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For people who own guns


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just wondering how many DGN'er's own guns.I myself own 3 two rifles and one shotgun.all I need now is a shooting range to go to where I can fire them again.

I do not know where the nearest one is in this area.

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Winchester 30/30, 2x Marlin .22's one is bolt action the other is semi auto. Chinese version of the SKS, and a MAC-90, Mossberg 500A 12g shotgun 18" barrel and pistol grip (legal but barely). Handguns- Ruger 9mm, Colt .45.

My dad has the real gun collection though. He's got the ones I wish I could have but I don't feel like paying for a class 3 special weapons license heh..

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Oh and soon to have a Mosin-Nagant, my favorite rifle. My dad has one of these. It's fuckin bad ass. This is the rifle the Russians used in World War II. It's a 7.62 x 54mm rimmed cartridge. The AK-47, SKS, and MAC-90 shoot a 7.62 x 39mm cartridge. So it's basically a carbine rifle that shoots the same diameter bullet as those guns, but the case is about 1/3 longer and packs one hell of a punch. Appropriate for bear hunting indeed. Or sniping. Or something...

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I wanna own a gun. Fuck this hippy dippy bullshit. At times like these I think about being republican - without Bush in office of course. I will never vote for Bush - I'm talking about the republican vs. democrate issue with guns. "Guns, Guns - Fire, Fire... Rustle and hate!"

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I really love that statistic where in sweeden everyone owns a gun, and it has virtually no crime because of that fact.

In reality it's the government's way of keeping us partially under control, since it's way easier to control and oppress people who can't defend themselves.

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i do not own a gun and never will.

i have an odd... fear of them.

my dad used to make me hold the guns he had when i was young to learn how to handle them, load them, put the safety on/off , how to hold them if i ever had to shoot them, etc. he wanted me to know "just in case" (because of where we lived) which i suppose IS a good thing BUT it freaked me out for life.

maybe if i actually went to a shooting range and shot one it would be different. but i never did that. i only used to handle them. and to this day i can't even touch a gun without sort of freaking out inside about it.

i know that they would never just go off, but i used to think they would while i was holding them loaded. and it scared the crap out of me.

he has some sort of hand gun and shot gun and he would had me learn about both of them. plus they were always kept out, not locked up, so that sort of made me anxious too i suppose. i know that "guns don't kill people, people kill people" but i used to just imagine that it was possible a gun would just go off in my hands some how.

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I really love that statistic where in sweeden everyone owns a gun, and it has virtually no crime because of that fact.

In reality it's the government's way of keeping us partially under control, since it's way easier to control and oppress people who can't defend themselves.


I think you are thinking of Switzerland (and possibly Finland). Switzerland mandates ownership of military rifles for everyone (since they are all in the reserves). They are not allowed to use these rifles or the ammo the gov provides with them except during training and war. That being said, they also have very lax laws when it comes to private ownership of firearms of all types.

Finland is similar in that everyone has firearms. What is interresting in finland is that machine guns are legal to own (if registered). There are atleast 1 million registerd machineguns there.... and according to gov statistics, there are 1.5-2x more that are not registered. People in finland stock up on them incase the russians ever come again. I also read a story where a guy called up the police and wanted to turn in his guns because he was in his 80s and could not look after them... when the police showed up, he had hundreds of machineguns, mortars, landmines, and even a german 88mm Anti aircraft gun (along with piles of ammunition). He gathered up a barn's worth of weapons and ammo right after WW2 so he and his village could defend themselves against the russians if they attacked finland again... and he was the only person left alive that knew about it.

The police took everything away... some of it went to museums, and some went for sale (how is that for a department fundraiser)

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This is the first home I have EVER lived in where we have NO FIREARMS I hate it. My man is against guns, not me.

We have swords....knives.....pepper spray......clubs.....I think he is ready to let a gun into the house.

I grew up with hunters......and moved in with bikers so I do believe in the right to bear arms...I want a strong steady hand gun with lots of power that is easy to shoot.

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I have been seriously concidering applying for a license to own one.

then I need direction on where to find one that is reasonable and efficient.

Then I need to take a course on self defense.....

I would need something that could fire a LOT of shots because I know in the moment of fear I would probably miss.

I was robbed at gun point a few years ago, and it's on my mind a lot.

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I have been seriously concidering applying for a license to own one.

then I need direction on where to find one that is reasonable and efficient.

Then I need to take a course on self defense.....

I would need something that could fire a LOT of shots because I know in the moment of fear I would probably miss.

I was robbed at gun point a few years ago, and it's on my mind a lot.


at home all you really need is a shotgun, you dont want a handgun fro true defense, a shotgun will take care of your bad aim.

still - look up your local firing range in the yellow pages. I used to go to Firing Line in westland. They offer gun saftey certification courses. You will learn alot, and probably enjoy it. I took it and was going to apply for my concealed weapons card but put it on the backburner (the card part - I took the course and really enjoyed it).

I dont own anymore guns, I used to, a 357 Magnum and a 38 Super special. Sold them both some time ago. Thinking of picking up a shotgun though....

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at home all you really need is a shotgun, you dont want a handgun fro true defense, a shotgun will take care of your bad aim.


Someone else told me that also.

Why is that? Easier to aim or makes a bigger impact or what?

I do want a gun of some sort. I used to be afraid to have one in the house but in the last few years I've changed my mind about it.

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buckshot spreads.

in the UK i am staunchly anti firearm. i dont belive theres a reason for anyone other than farmers who keep livestock that might be game to fox's should. doesnt mean i want everything baned. banns just push firearms into the criminal element o society.

i like my toy guns. in the occasion an ND happens (never to me) worst that will happen is a bollocking of the person it hit.

however... i've allways whanted to try:

boys anti-tank rifle

SMLE No. 3, 4 and 5

Martini Henry rifle

baker rifle

webley fosbury pistol (in british .455 full load. i've been told its like straping a howitzer to your arm and letting someone fire it off by someone who's fired webley service revolvers in .455)

colt M1911A1.

just for curiositys sake.

as to my toys:

L85A1, Steyr AUG (extended bull barrel), colt M16A2, Colt M16A2 grenadier, colt M4A1, colt M933 with ZM LR300F stock. Para Ordanance P14.45, Steyr Vought Infinity 6", and my latest! remington M700 takedown model

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Someone else told me that also.

Why is that?  Easier to aim or makes a bigger impact or what?

I do want a gun of some sort.  I used to be afraid to have one in the house but in the last few years I've changed my mind about it.


a shotgun is easier to work in a panicky mode (haky hands make for missed shots with a handgun)

buckshot spreads......therefore its much easier to hit your target and much easier to sustain lethal damage, If I'm going to shoot someone in a self defense situation I'm really not interested in just winging them, if thats where my heads at I should not own a gun.

a group of buckshot also has a a higher chance of still hitting your target despite the many obstacles a home can present.

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buckshot spreads.

in the UK i am staunchly anti firearm.  i dont belive theres a reason for anyone other than farmers who keep livestock that might be game to fox's should.  doesnt mean i want everything baned.  banns just push firearms into the criminal element o society.

i like my toy guns.  in the occasion an ND happens (never to me) worst that will happen is a bollocking of the person it hit.

however...  i've allways whanted to try:

boys anti-tank rifle

SMLE No. 3, 4 and 5

Martini Henry rifle

baker rifle

webley fosbury pistol (in british .455 full load.  i've been told its like straping a howitzer to your arm and letting someone fire it off by someone who's fired webley service revolvers in .455)

colt M1911A1.

just for curiositys sake.

as to my toys:

L85A1, Steyr AUG (extended bull barrel), colt M16A2, Colt M16A2 grenadier, colt M4A1, colt M933 with ZM LR300F stock.  Para Ordanance P14.45, Steyr Vought Infinity 6", and my latest!  remington M700 takedown model


Yeah it's weird, in England guns are illegal yet the gangs in Manchester have them, for a while people called it 'Gunchester'. What's the deal with that?

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