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Guest Megalicious

Netflicks this week:

1. The Thrid Man

2. Battle Royale

3. Samurai Champloo Vol. 1

Currently reading:

A New World: An Epic of Colonial America from the founding of Jamestown to the Fall of Quebec.

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Now reading..>Dancing With Cats.

No, really.

It's totally effed up.

It's about these people who...well, dance with their cats and not the holding up their paws and wiggling them around until the cat gets mad at you and runs away kind of dancing.

This is like 'Fred and Fluffy share psychic energy.' and 'The health benefits of dancing with cats is well documented' (I'm gonna have to go pick up the New England Journal of Medicine and we'll just see about that) and 'When I DRESS UP LIKE MY CAT it enhances the experience'

I bought it as a gag gift for a friend who is deathly allergic to cats, but I'm not sure he'll ever get it now.

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Just saw

Superman returns


Night Caller

The Black Dahlia


House MD Season one

& From A Whisper To A Scream

for my grand finale

THE DESCENT ..great flick

Just began Stephen King's new one Lisey's Story it'll be a long wait for that review kids.

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  • 2 weeks later...

:coffee: trying to read right nwo is very tiring.

I have seen a LOT of stuff.

the Devil Wears Prada - not very impressed since M. Streep can ACT so who cares what the part, she rules.

My Super Exgirlfriend - Vert fun flick and I like Uma Thurman a lot. I would watch it again. :thumbup:

I am though trying to work little by little thru a lot of horror mags and te newest Stephen King which sounds great!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I alwyas have a huge list a usual peeps:

Voidod DVD live #2

Doomed Nation Nation #2

A Scanner Darkly

SHallow Hal (again)

Pulse (American version)

Pan's Labyrinth (awesome)

As Good As It Gets (repeat this one weekly)

Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends (daily)

Camp Lazlo - Venture Brothers Collection #1 - Seinfeld Season #6 -

and more..u guys really dont understand that I have NO LIFE do you? :happy:

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Just finished the March Shonen Jump... just in time for the new issue to show up on my doorstep, yaaay!

Last TV- Las Vegas on Fri. nite. I really like this one, it has a sense of humor that's totally lacking in most TV shows of this kind.

Last DVD - porn sampler from Priscilla's... it was actually somewhat entertaining, really nice looking production on all the features and one or two moments I actually found erotic.

Now reading..>Dancing With Cats.

No, really.

It's totally effed up.

It's about these people who...well, dance with their cats and not the holding up their paws and wiggling them around until the cat gets mad at you and runs away kind of dancing.

This is like 'Fred and Fluffy share psychic energy.' and 'The health benefits of dancing with cats is well documented' (I'm gonna have to go pick up the New England Journal of Medicine and we'll just see about that) and 'When I DRESS UP LIKE MY CAT it enhances the experience'

I bought it as a gag gift for a friend who is deathly allergic to cats, but I'm not sure he'll ever get it now.

Is that another spoof book by the Why Paint Cats people? Seems like I read about them doing something like that.

Edited by pomba gira
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I love SPUN... one of my favorite drug movies (up there with Salton Sea)

currently reading about the Spanish Civil War... lots of good stuff to read about since most of the worlds best intellectuals were obsessed with it or actually volunteered to go there and fight or report about it (hemmingway, Orwell etc.)

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Actually sat through & enjoyed a whole movie with Tokagemaru (I am a terrible movie watcher & T. takes his movies very seriously)... when, Sat. or Sun. nite I think? It was called Eating Out and was silly but cute, with very engaging characters & cool art design. We watched another one Wed. nite, Eurotrip... this one was much sillier but nowhere near as entertaining. I didn't do as well that time. Sorry, lovey!

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I'm reading The Brothers Karamazov. It is easier to read than it was made out to be; I'd expected something on the order of Joyce, or something that put me right to sleep, and of course it is neither.

Then again, I'm only 120 pages in.

I gotta get a hold of that one. Seems like everyone recommends it.

Right now I'm reading Wolves of the Calla, book 5 in the dark tower series. I'm starting to get so disgusted that i got so involved in the series... damn guilty pleasure.

Edited by BrassFusion
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I gotta get a hold of that one. Seems like everyone recommends it.

Right now I'm reading Wolves of the Calla, book 5 in the dark tower series. I'm starting to get so disgusted that i got so involved in the series... damn guilty pleasure.

Out of curiosity, why are you so disgusted with it?

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Out of curiosity, why are you so disgusted with it?

cuz he's just really not that good of a writer... he can build a story into a freaking epic but the dialog is just so terrible sometimes it makes me cry =(

it gets more obviously bad in some of his movies. i mean, shawshank redemption and green mile were very good and enjoyable, books AND film, but when you get morgan freeman and tom hanks to read for you, difficulties with the script aren't as obvious...

now, the stand... decent book, but the screen adaptation kinda makes you wish you'd skipped the movie and just read the novel again.

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Is that another spoof book by the Why Paint Cats people? Seems like I read about them doing something like that.

YES! Same people! I think they have a third, too, maybe something like Painted Cats...I'm not really sure, but it's hysterical! They write the funniest stuff in there! And the people they get to pose for the pictures are freaking great!

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Oh yeah, and I saw Last King of Scotland, it was a while ago and I kept meaning to post in here...

Phee stars in it.

It is VERY troubling. Not because of Phee. Phee actually did a really good job, but it's about Uganda and how EFFED all of the people who live there are. I have NEVER had to close my eyes during a movie, save for this one. It was just too much.

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I just watched 4 rooms again......love that fucking movie. going to buy it someday.

If you have not seen it go do it now.

Then I went to record time in Roseville where a very nice (and cute I might add!!!) young man pointed out a steal of a deal on a skinny puppy live disk set.

Its called the greater wrong of the right and its two disk. Its great! It really feels like your at the concert. I have watched it 2 times total all the way through already and partway another time.

It was only 10 bucks!

I love record time.

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Today we saw Pan's Labyrinth which I loved... beautifully shot & even a happy ending! I am very much into fairytale themes & re-interpretations so I probably would've liked it even if it weren't so visually entrancing. This was my first foray into a movie theater in about 10 years, so it was also interesting just being in a contemporary movie house and seeing how they've evolved from the stark, utilitarian mall multiplexes of the '80s & early '90s. They are really into creating a total experience nowadays- just like the old movie palaces of the 1930s-50s (like the Fox).

YES! Same people! I think they have a third, too, maybe something like Painted Cats...I'm not really sure, but it's hysterical! They write the funniest stuff in there! And the people they get to pose for the pictures are freaking great!

Yeah... Why Paint Cats, that's the 3rd one... first was Why Cats Paint. My sweet but gullible stepsister (who sends me every dumbass email hoax that comes down the pike) sent me an email that's going around about Why Paint under the impression that it's a "real" book (which the email implies) . I gently pointed out how difficult it would be to get any cat to sit still for a paint job like the ones pictured, among numerous other implausibilities. But yeah, those books are all hilarious... such a great send-up of these "artistic movements" that take themselves waaaay too seriously.

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