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The (3) next to my name indicates I am :streetteam: ...& I have brought 3 recruits to the fold....

...the (+) I think is a :streetteam: member who has not gotten any recruits?...there is a file around here somewhere...


Alright. Thanks. :happy:

I wish the Street Team was able to recruit new people right now...I wanted to join. Well, I technically did join...they just can't send me the stuff and all of that. :X

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Alright. Thanks. :happy:

I wish the Street Team was able to recruit new people right now...I wanted to join. Well, I technically did join...they just can't send me the stuff and all of that.


You can always just tell the perspective new DGNer the URL & your signon name...

OR EVEN strap them to a seat in front of a computer & type for them... :rofl:

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22 guests, 19 members, 3 anonymous members

Yahoo.com, Eevee, deathfearsnone, phee (2), Azeuron (+), Brenda Starrr (1), vampireprincess, Google.com, TitsMcGee, Enishi, Rayne (1), Mean Salley, MSN.com, hunhee (5), Slogo, Head Wreck, munin218 (4), Oh_My_Goth (+), Gigablast.com, Dollardave, Velvet Tears, Jinx, repasollo

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15 guests, 9 members, 4 anonymous members

Oh_My_Goth (+), hunhee (5), Google.com, Brenda Starrr (1), Yahoo.com, odims_sphere, Rayne (1), phee (2), Constantin, Msterbeau (1), Chernobyl (4), EntireWeb.com, Cobion.com

FUCKK...I've been spotted! *hides :sofa:*

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21 guests, 14 members, 2 anonymous members

Oh_My_Goth (+), Eevee, Google.com, Yahoo.com, TheGimp, Mean Salley, Velvet Tears, Overkillbill, Constantin, BooHoo, prick, Azeuron (+), Nienna (+), StormKnight (+), DJ Saint, Mouf Breathah

*looks around*

Where is everyone?????

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11 guests, 14 members, 2 anonymous members

Rev.Reverence (3), Enishi, Yahoo.com, TheGimp, Rayne (1), coed_doll, Msterbeau (1), Google.com, Eevee, Spook, phee (2), GothicRavenGoddess (3), munin218 (4), MinaRose, candyman, MSN.com, Cobion.com, CypherZero1

GOSH...O_M_G must be REALLY busy at the working...

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24 guests, 16 members, 5 anonymous members

Yahoo.com, Rev.Reverence (3), Yandex.com, eleven (+), TomCat, MSN.com, Oh_My_Goth (+), Rayne (1), phee (2), zenaleigh, Google.com, Dollardave, munin218 (4), Nutch.org, zaphier, DJ Saint, coed_doll, Ask Jeeves, Jacques Treatment, Msterbeau (1), Nienna (+), honeymustard02

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22 guests, 18 members, 5 anonymous members

Yandex.com, StormKnight (+), Brenda Starrr (+), Yahoo.com, Cobion.com, Msterbeau (1), SaGa, Google.com, TheGimp, pheramoans, TheOsakaKoneko, TomCat, torn asunder (+), Azeuron (+), MSN.com, Head Wreck, GothicRavenGoddess (3), candyman, Baidu.com, prick, IsleofRhodesEnt, my_immortal_s0ul, Gaf The Horse With Tears, Dollardave

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19 guests, 23 members, 6 anonymous members

Yahoo.com, Onyx, Eevee, Azeuron (+), Msterbeau (1), Raev (+), SkYFiRe, TomCat, zaphier, Spook, Google.com, Dollardave, Head Wreck, GothicRavenGoddess (3), MSN.com, candyman, StormKnight (+), Yandex.com, TheOsakaKoneko, Mean Salley, Michi, taysteewonderbunny, JaneDead, XillaToxic, elektrosonik, darkangel1980ad, Gigablast.com, vittala

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36 user(s) active in the past 20 minutes

15 guests, 17 members, 4 anonymous members

StormKnight (+), kiokosushiflower, paradox, Yahoo.com, Rayne (1), munin218 (4), TitsMcGee, vampvoluptuous, Baidu.com, Gaf The Horse With Tears, Brenda Starrr (+), Ice Queen (1), Azeuron (+), LillyXpress, zaphier, MSN.com, creatureofthenyte, Gigablast.com, Raev (+), ~Tszura~ (2), GraveChild

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15 guests, 14 members, 3 anonymous members

MinaRose, Oh_My_Goth (+), Cobion.com, Yahoo.com, RayneReInvented, Raev (+), Nienna (+), refinaneho, Gigablast.com, TheGimp, TitsMcGee, GothicRavenGoddess (3), StormKnight (+), CypherZero1, Eevee, candyman, JaneDead

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