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Oddly enough, I can empathize with Critter.

Okay, I know. I'm not over-weight or fat or whatever, but, there was a time last year where, somewhat infrequently, but it occured several times, where my own mother would point to my stomach and state her opinion that I needed to work out.

That coming from someone who's overweight, has high blood pressure, high tri-glycerides and has a belly like she's 8 months along.

Someone to sound so hypocritical, that irks me.

I've never been in your shoes, but I see where you're coming from.

But turn this around a bit.

They call you "fat" but at least you're not "ignorant" such as they. Even your favourite talkshow hostsare ignorant to this sort of issue. And they're vain and cruel to the point of talking crap about their own fans, after they've hung up and said their two cents.

People who've never been in situations where they were addressed as overweight or fat can never make a true judgement.

I cant pass judgement on Critter. I've seen her posts before I met her in person. I personally think she's adorable, regardless of how she looks.

The next time someone calls you fat, just smile and say "You're point? 'Least I'm not ignorant".

You're right, not everyone is genetically made to be thin to the point of breaking them in half if you so much as hug them.

And those people are just going to have to wisen up, but I doubt that'll happen.

I think the comeback of Your Point? at least im not ignorant, is a good one.

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I don't have much to add except to say I understand. I was just told that I should spare myself the pain of pursuing attractive people and stick to "my league" which, in context, means other fat people. I could say more on this subject but I don't feel like it.

Funny, that. It seems like many of the very ugliest guys are only interested in women for physical reasons. Or maybe slimeball guys like that just LOOK uglier to me than other guys. Most of the guys I've dated were average to plain, I can't immediately think of any that could've been "ugly," and a couple of them were SUPER HOT. At least in my opinion... and they all thought I was hot. At least for my personality. One of them wanted me to lose weight and was stupid enough to tell me, lol. Didn't break up with him over that, though. We broke up because he was a complete headcase. It seems like he calls me every 6 months or so to y'know, check up on how i'm doing, we should go to karaoke sometime, it's been forever... =P

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Guest Megalicious

I don't have much to add except to say I understand. I was just told that I should spare myself the pain of pursuing attractive people and stick to "my league" which, in context, means other fat people. I could say more on this subject but I don't feel like it.

WTF, you are sexy as hell, not to mention one of the most intellegent ppl that I know here, you have a great sense of humor, and you always smell so good!! Your never quick to judge, if you ask me your pretty much the full package and if I was into women I would be so lucky to even get a glance from you. (not to mention you know how to blend!!! lol you know how important that is to me.)

I'm sorry someone told you that bullshit Anglea, the fact is the probably told you that to make them feel better about themselfs. You are gorgeous, glamrous and amazingly beautiful. If you as me you are in a "league" all your own. :animier:

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Oddly enough, I can empathize with Critter.

Okay, I know. I'm not over-weight or fat or whatever, but, there was a time last year where, somewhat infrequently, but it occured several times, where my own mother would point to my stomach and state her opinion that I needed to work out.

That coming from someone who's overweight, has high blood pressure, high tri-glycerides and has a belly like she's 8 months along.

Someone to sound so hypocritical, that irks me.

My mother does the same to me ... and I know I look damn good for having 4 kids in five years. :happy:

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My take, since I was thin and am now fat and come from a family of people who have been fat for a majority of their lives. is-

Yes, a lot of people do not and never will understand that we know we are fat and that it cannot be cured overnight. Many people look at you and think "Just go to the gym and diet and..." On one hand their simplistic approach is not wrong in theory, but way off in reality.

What I don't like about being fat and seeing fat people whine about being fat in general is that those who truly don't like it, do something about it and those who aren't ready to deal with the long hard road of getting thinner/healthier don't do anytihing yet still complain. I have made my share of complaints about being fat, but in the end I can only blame me.

I come from a fat family, but we're fat because we stuff too much food in our pie holes and don't move our damn asses an inch off the couch. no one held a gun to anyone's head to eat fast food daily and a box of ho-ho's nightly and not to exercise.

Granted, some people have medical or hereditary implications that make it difficult if not impossible to lose weight, but they are far and few between. Mainly sheer lack of willpower and laziness prevail. I know this because I have known many fat people and am one and this is the overwhelming attitude. Again, not all cases, but the majority.

Losing weight for me means sacriice on some level that I am having a struggle doing. In the meantime I do have to put up with society looking at me differently, especially when I am applying for jobs and they may see me as lazy and fat and on many counts they are correct. I think most fat people want sympathy for being fat instead of owning up to what they did to themselves.

I don't think that anyone who goes out of their way to be malicious to anyone in any way should be condoned for their behavior- it's inexcusable. However, the glares, stares and things going on in their heads can only be changed if they get to know me and understand that I have a mind, a personality and am a human being beyond the fat. I know I will not be accepted by the majority of society and I'm not sure that I am comfortable with them accepting me. , since I feel that fat acceptance has been taken too far.

We are a society of fat people. Fat children are almost the norm now when they NEVER were the norm, they were the few- now theyare the many, just as many adults are also fat. We all make choices and sometimes we actually choose to get fat. We choose the things that make us ill, we choose not to exercise and not to eat right and we choose not to sleep well, etc.

I think that anorexic stars and models are disgusting just as the overly fat women cramming "fat is fabulous" down our throats are disgusting. Extremes are extreme. What happened to a happy mediuml and healthy? Our society does nothing moderately, everthing is ALL or NOTHING. We've gone too far in my opinion.

We cannot dictate how others percive us, but we can sometimes convince them of who we really are by mere example. I am me and I don't worry about what other people that I don't even know think of me. That's all I can say for the moment.

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Funny, that. It seems like many of the very ugliest guys are only interested in women for physical reasons.

True dat.

WTF, you are sexy as hell, not to mention one of the most intellegent ppl that I know here, you have a great sense of humor, and you always smell so good!! Your never quick to judge, if you ask me your pretty much the full package and if I was into women I would be so lucky to even get a glance from you. (not to mention you know how to blend!!! lol you know how important that is to me.)

I'm sorry someone told you that bullshit Anglea, the fact is the probably told you that to make them feel better about themselfs. You are gorgeous, glamrous and amazingly beautiful. If you as me you are in a "league" all your own. :animier:

Awww thanks babe :happy:

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I don't have much to add except to say I understand. I was just told that I should spare myself the pain of pursuing attractive people and stick to "my league" which, in context, means other fat people. I could say more on this subject but I don't feel like it.

Sounds to me like SOMEbody was pretty fucking ignorant and needs a swift kick in the ass.

Your "league?" WTF? There should be no such animal. You're not "fat," you're "voluptuous." Men can't handle a true, beautiful woman with meat on her bones and personality. Even I've heard "You have such a pretty face. You'd be really gorgeous if you didn't have that pouch."

Fuck them.

If there's any league here, then they are out of yours.

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Sounds to me like SOMEbody was pretty fucking ignorant and needs a swift kick in the ass.

Your "league?" WTF? There should be no such animal. You're not "fat," you're "voluptuous." Men can't handle a true, beautiful woman with meat on her bones and personality. Even I've heard "You have such a pretty face. You'd be really gorgeous if you didn't have that pouch."

Fuck them.

If there's any league here, then they are out of yours.

Oh it wasn't a guy who said it, it was a so-called "friend" who thought she was giving me some friendly advice.

Whatever, I AM fat *shrug* and some people are not going to be attracted to me because of it. That's fine with me, I am not usually attracted to people who are short, and that's not exactly something they can help!! Preference can't be helped. There's just no reason to be an asshole about it.

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My mother does the same to me ... and I know I look damn good for having 4 kids in five years. :happy:

No, you don't look damn good for having 4 kids in five years...

You look damn good in GENERAL...

My take, since I was thin and am now fat and come from a family of people who have been fat for a majority of their lives. is-

Yes, a lot of people do not and never will understand that we know we are fat and that it cannot be cured overnight. Many people look at you and think "Just go to the gym and diet and..." On one hand their simplistic approach is not wrong in theory, but way off in reality.

What I don't like about being fat and seeing fat people whine about being fat in general is that those who truly don't like it, do something about it and those who aren't ready to deal with the long hard road of getting thinner/healthier don't do anytihing yet still complain. I have made my share of complaints about being fat, but in the end I can only blame me.

I come from a fat family, but we're fat because we stuff too much food in our pie holes and don't move our damn asses an inch off the couch. no one held a gun to anyone's head to eat fast food daily and a box of ho-ho's nightly and not to exercise.

Granted, some people have medical or hereditary implications that make it difficult if not impossible to lose weight, but they are far and few between. Mainly sheer lack of willpower and laziness prevail. I know this because I have known many fat people and am one and this is the overwhelming attitude. Again, not all cases, but the majority.

Losing weight for me means sacriice on some level that I am having a struggle doing. In the meantime I do have to put up with society looking at me differently, especially when I am applying for jobs and they may see me as lazy and fat and on many counts they are correct. I think most fat people want sympathy for being fat instead of owning up to what they did to themselves.

I don't think that anyone who goes out of their way to be malicious to anyone in any way should be condoned for their behavior- it's inexcusable. However, the glares, stares and things going on in their heads can only be changed if they get to know me and understand that I have a mind, a personality and am a human being beyond the fat. I know I will not be accepted by the majority of society and I'm not sure that I am comfortable with them accepting me. , since I feel that fat acceptance has been taken too far.

We are a society of fat people. Fat children are almost the norm now when they NEVER were the norm, they were the few- now theyare the many, just as many adults are also fat. We all make choices and sometimes we actually choose to get fat. We choose the things that make us ill, we choose not to exercise and not to eat right and we choose not to sleep well, etc.

I think that anorexic stars and models are disgusting just as the overly fat women cramming "fat is fabulous" down our throats are disgusting. Extremes are extreme. What happened to a happy mediuml and healthy? Our society does nothing moderately, everthing is ALL or NOTHING. We've gone too far in my opinion.

We cannot dictate how others percive us, but we can sometimes convince them of who we really are by mere example. I am me and I don't worry about what other people that I don't even know think of me. That's all I can say for the moment.

I agree with the thing about fat people being able to change their eating habits and exercise and become not fat, but I'll absolve myself of my fat lifestyle for the 22 years I was practicing it purely because of my living conditions. If any of you think I'm fat, you should see my father. It's really hard to eat salads when he tries to force everyone around him to bring him home his fried chicken and his white castles. Sometimes I refuse to bring him junk food anymore (it's hard to say no to him, he's my DAD, and if you wanna live at home harmoniously at my age, ya gotta have a good relationship with your folks), but whenever I say "no" he gets pissy. Like a little kid.

If I hadn't started walking and working out, I never would've started losing weight, and he pokes fun at me for it. The other night I was trying on an old shirt in front of the mirror to see if I could pull it off yet, and he asked me if I was "looking for a waist." I said yes. =) It's so much easier to take quips and jocular compliments when you're actually making progress, but I wish I wish I WISH he would get a clue and just go on a little walk and maybe eat a little less every day. He's not even 50, and there's no way he'll make it to 60.

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Oh it wasn't a guy who said it, it was a so-called "friend" who thought she was giving me some friendly advice.

Whatever, I AM fat *shrug* and some people are not going to be attracted to me because of it. That's fine with me, I am not usually attracted to people who are short, and that's not exactly something they can help!! Preference can't be helped. There's just no reason to be an asshole about it.

Great friend.....NOT

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Oh it wasn't a guy who said it, it was a so-called "friend" who thought she was giving me some friendly advice.

Whatever, I AM fat *shrug* and some people are not going to be attracted to me because of it. That's fine with me, I am not usually attracted to people who are short, and that's not exactly something they can help!! Preference can't be helped. There's just no reason to be an asshole about it.

I have a friend who gets pissed off at me for writing off guys we meet IN BARS who ignore me and/or treat me like shit. "OMG stop being down on yourself, you're beautiful, why can't you just open up and have fun and be your beautiful self and there'll be sunshine and flowers and they'll be so attracted to you!!??!!"


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Cannot say that I was ever picked on for being either too skinny or too fat.

However, I do understand.

I get/have been picked on for:

Looking like a troll

Being short

Having small boobs

Being a scraggly little kid with dirty clothes and ratty hair

My nose

My clothes

My gigantic feet / especially for being as short as I am

Having elephant knees

Oh...and I have "carrot" legs as they were called..... You know, big up top and sloped to a point at the bottom... :question: \/ \/

I do not & have not worn shorts in over 10 years....unless in the priovacy of my own home....

My grandmother did at one point think I was anorexic, but I was pushing 150 at 5'2" and got down to 120.....big deal.

People will point out anything they can to make themselves feel better I guess.

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I've long been a supporter of "politically incorrect" humor and have my own criteria for when i think its appropriate and when i dont.

But, i think there are many MANY people out there that honestly do feel that somehow "fat people" are not worth their time. I dont mean they make wise ass remarks and thats it. I mean they really do live their life as if overweight people are just not worth their time. That aspect of it is sad/ignorant.

I know there is an undercurrent of "fat people aren't worth talking to" especially it seems, women. Right now as we speak DGN is often bashed for embracing various shapes and sizes. Its often one of the insults that you'll hear hurled at DGN. (yes really and often)

I mean its OBVIOUS that the "hot people" get more attention than whatever it is we want to call "traditionally attractive". Why? Is it fair? Is it smart? No i dont think so. But its a reality.

Giving someone more or less attention due to their appearance (regardless if its "fat" or "skinny" or whatever else) in any direction is just as unfair by the standard rational.

Is anyone totally appearance-neutral? I dont think such a person exists.

What the solution for it is other than trying to control our own emotions is i'm not sure. The media isn't going to train us to be appearance-neutral. Hell many people spend most if not all of their time on appearance. Saying that well "i'm not rude to fat people" or "i'm not rude to short people" isn't good enough i dont think. The argument "well i only make fun of people if its something they can change" is also a fairly weak attempt at ethics.

Often you'll find that people are only empathetic to things they are close to. So if its the "guy with no hair" thats being made fun of its all fine and dandy. But if you happen to be a tall person and people are making fun of tall people all the sudden its an outrage. Ethical behavior is often democratic and geographic unfortunately.

Having been "the fat kid" up until around 9th grade i can empathize with the situations were it does come up and it can be very upsetting.

Learning empathy toward all people helps. Many dont have this trait by nature.

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Right now as we speak DGN is often bashed for embracing various shapes and sizes. Its often one of the insults that you'll hear hurled at DGN. (yes really and often)

Are you serious? Is that opposed to other message boards, where weight requirements to post are enforced??


This is the funniest thing I've read in a while.

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