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Phee's terrible gothic poetry thread


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i just want to collapse into a heap on the floor

and sob until i drown in my own tears.

this is when i miss being a kid the most.

when there was someone to pick you up,

hold your face and gently wipe away the tears.

someone to tell you it would be allright.

everything might not work out how you want it to,

but it does work out.

i miss the faith

i had as a child

that another person

could make the world right for you.

my dad used to be that person.

used to be.

now, nothing.

no faith at all.

its not that i dont have friends,

its that i dont have faith in "happily ever after any more"

you grow up and you realize youre on your own.

"every living creature on this earth dies alone" -Donnie Darko

you go on and on until your legs give out.

then you crawl until you arms are too weak.

then you cry out until you have no voice left.

then you wait until your soul finally gives in.

then you die.

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Black No. 1

She's in love with herself.

She likes the dark.

On her milk white neck.

The Devil's mark.

It's all Hallows Eve.

The moon is full.

Will she trick or treat.

I bet she will.

She's got a date at midnight.

With Nosferatu.

Oh baby, Lilly Munster.

Ain't got nothing on you.

Well when I called her evil.

She just laughed.

And cast that spell on me.

Boo Bitch Craft.

Yeah you wanna go out 'cause it's raining and blowing.

You can't go out 'cause your roots are showing.

Dye em black.

Black no. 1

Little wolf skin boots.

And clove cigarettes.

An erotic funeral.

For witch she's dressed.

Her perfume smells like.

Burning leaves.

Everyday is Halloween.

Loving you was like loving the dead.

(Gawd I am brilliant.... er... yeah)

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The same old sounds and some new patterns,

like giant insects with knives

we don't know how to use our words,

and once the stabbing is said and done,

the vultures, once merciless ideals

of honorable worth- priceless and golden,

become decadent hunters of raw flesh

on moving scraps of bone and compassion.

The power lines all stretch crooked and twisted,

and the beasts are filled with energy to kill,

ideas mad with sterilizing a disease: movement.

So the wind stops blowing and the plants all die,

and a wasteland fills the air and the oceans,

clinging to the memories of every fading whisper,

of every fading life in every growing shadow.

Err, Do the Dew.

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Dark is Darker then the light is lighter

Hate is more hateful then love is lovely

Numb is more numbing then feeling is felt

Night is more nightly then the day is dayly

Ice is more icey then the water is watery....

(ah fuck it you get the idea)

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  • 1 month later...

You leave me alone in the lonliness of the dark fog

My voice weeps to you in sadness, sorrow, and the eternal cloud of mourning

Oh sorrow of the black rose that haunteth me

Oh alas my stricken soul that was left so cold

Oh the last kiss I shared was to be the most distant

Oh darkness embrace this memory

Oh desire that drowns me in the fold

Oh your touch that made me dry and bent.

I still feel thine whisper upon my poison ear...

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Your beauty so sweet

Your soul so toxic

Your face the heat

your kisses I lost it

Strobelight decadence

And in my defence

Life is so sugar coated

Full of false devoted

poison from within



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she spread herself wide open to let the insects in

she leaves a trail of honey to show me where she's been

she has the blood of reptile just underneath her skin

seeds from a thousand others drip down from within

oh my beautiful liar

oh my precious whore

my disease my infection

I am so impure

devils speak of the ways in which she'll manifest

angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

need to contaminate to alleviate this loneliness

I now know the depths I reach are limitless

oh my beautiful liar

oh my precious whore

my disease my infection

I am so impure

-------- wait that's not my terrible gothic poetry.... that's someone elses

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she spread herself wide open to let the insects in

she leaves a trail of honey to show me where she's been

she has the blood of reptile just underneath her skin

seeds from a thousand others drip down from within

oh my beautiful liar

oh my precious whore

my disease my infection

I am so impure

devils speak of the ways in which she'll manifest

angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

need to contaminate to alleviate this loneliness

I now know the depths I reach are limitless

oh my beautiful liar

oh my precious whore

my disease my infection

I am so impure

-------- wait that's not my terrible gothic poetry.... that's someone elses


Uhmm now that I'm here (I only do prose, but lemme give this poetry thing a shot)

Darkness wraps itself around my thought

Deep pit, never ending, leads further into black

I tumble....circle...entwine myself in hate

Surrounded, shifty red eyes, seething rage

There is no God where I am

It's bad AND goth...hmmm....what a rarity to combine those two words :laugh:

Edited by Chernobyl
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Death-An Unyeilding Friend-Andrea Edwards

Gear God, my death amuses me

Why should I care when

Your touch abuses me

Death is a much nicer friend

Can you ask him to come out and play?

I rather have him, then be your friend for a day

Dear God, Death took my pain away

Do you exist? I'll find out in an our or so

Dear God, the poison is in my veins, now

(oh wait, that's you)

You and death gave up on me today

Its not funny how you play

You left me standing here again today

Alone in my solitude

I'll have to find another friend to play



Secret Acid Trip-Andrea Edwards

In a world where your fate is somewhat twisted

Doing what you're told

And what they've insisted

Life without unblinking eyes and cookie cutouts

What, in this life, is worth living for?

What do people really care for?

Life without meaning, or progress, or sound

No real life to actually be found

No music, no love, all deaftoned ears

Emotionless hugs, and meaningless kiss

Children being born

Not knowing what love is

All crime's screams

Are fully ignored

Blood on the sidewalk

Just stepped over

Fighting for your oun gain

Instead of the greater good

Individuality is lost, as conformity takes over

The world is a stage

No one's putting on a show

Walking through the meaningless day-to-day,

I am your break from reality

I am your acid trip

I am your dirty little secret

And I am here to stay



I'm Over-Andrea Edwards

I'm over you

I'm over the sight of you

The touch of you

The breath of you

I'm over the pain of you

The tortured spirit of you

The hurt inside of you, I cannot fix

I'm over the drug abuse

The fact I can't save you

The fear for your life

I'm over your love for me

You took so long to admit

I'm over the fake you

The real you

The somewhere in between

I'm over the Italian side

The hateful side

And the hidden sweet side

I'm over your love of God

Your loyalty to sin

And your desperation for forgiveness

I'm over your chef side

Your creative side

Your lazy side

I'm over your love for The Misfits

Your love for 'Halloween"

And "She"

I'm over your eyes

The smile of you

The quiet laugh from you

I'm over the heart and soul of you

And I am not afraid to love again



Shadows Calling Me-Andrea Edwards

I'm lost inside

Can't find my way out of the maze

He was waiting, at the finish line

Now, he's another demon

He makes things worse

In trying to make them better

He smiles in desparation

Hoping I'll reach for his hand

I need more friends than lover

Open minds, hearts, sins

To reconnect to my past lives

To know that I'm okay

I scream in frustration

No one hears it, but me

Drowning in the light

Wanting someone to save me

(not sure who)

Pick a number

Wait in line

My insanity is my only attraction

(that's just my insecurity talking)

I only want myself


Is that my true desire?

Maybe you'll know

A wrong turn, now

Another obticle to overcome

A whispered laugh, now

Is somebody watching me?

Fall flat on my face

Fail, with another wrong turn

Closer to the center

Instead of the finsh line

Come find me in your hidden nightmares

Drown me in the shadows of your life

Wipe my blood-staind tears away

And lick my blood from your fingertips

I see the finish line

A figure stands in the darkness

Calling out my name...

Can you tell me who he is?



Thooughts on Paper by: Andrea Edwards

I thought....

I don't know what I thought.

Maybe i over analyze.

We got along great, now, i'm not on his friend's list..

Without a word.

What happened?

What did I do?

I thought that you liked me.

I think I'm spazzing out...

I think that I'm so use to being hurt, that I expect it.

My saddness is taking over.

Come find me.

You are my "Sixth Shadow"



I Can Remember-Andrea Edwards

I can remember

The contours of your body

But not the shape of your face.

I can remember

The touch of your fingers

But not the heat of your hands.

I can remember

The Smile on your lips

But not the sound of your laugh

I can remember

The feeling of your whispers

But not the words that were said

I stumble around

Searching for what's missing

The part of my soul

That was ripped away

Why won't the wound heal?

Why won't the pain dissapear?

Why do I still need you?

The memories hurt so much

I just want to forget

But part of me is gone

The hole will never go away

The part of you that I rememeber

Is what haunts me the most

But despite the pain that you have caused

I forgive you, still


Edited by GothicRavenGoddess
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I will always remember,

The kiss you gave me before I got on the plane.

"Click." You said, and you held my head to yours,

"I win." Was all I could say in return,

My heart broke with every step,

The tears on my face burned.

Months went on,

my heart turn cold,

My emotions drained,

I was all alone, with no one to hold.

I saw you again,

Too many weeks too late,

One night I broke down,

And told you this set fate.

You gave me my one tear,

That was supposed to be used at my death,

Instead it was wasted,

On what felt like your last breath.

Now sometimes I look back,

On what I said on that horrible day,

But all I need to say is this:

I never loved you more, then the day I walked away.

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I'm gonna paint a picture,

A picture with a twist

I'll paint it with a razor blade

I'll paint it on my wrist

As I paint my picture

A fountain will appear

And as this fountain flows

My pain will dissapear

Ok, so its not mine... it makes me laugh, tho.. for some reason, it makes me laugh.. is that sic?

I know, I cheated..... sorry..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Destruction magnet, the fire and the shrapnel

conditioned to come clawing at the mind's door,

take all of the possessions, witch's cursed trash

that brings the halt of the brutal assemblies.

Treasure in the holes of wasteland graveyards,

stripped for the profit of starving, dying gods

whose eyes only see sifting threads of worth,

bodies replaced with cold concepts of ghosts.

Weak misconceptions birth marvelous hands

to strange to look upon without chaotic reason

in tune with isolated madness, popular deceit,

so that the saved can ferment circus dreams.

Strong reactions to crawling ambient spiders

dripping like the poisons from hung cadavers,

smiles adorn the guests of freight promises

held to the cage of a skeleton who still waits.

The building is abandoned, memory is still,

and all the mysticism was damned, corrupted

with anchors to a ferocious, cemented dream,

and shadows laugh her sunlight to it's grave.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

sick and twisted murderous thoughts

through my brain they creep about

flashing steel till the blood won't stop

I cannot let these voices out

bring back stoning and lepers and slaves

and for all the sinners who will not be saved

bring back the CHRIST child.....

so i can finally stand

next to someone nice

(This is about society and how much angst and grief it gives me)

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