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For people who own guns


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Yeah it's weird, in England guns are illegal yet the gangs in Manchester have them, for a while people called it 'Gunchester'.    What's the deal with that?

not all firearms are illegal.

no handguns

no semi auto rifles

no fully auto weapons

no shotguns under a certan size (its longer than what you lot can own)

no shotguns with a revolver system

no shotguns with a magazine larger than two

and i think certan types of rifle are also illegal as AI have had to civilianise thier PM model for civ larkets (AKA the british L96A1 marksman rifle).

the gun ban came in 1997 with labour new in power and looking to make people see that thier doing good in office, when the nautter broke into dumblane with several hanguns and fired off a fair amount of ammunition (over 100 shots, nearing the 200) and killed 11 children there was a call for bans so these nutters wouldnt get thier hands on guns.

one issue. the nutter was a liscenced owner of handguns and on his last re-application for liscence questions were asked about his mental stability by 3 police officers. they were ignored and overuled by the county commisioner at the time.

just bad press... like all the stories about violence on the rise in England since the bans on lawful gun ownership.  Its just people who dont really understand what is happening there trying to make too much out of a few bad elements running around with guns and shooting people in total disregard of the bans and the law.


labout government are banning replica firearms now (or at least the sale of) so i wont be getting any more (besides i've decided on my next motor and i am starting to put away for this as well as a return to detroit). its coming close to another general election and labour have been hit by many scandals, so the BBC and tabloid media have been hyping up gun crime ready to hail tony blair as the saviour of the UK streets.

fact is gun crime rose after the semi auto ban, and rose again on the handgun ban. banning replicas does what exactly?

the amusing thing is the press and BBC claiming replicas like i use for airsoft can be converted to real ammunition (yes i dare you to try and load something in a pot-metal reciever. what no takers? how about the plastic ones then?).

its all silly scaremongering of the average bellow average inteligence tabloid reading voter.

just today was a 2 page spread on how dangerous the high stree is that listed the 575,000 deaths a year from tomatoes (where that figure comes from with other figures such as 320,000 deaths from peanuts i'd very much like to know) after tony made a speach about how he's going to ban "junk food" adverts on TV and press and improve britans lifestyle...

ask me why i really do dispair at the inteligence descent in the UK populus

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just today was a 2 page spread on how dangerous the high stree is that listed the 575,000 deaths a year from tomatoes (where that figure comes from with other figures such as 320,000 deaths from peanuts i'd very much like to know) after tony made a speach about how he's going to ban "junk food" adverts on TV and press and improve britans lifestyle...

ask me why i really do dispair at the inteligence descent in the UK populus


Oiy vey. A wonderful place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.

Don't know how familiar you guys are with Throbbing Gristle (the band), but Genesis P. Orridge had his house raided several times for child porn, even though he had none (just trumped up allegations by neighbors). The police just didn't like the things that he said and what he stood for. He wound up moving to America to avoid the oppression that he faced in England.

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