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Phee's terrible gothic poetry thread


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The night descends into the darkness moving downward like a raindrop fallen from your eyes watering the plants with a can you let me out of this prison of hate my job so much to give you my gentel rose of beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

You dance in my dreams never come true enough to act upon a time to get moving truck full of our stuff it up your ass you twisted jerk off by myself in a blackened room for improvement is a good goal to have or have not.

This bottle of pills box from the war of the roses cut too short on cash to buy this is almost all gone fishing be back in a little while longer to wait until the end of the movie is on tv.

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Gun to my head brains paint the wall

Lungs full of blackened air

Go kill yourself five or six times you ape before you can be my friend

Commit ritural suicide in a cool way... then I will talk to you

Blood and skin and perfume and silver

Scott Bakula rhymes with Count Dracula.

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You give me pain

You're so enthralled.

I felt so big.

Now feel so small.

My heart was red

And now it's black.

The pain was real.

As heart attack.

I was full.

Of it all.

I could stand.

As ten feet tall.

That knife of yours.

It hit my vein.

You made me feel so full of pain.

The blood did gush

Like waterfalls.

I once had two.

Full of goo

That I would squirt all of you.

You took my manhood

You took it all.

Befores was two.

Now just one ball.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can hide in love, or hide in hate,

you can hide in any emotional state,

you can run and travel everywhere,

indulging in wishes, greedy or fair.

No matter how damaged you become,

or what your life is in its total sum,

not monsters, men, fools, or the cunning

can stop the fact that death is coming.

- Elmo


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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Number 7 keeps smiling across the void separated from sea.

Empty Cannisters complete me, empty Cannisters complete me,

somewhere in the 1970's. Uncle, your a ghost in VHS ashes

piled up on a desolate island of could be's forgotten well,

welcome to the puddle scraped across the folding deviants,

lonely devices chalk up the barren celebration to nowhere,

strike me down in a million pieces for the somber infinity.

Trivialities welcome the shaky treaty falling on through

shoddy floors and beams of indifference, penned in victims,

god awful ways to die and discover the power of that greed--

Number 7 pours its servant blood into the thin film of algae,

discoloring what gates left in the backwards dream of heaven.

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Life.... A side scrolling video game with too many lava pits and spikes to be fair.

Life... An adventure game that is so complicated that they need you to buy the stratagy game, which you now can't afford because the gave was so expensive.

Life... If you manage to kill a boss, the princess is always in another castle.

Life... If you defeat evil on normal, you get an uncool ending and it asks you to try again on hard to see the "real" ending.

Life... All the achievements you unlock just suck.

Life... It comes off pause at a moments notice and your character dies.

Life... Every level is timed.

Life... No good unless you can afford the expansion kit.

Life... You hear the sequal will be better but the company is running into licencing issues and it will be delayed till next year.

Life... Had a bug in it and had to be returned to the manufacturer.

Life... Sucks unless you have HD.

Life... The glowing rectangle.

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Number 7 keeps smiling across the void separated from sea.

Empty Cannisters complete me, empty Cannisters complete me,

somewhere in the 1970's. Uncle, your a ghost in VHS ashes

piled up on a desolate island of could be's forgotten well,

welcome to the puddle scraped across the folding deviants,

lonely devices chalk up the barren celebration to nowhere,

strike me down in a million pieces for the somber infinity.

Trivialities welcome the shaky treaty falling on through

shoddy floors and beams of indifference, penned in victims,

god awful ways to die and discover the power of that greed--

Number 7 pours its servant blood into the thin film of algae,

discoloring what gates left in the backwards dream of heaven.

You're going to hate me for saying this, but this is better than most of the poetry from your other thread.

It has symbolism that gives you a window into a relationship, and you can see what's transpiring to an extent,

while still getting out of it different things. I feel that some of your poetry is a little heavy-handed, but

this feels lighter, it breathes and allows the reader to inhabit your world rather than be strapped to a chair

with your eyes peeled open as a doctor puts drops in your eyes so you can catch every word. I like it.

Life.... A side scrolling video game with too many lava pits and spikes to be fair.

Life... An adventure game that is so complicated that they need you to buy the strategy game, which you now can't afford because the gave was so expensive.

Life... If you manage to kill a boss, the princess is always in another castle.

Life... If you defeat evil on normal, you get an uncool ending and it asks you to try again on hard to see the "real" ending.

Life... All the achievements you unlock just suck.

Life... It comes off pause at a moments notice and your character dies.

Life... Every level is timed.

Life... No good unless you can afford the expansion kit.

Life... You hear the sequel will be better but the company is running into licensing issues and it will be delayed till next year.

Life... Had a bug in it and had to be returned to the manufacturer.

Life... Sucks unless you have HD.

Life... The glowing rectangle.

You are amazing.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

The best poetry is in this thread.

Except the ones that are intentionally bad.

Bad like Michael Jackson..

Bad like a Steven Seagal movie..

Bad like bad bad Leroy Brown

Baddest man in the whole damn town

Bigger than Ole King Kong

Meaner than a Junkyard dog

Bad like 96.3 played on repeat as an ingrown hair tickles

your Prince Albert causing your penis to chafe and suddenly rubbing faster until it sets on fire

And you're in the desert

And there's nothing you can do to douse your flaming cock except for your mouth which

has long since dried up and the only thing you can do is lie on the sand

in a fetal position

like you did with that girl in the back of your 95 Chevy Impala as you were reaching around trying



trying to unhook that bra

What the fuck Why do they make these things so difficult?

---and you're losing the mood and suddenly your finger gets stuck

and she says "OUCH my back is starting to chafe"


Chafe like the cock that has now set fire

And has hardened so amazingly than now


you have an 8" inch firecracker blowing SOS signals into the sky

And delerious you start

fanning your balls so the flames get higher and reach a passing jet.



Are you going to be my girl by Jet was the song that was playing when you tried to unhook

that bra of eternal chastity

And she said "you'd have an easier time getting off in the desert"

And she was right, because suddenly an explosion in the sky appears from a cannon of love that

was meant to shoot off in her mouth

But instead is rising in the air as a distress signal of mucus and blood

A semen fireball against the crimson sun.

Red on Red

or rather red, white, and

blue balls

And you think, if only I could rewrite that night

Everything would fall into place

Instead of everything melting



"I'm melting" you think

If only there was a wizard

A wizard? YES a wizard

Not to give you a heart

or a brain

or courage

but a fucking pail of water!

I mean this is really starting to hurt!

Hurt like a thousand bee stings

Like a million termites entering your anus for Operation Code Brown: the Fecali Syndrome

And you cry out "why why why"

But no one is there

No one was ever there

EPIC FAIL on a life scale

First your mother

then your father

then your friends

then a bra strap

They all failed you

And now....

a pail of water

a simple mixture

hydrogen and oxygen

cloud moisture


Mountain springs

How you can feel them now cleansing you and your flaming cock extinguished like Alan Cumming becoming

Charlton Heston before your eyes




As many have and yet

None have

You always knew you'd go out in a blaze of glory.

But not like this

And as you lay there

Sand grains lining the inner layers of your epidermis and Eustachian tubes

Staring at the Crispy Jack Links-smoked-sausage that was once your manhood

You wonder

you wonder if you could ever have avoided such a f--------

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You're going to hate me for saying this, but this is better than most of the poetry from your other thread.

It has symbolism that gives you a window into a relationship, and you can see what's transpiring to an extent,

while still getting out of it different things. I feel that some of your poetry is a little heavy-handed, but

this feels lighter, it breathes and allows the reader to inhabit your world rather than be strapped to a chair

with your eyes peeled open as a doctor puts drops in your eyes so you can catch every word. I like it.

Thanks. :thumbsup: No I'm not offended at all. I admit I do tend to naturally be more blunt with poems not noticing they might later sound cheesy or less effective to the reader.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I cant help but wonder what it would be like

to be in your arms and hold you tight

I cant help but wonder what it would be like

to hold your hand as we walked threw the sand

I cant help but wonder what it would be like

to hold you at night and tell you everything was alright

I just wish you knew how I feel

I just wish you knew this was real

This is just to tell you that way I can heal.......

I cant help but wonder what it would be like

If you just gave me that one chance, I hope its tonight!

I cant help but wonder what it would be like

If we had that magical romance, that just feels so right.

I cant help but wonder what it would be like

If I gave you my Heart, would you be gental and not tear me apart!

I just wish you knew how I feel

I just wish you knew this was real

This is just to tell you that way I can heal.......

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