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Going to have your taxes done?

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Even though I really don't need a tax preparrer, I decided to let someone else do it for me this year. What a mistake that was!

I had one job last year. Nothing under the table, no stocks, no bonds, no properties, no lottery income . . . . . . only the income from my one job.

The woman who did my taxes was pleasant and cordial enough although she couldn't seem to understand "This is the ONLY income that I had last year". When she was done with the Federal, she said that I'd get back about $700 some. Came as somewhat of a suprise to me as I received about $1,000 last year from Federal. As I was mulling over why it would be so different this year, the preparer says "Well, let's just put in some medical expenses and see what that does for you." And then she just arbitrarily starting plugging in values on my tax forms to make it seem as if I had paid into medical when I didn't even go to see a doctor at all last year! (Not that it made any difference, though, because with the amount of wages I made last year, it put me over the "poverty level" and thus, I don't get a break for having a low amount of income last year.)

Then she sits there and tells me about how she's letting her friend claim her son as a tax write-off and the friend will be getting back about $4,000 due to the addition of the child on her return and how her friend is trying to screw her over this $4,000.

I was completely dumbfounded that someone would be so blatent about stuff like this.

So the woman starts to prepare to do my state taxes and I ask her "Did you take out the medical stuff?" She says, "No, I didn't. Do you want me to?" I replied, "Yes, please." And so she did. But damnnnn.

For those that might say something like "Don't you want to screw the government?" or "Don't you want to get over on them?" well, yes, I wouldn't mind but not when there's a potential for jail time involved. I don't want something like that over my head because it'll come back and bite me in the ass when I least expect it.

She may have had good intentions and was trying to do someone a good turn, but c'mon, you don't just keep doing stuff to people's returns like that. It's sooooo waaaaay illegal. Yeah, perhaps I'm being too anal, but geez, this is just too much, in my opinion.

I will never go to Jackson-Hewitt again and I'll be doing my own taxes next year.

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i personally dont think you are being anal..... it is you who will go to jail or get in trouble...... so it is your right to say no i will be upsatnding and abid by the law.... any one who has any problems with another trying to do the right thing is fucked up......

I do see how it would be to your advatage to take the tax breaks she was willing fibb on but if you feel it is not right then dont ever do it allways trust your gut it has (i am sure it has as mine does all the time) kept you out of trouble.

Also it might be worth, checking on line to see if you can enter all your info, and get a projected refund with out actually filling it, just to compare what the lady at JH did versus what you come up with..... maybe your #'s will be better since you will be doing it on the up n up.... any how if your #'s are higher you can amend the return she did for you and get back the rest of your $ sometime in the next 6-8 wks..... i only know this as i had forgotten a w2 on my taxes and i had amend it rather simple process its just ya have to mail it in and wait for the check to come in mail vs all the high tech ways.....


this link is to turbo taxes info on amendments

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I'm such a bitch I would have reported her. She's giving $$$ to someone who doesn't deserve it and taking that $$ away from those that do deserve it.

We use tubo tax. It's easy to do and it's direct deposited in about 2 weeks.

WE went to Jackson-Hewett last year. We were NOT impressed with the sevice.

H&R block is a big rip off. They say on TV that you can walk out with your check. Not only does that service have very high fee's but you don't even know if you qualify for that service until after you pay and they send it in. They've pissed me off too many times.

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