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Pregnant and recovering addict


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Went to my dr appt. Found out everything is wonderful. Super healthy baby.

Then I voiced my concerns about me being a recovering addict and should there be side effects and signs i should look out for.

Henry Ford medical center will no longer "be responsible" for my health. They are afraid I will relapse and are refusing to care for me and my child.

They gave me a list of free clinics in Detroit.


I have insurance, HAP. They sent me to Henry Ford, kinda got to go where they send me you know...

I just want to make sure my baby is safe every month and that my baby is delivered with care. I'm not worried about me...

Anyone know any suggestions?

Please note: I do not need any sarcasm, bashing of any kind or rude remarks. I am concerned about the health of my unborn child and am merely looking for helpful adivce. Not snide comments like "maybe you should have thought of this before shooting up" Of course I already know that and can't change the past. Just looking for suggestions for the future. Thank you

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Since I don't live there, I don't know where to send you. However, I'd just like to say that I'm really proud of you for doing the right things. I'm also really happy that you're having a healthy baby.

And it's REALLY fucked up that they won't care for you and your baby anymore. I'm sorry, Jesi.


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Unfortunately, I believe they do have the right to refuse a pregnant woman care...which is even more fucked up when the pregnant woman is a recovering addict. Wonderfull place we live in, but don't worry, the government has the fed min wage set at 5.15/hr...

My first instinct would be to write or call my congressperson and thank them for giving themselves and the president a raise so that things like this...(in the wealthiest society on the planet, a society that is taxed more per capita than any other for health care) can still happen.

Beyond that, I'm thinking perhaps contacting like...UNICEF and telling them what you're looking for could be helpfull, I think there are charity groups that help with this type of thing.

This is just my first thoughts. I've not researched anything yet.

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I hear "planned parenthood" can help dramatically.......??

Good Luck Honey! :clover

And What a shame.....stupid system.

Is there any sort of stipulation like you have to be clean for X amount of time....blah blah blah? Or is there like a thing where if you agree to go through "thier" form of rehab.... would they reconcider?...

I just wonder if there is ANY alternative/ solutions within your own health plan.


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The system is stupid, no doubt ... but to them, even with your insurance coverage, your an insurance risk. :tear

I know a few people who were in your situation and they ended up having to go to the free clinics, no one else would accept them.

I'm sorry Jesi *hugs*

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You might also try a lawyer and tell them exactly how you were treated, how the staff over-stepped their boundry to try and shame you, which is abusive, and see if you can get Hank Ford to give you a little money for your troubles. Certain lawyers do work on charity basis...and again you'd find them through things like UNICEF.

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WOW that is totally craptastic! If you still have HAP, you should try to change your PCP (primary care physician) and then go get a check up and get a refferral to a different peditric detp/ hospital. Hopefully they have not entered your statement into your medical records. you can also request that they give you a copy of your medical records so you can see if they listed "Drug Addict" on them... that would help for a lawsuit or other issue. you may be able to request all copies of your records by saying you are moving out of the country permanently... (as long as you promise yourself that you are moving to some other country on your way in the door... you are not lying... then just change your mind after you leave) then you could purge out that statement and go to another source of primary care.

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A little research has found that Providence hospital has a level 3 high risk care. Now to hopefully get my PCP switched to someone who is covered through that hospital. It will be a long drive but worth it.

Hopefully this works.

HH, sure not mentioning drugs would make things alot easier but I am genuinely concerned about the long term effects my old drug habit may have on my child. I need to be as open and honest as possible.

Worst cast scenario I'm moving to KY. They have a hospital there that delivers babies at no cost to the mother. Its a pro life hospital, they have excellent care... I must find the name of that place again...

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It's so terrible that when you're only looking out for your baby and you explain to them that you're a recovering addict, they then treat you like garbage. A recovering addict needs even better care...you just wanted to make sure you'd be getting proper care while you're pregnant...and what you get instead is a downgrade to the shittiest care possible. I respect for you for trying to do everything you can for baby.

Anyone that can make a pregnant woman cry and throw her into the street when she comes for help must be a better man than me.

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1. Did you see an OB/GYN or your primary care physician?

2. Your PCP can refer you to another OBGYN for another hospital if necessary. I highly recommend St. Marys or St. Joes hospitals, I work for the company and their primary concern is the welfare of the BABY and the mother rather than the $$.

3. Also, HAP will pay even if you go outside the network, just at an out of network rate.

4. Beaumont is HUGE in at-risk pregnancies. Aside from St. Mary and St. Joe - they would be the one I'd go to for your situation.

5. With an HMO (which HAP is), PCP can usually be changed once a month - unless there are extenuating circumstances. Denial of service is MOST DEFINITELY an extenuating circumstance.

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2. Your PCP can refer you to another OBGYN for another hospital if necessary.  I highly recommend St. Marys or St. Joes hospitals, I work for the company and their primary concern is the welfare of the BABY and the mother rather than the $$. 


I had my girls at Botsford Hospital in Farmington Hills - BAD EXPIERIENCES.

I had my boys at St. Joesph Mercy in Ann Arbor - EXCELLENT EXPIERIENCES.

I highly recommend them. :happy:

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Guest Megalicious

That is really horrible Jessi =( Im sorry. Look for a midwife, I LOVE MY MIDWIFE and am so glad I went the midwife route instead of a OBGYN. The U of M midwifes in Ann Arbor are great, I recomend Joanne Bailey or Holly Powers if your interested. Just a suggestion of course.

If you have questions or need someone to talk to PM me =) ...

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I wish I knew what to tell you babe, other than i am proud of you and care for you deeply. Your honesty is honorable and your path is true, do not fear and always move forward. I enjoyed our talk the other day and you are in my prayer life....


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Oh hell no. That is such bullshit. Free clinics have the worst doctors to (no offence but it is true) and they are mostly assholes. I has serious issues with them when I was pregnant until they sent me to a high paid pregnancy specialist. I have real sympathy.


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HAP sent me to the Henry Ford Health facility in Livonia. That is where my OBGYN is located.

Dr. Dudam. She is the woman who told me they could not care for me there. If I had went through Henry Ford i would have had my baby at St. Marys.

Not somewhere I like very much. I've had very bad experiences there. When my kidneys failed the first time they released me after 3 days and told me to go to U of M. Obviously I did not have the money then and so I was sick for quite a long time.

They also left me to miscarry in their waiting room in August of 2004 and I am now being sued by Livonia Radiology somehow pretaining to that. I'm so confused by that hospital.

I'm trying to see if HAP will let me switch my primary care provider/ OBGYN to somewhere in Southfield so that I may have my baby at Providence hospital. I called up there and the women were so kind to me, told me all about their program. It sounds lovely.

Now I'm just hoping HAP will be cool with me and let me switch. I still have not received a call back. I shall be calling again today. 3rd time is a charm.

I wish I could have just said I was addicted to opiates but I wanted the dr to know what exactly in case there was a higher risk for any problems. I want my baby as healthy and as safe as possible. I'm struggling daily to provide this for my child and I'm not perfect but my husband and I work hard to have insurance and then they tell me its pretty much for nothing.

I'm not giving up, it just makes it harder to want to care and try when it seems like everyone else has already given up on you.

If I get divorced, quit my job and live in the ghetto I can get great gov. assistance. To me that is not an option. I'm busting my ass and struggling daily but my child will receive the best care I can provide for he/she.

I originally wanted a midwife but because of my past kidney problems it was too risky for the baby. I need at a moments notice care. I have been really sick off and on lately, lots of intense pain. I would love to do everything totally natural but its just not safe for the baby.

Thank you all for your help and support. I'm going to keep working on this until I get it resolved. My child should not suffer the sins of the mother.

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I'll just add my two cents here. First, let me congratulate you on working so hard for yourself and your child. I find it very admirable. Secondly, who is your insurance through? Yourself or your husband? If it's through your husband, I would talk to his company's HR representative and get them to talk to the insurance company for you. Believe it or not, HR reps can be the biggest help when it comes to insurance issues. If it's through your work, I'd probably be more reluctant (for obvious reasons). Don't know if that helps or not. Good luck.

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It may have already been suggested but since i dont have time to read word for word i risk repeating another.... Sorry if i do.

Recently a friend whom actually tested Postive for Druggs on her first OB visit (she had been clean since she found out about the baby but her system did not have time to clear befor her visit) Delivered/recieved all prenatal care At Mount Clemens Genenral, If You still have Have The insurance, Try Going There, They will see You as far as i know, but i do have to warn you they will test you for druggs on each visit andgive you a very stern warning that if you or your baby is not clean at a certian time befor the birth they may put him/her in protective custody. My Friend stayed clean and tested clean each time ther after so she had a happy delivery and a healthy baby girl who is now 4-5 mnths old.

My Firend Had MEdicaid so perhaps they saw her because of the insurance I am not sure but if you loose your Private insurance try getting medicaid.

Hope it helps and I give allot of credit for being brave, seeking advice and doing things clean. You should be proud of your self.

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