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I agree in principle, but I also wish that people would realize that their unhealthy choices do have consequences beyond themselves, and act accordingly, not out of the threat of force (the law) but out of a sense of social consideration.



I think that people who don't even respect themselves enough to buckle up if they suspect it's in their best interest probably won't do it for the good of the community.

Honestly, being buckled or unbuckled, in normal circumstances (as in, not being in an accident), has no effect on anyone but the people who aren't buckled in. And since the buckle status doesn't affect the odds of being in an accident (Even if you point to a figure that says people who don't buckle up are in more accidents, that's probably because their average intelligence is lower, NOT because they don't buckle up), we shouldn't make laws that restrict our freedoms to account for unrelated circumstances. It's just money, and probably not much of it in the grand scheme of things. I'm still waiting for those numbers, Beau, and I'm not looking them up because the onus shouldn't be on the person trying to protect what should be an individual right.

And I'm lazy.

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Jonathan P. Goldstein, Ph.D.

Relevant qoute:


The person who relayed this article, highlighted some words in red --- namely, the ones that supported his own argument.

The results of the physical model can be summarized by:

Helmets have no significant impact on whether or not you die, compared to other variables such as how fast you are going.

Helmets have a significant impact on the severity of neck injury, and tend to increase the severity of these types of injuries.

And...the part NOT in red print:

"In sharp contrast to the previous model, methods for the reduction of the gravity of head injuries exist. The most effective one is the energy absorbing capability of the helmet. The statistical significance of the H variable and insignificance of the interaction term (HI) imply that not only do helmets reduce head injuries, but they do so at almost all realistic impact speeds to the helmet."

ie. The most effective way of reducing the severity of head injuries is wearing a helmet!

So --If the accident would probably kill you without a helmet, it's probably going to kill you WITH a helmet. If you DO get in an accident the helmet increases the possiblity of neck injury and decreases the possibility of head injury.

This seems to conform with common sense as well. Although I'm pretty suspicious about the fact that only ONE person's name is on this study...that's a red flag to me.

The blogger then makes the leap to "Helmet's Kill"...which is a careless statement. Using science as sophistry really annoys me.

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If anything I'd suspect wearing seatbelts would CAUSE more accidents than not because they restrict movement while wearing them (not normal operation but lets say you want to get the radio out of your glove box and put it on, and your glove box is way far away because you drive a goddamned caddilac). On another note I can sleep in the front of my car on an angle.

Helmets on the other hand would reduce the ammount of accidents if they come equipped with a face shield to keep the bugs and wind out of the rider's face (unless maybe mud or something hit it obstructing the view.

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If anything I'd suspect wearing seatbelts would CAUSE more accidents than not because they restrict movement while wearing them (not normal operation but lets say you want to get the radio out of your glove box and put it on, and  your glove box is way far away because you drive a goddamned caddilac).  On another note I can sleep in the front of my car on an angle.

Helmets on the other hand would reduce the ammount of accidents if they come equipped with a face shield to keep the bugs and wind out of the rider's face (unless maybe mud or something hit it obstructing the view.


That's the whole idea. Seatbelts are supposed to keep you from flying around in the cockpit and cracking your head open on the instrument panel... that's the safety in an accident issue.

As for CAUSING accidents, it's not wearing a seatbelt while rooting around for a radio faceplate. It's being a damn fool who roots around for his radio faceplate while he's driving.

If I have something I absolutely must reach while i'm driving, I de-belt if I have to and re-buckle as soon as possible. =P That's why they skipped me ahead a grade (which is actually a lie, but i'm using hyperbole. c'mon, david, what kind of dumbass would do that...).

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Helmets on the other hand would reduce the ammount of accidents if they come equipped with a face shield to keep the bugs and wind out of the rider's face (unless maybe mud or something hit it obstructing the view.

bugs and wind are part of what makes riding so great! :wink :grin besides, that's why they make riding glasses/goggles... only time i need a full face is in the middle of winter when it's 20°F outside - frostbite would really suck!! :doh

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c'mon, david, what kind of dumbass would do that....


I would, especailly when taking off from certain parts of Detroit. I want to get moving ASAP and don't want to take the extra time sitting there to put on my faceplate, which is only five seconds sure but still.

On the bonus side I've got "THE CLUB" handy if anyone tries anything. It has such a great name.

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I would, especailly when taking off from certain parts of Detroit.  I want to get moving ASAP and don't want to take the extra time sitting there to put on my faceplate, which is only five seconds sure but still.

On the bonus side I've got "THE CLUB" handy if anyone tries anything.  It has such a great name.


:devil :laughing I have one of those,a Masterlock brand,but it will do the same amount of damage to any idiot.

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Safe driving potentially saves more lives than seatbelts. :)

That's why there are traffic laws. At least nobody is saying they have an inaliable right to drive 80 mph, drunk, on a cell phone, in the rain without windshield wipers or headlights, after staying up for two days, while reading a book and shaving, through red lights going down the wrong way on a one way (if that's even possible).

I can see where the line is drawn though....if you don't wear a seat-belt, theoretically you are only putting more risk on yourself and not other people. For those who don't believe in seat-belt laws: Do you believe in seat-belt laws that only cover children? Such as, child safety-seat regulations? Or is it someone's right to increase the risk of injury of the children under their supervision?

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:devil  :laughing I have one of those,a Masterlock brand,but it will do the same amount of damage to any idiot.


Yes but the club has the approprate name to it already, and you get insurrence breakes if it's actually "the club" and not a knockoff brand.

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Yes but the club has the approprate name to it already, and you get insurrence breakes if it's actually "the club" and not a knockoff brand.


:devil There is a paper that came with it for a $1000 deal towards your deductable if your car is messed with,but I'll call my insurance about more info.Masterlock I know has been around for a long time.

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:devil There is a paper that came with it for a $1000 deal towards your deductable if your car is messed with,but I'll call my insurance about more info.Masterlock I know has been around for a long time.


Indeed, mine came with one of those too. I'm talking like 20 bucks chipped off the bill every 6 months. Car alarm systems are like another 20, air bags, etc...

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Indeed, mine came with one of those too.  I'm talking like 20 bucks chipped off the bill every 6 months.  Car alarm systems are like another 20, air bags, etc...


:devil Yeah I am definately looking into it tomarrow.thanx man.

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