you think these people are? Are black people really holding you back? Do you honeslty think anyone is going to have simpithy for you? Minorities are not to blame for what ever problems you're facing. You might get simpithy from eachother, but you won't get any from me. I hope with eachother's simpithy that the black-man won't be able to hold you down any more.

Please see my last two posts on the previous page-

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I'm not kidding man. I hear a lot of white people saying that black people are like that, but...what I see here is a lot of white people complaining about the black man. I hear more of that around than anything else.

Not in exactly those words... but yes I have heard black people say that... and white people...

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