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I Want To Know About Prescription Drugs


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Just curious. I can't take them as they constipate and am happy to say I don't need them but am curious. I know I can go read on the web but I want actual accounts from people I sorta know.

My sister and best friend are on this stuff.

What does it do to you? Does it make you high? My sis said it makes her extremely happy.

My friend too. Just curious what it does.

Its the prozac I am really curious about......I just watched prozac nation.....it doesn't seem to help much.

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Just curious. I can't take them as they constipate and am happy to say I don't need them but am curious. I know I can go read on the web but I want actual accounts from people I sorta know.

My sister and best friend are on this stuff.

What does it do to you? Does it make you high? My sis said it makes her extremely happy.

My friend too. Just curious what it does.

Its the prozac I am really curious about......I just watched prozac nation.....it doesn't seem to help much.

prozac nation-awsome movie

prozac sucks big time. it turns you into a big bipolar mess

paxil made me have the worst freak out/panic attack i think ive ever experienced especially for no reason at all. it was so bad that i was sent to the hospital.

zoloft didnt seem to do anything at all. i still had all the symptoms of depression and the meds had no effect on lessening them or calming me down or anything

welbutrin turned me into miss bitch for as long as i was on it. i was hateful to everyone and bitchy and just overall a royal pain in the ass

my advice, if you can look at what the problem is and attempt to fix it yourself or with an outside source that isnt meds (a therapist or something) di it. its better for your health, and ive found it works better than the meds anyway. not to mention if you can get to the root of the problem and fix it, its probably better than just covering it up anyway.


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Wellbutrin made me numb, and made me want to kill myself.

Which is very abnormal of me as I am not that kind of person.

The only reaosn I took it was for the Quitting smoking aid.

I've never taken anything else other than xanax but that was short lived for quitting smoking.

Xanax made me just calm....made me not care.

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I took Welbutrin to try to quit smoking. It turned me into someone else. I was either happy as hell or depressed as hell... noothing in between. btw.. the depressed part was rare... mostly I walked around happy as hell for no rason at all. Even when I should have been sad... I was smiling and feeling good.

Noone liked me anymore. So I stopped taking it.

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I sit across the street from a doctors office with my binoculars because spying can be fun!


It is really how disturbing it is to see pretty guys and girls stopping in with their free lunches as incentives for the doctors to prescribe thier drugs...

Along with thier incentives for free vacations/raffles/gifts etc.....

They are all pretty guys/girls coming in left and right all day long with different gifts of sorts.

Doctors don't care, they only care about thier free vacation to the bahama's for 2, or the free BJ in the bathroom.

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Yes, I can see this. It is scary when a goth is too happy, you probably freaked your friends out with the ear to ear grin, they were not used to it!

I took Welbutrin to try to quit smoking. It turned me into someone else. I was either happy as hell or depressed as hell... noothing in between. btw.. the depressed part was rare... mostly I walked around happy as hell for no rason at all. Even when I should have been sad... I was smiling and feeling good.

Noone liked me anymore. So I stopped taking it.

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I have very close relatives who have massively benefitted from anti-depression drugs.

A sister who before them, was a complete and total basketcase. Her mood swings scared the shit out of those of us who lived with her at the time. She was unapproachable.

A couple incidences at work pretty much forced her to seek therapy. She was put on meds. Together, both approaches helped her so much, she became an absolute peach to be around. And she didn't have the negative side-effects once they found the correct med for her.

It's been well over 20 years since then. She's not real open to talking about these things, but she has told me she's been off the meds for years. You wouldn't know it - she's still just as pleasant to be around. She's my husband's favorite family member.

My husband has been on Effexxor XR for 4 years now. Before Effexxor, he had horrible nightly anxiety attacks, totally debilitating. They'd also be triggered by stomach upset. He also could be really, really hard to discuss issues with. He'd get angry, nasty, and sometimes scary (no, he never hit me).

The Effexxor has been miraculous. The anxiety attacks are gone, he's able to function "normally" without a single sign of negative side-effect. Sometimes he's even more even-keeled than I am right now.

He's never had a day of therapy in his life. Meds alone have done the trick for him.

Meds can work. They can work well. Some people need therapy in addition, and I HIGHLY recommend that.

I myself have, thusfar, gone nowhere with my depression & meds. Effexxor XR had NO effect on me. NONE. Same thing with the Lexapro I'm currently taking. Might as well be taking a sugar pill. I strongly believe therapy will be better for me than meds, but I'm open to the possibility that I might need both.

There are a LOT of horror stories out there. But if you'd like more first-hand information, go to this message board and do some lurking. Mood Disorder & Depression Group Maybe even join. I did for a while, but to be frank, they've got SO many members, most of them are there just to spew and rant and not respond to others. I got tired of it and quit. But it's enlightening.

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This never happened to me when I was taking medicine for depression, but there is a warning that says that taking this medicine ( I guess its a lot of the depression drugs) that it cause you to have suciidal thoughts. Now isnt that defeating the purpose?

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This never happened to me when I was taking medicine for depression, but there is a warning that says that taking this medicine ( I guess its a lot of the depression drugs) that it cause you to have suciidal thoughts. Now isnt that defeating the purpose?

I noticed that part also and completely agree.

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Being in my situation..ive had my share of prescriptions...i know alot about painkillers...but i dont know much about anti depressants...the dr wants me on them for my maniac depression but i refuse to take any personality altering meds...id rather deal with it on my own..but pain i cant tolerate...so ive been on alot of them...they're to make u feel high so u forget your pain...u barly notie it...and the side effet is constipation...in which case ull make good freinds with colace ;)

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