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I am almost finished reading Memnoch The Devil and it is seriously messing with my head. I guess thats how you know its a good book. I have thirty more pages to go and then I get to start on Pandora. I can't wait.

Thats been on my too-be-read pile for like 5 years. I bought all the Rice vampire stuff that was available at the time, read the first three and even though i liked them very much , for some reason just stalled out.

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Ok and currently Reading:

Firefly The Official Companion (Volume One)

Done with it actually, but, still using it as a reference for the Chinese words in Firefly the TV series, since im a geek and watch it often)

Why People believe Weird Things - Michael Shermer (just started it)

Despite its accessible sounding title, this is some pretty thick reading. Its good but i'd not recommend it as a first book if your not used to reading this kind of stuff. (the brian mills book listed above , would be much better)

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  • 3 weeks later...


The Mad Maghician ~ Vincent Price

The Hamiltons ~ Unknowns but very cool.

The Queen ~ Helen Mirren, awesome woman

Tool some documentary, it was kick ass. Maynard is so awesome.

800 AM Coast To Coast radio...The LindBergh Baby found and proven at last program last night. Very convincing evidence with host Ian Punnett. You guys need to listen in on weekends man!

I lost my damned King nnovel Lisey's Story adn I was really into it so until I find it I can't report anything new abotu it.

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I haven't been able to sit and read a book for over 4 years. Something happened while I was going through "the depression" that's just made reading a book difficult for me to do. I can't start one to save my life, and i have shelves full waiting to be read (I brought 4 boxes of books back from NC, and left the brand-new TV. Tell you anything?)

I have the last 2 Anna Pigeon mysteries in particular waiting to be read. Written by Nevada Barr, Anna is a National Park ranger and each book takes place in a different park. Initially fueled my desire to work as an interpretive ranger, and I live vicariously through these books. Wish I could get one started, maybe it'd give me momentum to get reading again.

Last movie we saw was "Night at the Museum". We don't pay to see movies at the theater very much anymore, so we usually wait for DVD. I have "Walk the Line" and "A Prairie Home Companion" in queue.

Picked up a BBC VHS cassette from the library book sale room that has a 30 minute segment with Hugh Laurie & Stephen Fry doing comedy routines. For those who don't know, Hugh Laurie is cranky Dr. House on the eponymous TV show.

Now, if only I can find BlackAdder at a library in our system...

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"Unlocking The Mystery of Life" (DVD) (Netflix per usual is my source of this crazy shit i watch)

The only pro-creation (vs evolution) documentary I've seen that is well done and at least in one case pretty convincing to a well-read audience. Most of the arguments it makes are fairly easily refuted by scientific fact as is the case with most creation arguments , but the last point it makes is pretty good and one I've not heard before.

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I haven't been able to sit and read a book for over 4 years. Something happened while I was going through "the depression" that's just made reading a book difficult for me to do. I can't start one to save my life, and i have shelves full waiting to be read (I brought 4 boxes of books back from NC, and left the brand-new TV. Tell you anything?)

I have the last 2 Anna Pigeon mysteries in particular waiting to be read. Written by Nevada Barr, Anna is a National Park ranger and each book takes place in a different park. Initially fueled my desire to work as an interpretive ranger, and I live vicariously through these books. Wish I could get one started, maybe it'd give me momentum to get reading again.

Last movie we saw was "Night at the Museum". We don't pay to see movies at the theater very much anymore, so we usually wait for DVD. I have "Walk the Line" and "A Prairie Home Companion" in queue.

Picked up a BBC VHS cassette from the library book sale room that has a 30 minute segment with Hugh Laurie & Stephen Fry doing comedy routines. For those who don't know, Hugh Laurie is cranky Dr. House on the eponymous TV show.

Now, if only I can find BlackAdder at a library in our system...

Critter you might try netflix. Its not free , but it is quite cheap for how many DVDs you get and they have an insanely large selection. Just as a random piece of info the 3 DVDs at-a-time is the best value cost to volume. (black adder was one of the first TV series i rented from there just as a random aside)

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dead like me (season one) ~ love it and can't wait to get more seasons (i also have season 2)

scrubs (season one and starting season 2) ~ dr. cox is the sh!t. it's so damned funny

Unfortunately there are only 2 seasons of that KICK ASS SHOW (Dead like me). It got canned half-way through season 2. Pissed me right off. What's not to love about wait... you're only on season one. Let me shut up. IT'S AWESOME.

I'm Watching:

The CSI season 6 finally... Sweet. You find out who the box killer is. SURPRISING

I'm Reading:

Java book, and a Comparative Religions book for school... ewwe...

I'm Listening to:

A huge mix of Breaking Benjamin.

I'm also basking in the afterglow of a Kick assed show, opening for Hed PE last night... FUN FUN FUN. I'll put up a blurb about it in another thread...


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The Founding Fathers (4 parts) (DVD Documentary)

Interesting & simple summary of The Founding. (Roughly 1760 to 1800)

Definitely very watered down if your into such things. If your unfamiliar with this era this makes an easy introduction to it. I'd suggest the series "Liberty!" over this one.

The Supreme Court (4 parts) (DVD Documentary)

This thing is great. Should be at the top of every netflix queue. (as with all documentaries i suggest watching each episode twice before continuing)

The Fabric Of The Cosmos by Brian Greene (book)

Brain is the narrator of the amazing "Elegant Universe" PBS series. This book definitely is not an easy-read. Supposedly it was written because Brian's mother said "I just couldn't understand it" of his previous book. So, he wrote this one as an easier to understand "history of our understanding of the universe". I don't think its easy at all though, and i am pretty well read on such subjects.

Not recommended . Its not a bad book, its just a lot more difficult to grasp than is necessary.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Little Miss Sunshine!!

OMG is that a funny movie!!

The silent teen, The Heroin smoking grampa, having to push the van to get it started, and that flipping pathetic horn!!! And then the dance....OMG....

I was "LOL'ing" almost the whole time.

It takes alot for me to "LOL"

i laughed til tears were pouring out of my eyes.

..and had to run to the bathroom because i almost peed.

very cute movie!!

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Wanna watch Samurai Champloo, I have them all, but they're not dubbed (one series where that is actually better seeing as it takes place in feudal Japan). Starting to like it better than Cowboy Bebop, has this real sexy mystical touching kind of flow. Where Cowboy Bebop is sad and melancholy and grey (obviously not all of it, but those who have seen all know what I mean), Samurai Champloo is warm and has funk and deep color/emotion. Sexy hip hop too, but definately nowhere as good as the soundtrack Yoko Kanno put out for CB (and her others).

I love Fooly Cooly, Samejima Mamimi is my favorite. She's just so fucking jaded, yet has her own weird brand of enthusiasm. I was even gonna have "Never Knows Best" tattooed on the inside of my cigarette finger at one point. Symbolic, no...? Even though she's my fav, I'm still more like Haruhara in real life. Well I dunno, it's a tie really, kinda between both personalities. Story is also the most complete plot that makes absolute sense in 6 episodes or less. It's pretty genius actually if you pick up all of the little weird social things they do and what they're supposed to mean on a micro kinda person-person interaction level that plays out in our real world.

Wanna change your perspective in 13 episodes or less? Anyone ever watch Serial Experiments: Lain? To me, it sums up nearly everything on a wider scale of existence. I bought the last season (completing my collection muhahaha) from Suncoast in Macomb Mall a few years back and as I took it to the register the kid who cashed me out raised an eyebrow and said, "you- you get it?" I was a little confused, I asked him what he meant. "You...get Lain?...Like....you understand it?" I nodded and he gasped. He seemed a little spooked as I walked out. It can't possibly be THAT complex though, I mean sure I've seen the whole thing 8 times and pick up something I missed before every time that I see it, but I did pretty much understand the gist of it on my first run though. I think any of you who haven't seen it need to Google it...or come watch it with me I get looooonely :hope::tongue:

Wow...I realized that I listed only anime. Then, when I took a step back to evaluate what I do watch, I pretty much only DO watch cartoons. I mean, in the past two-three years I've probably seen more movies than I've ever seen in my entire life, but still. Anime rules ALL...*crawls back to nerd central corner and eats stale geek-oreos that fell to close to my domain*

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reading: Abarat-- Clive Barker. Next up: Book of the Dead-- Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

Cool stuff so far...

Listening: Rush -- Snakes and arrows

This album is likeable. Much like more recent rush (ala Counterparts). Not wowoutstanding, but immanently likeable.

Watching (movies): saw 1408. Very good stuff. Seeing Transformers with my husband on Monday (early screening. Heh.)

Watching (tv): Burn Notice-- not bad, Painkiller Jane-- also not bad. Can't wait for the re-emergence of Dexter, though.

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Reading: Abarat-- Clive Barker. Next up: Book of the Dead-- Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child

Cool stuff so far...

Listening: Rush -- Snakes and arrows

This album is likeable. Much like more recent rush (ala Counterparts). Not wowoutstanding, but immanently likeable.

Watching (movies): saw 1408. Very good stuff. Seeing Transformers with my husband on Monday (early screening. Heh.)

Watching (tv): Burn Notice-- not bad, Painkiller Jane-- also not bad. Can't wait for the re-emergence of Dexter, though.

If you're reading Abarat, then you know where I got my name from!!! *I look like the drawing* Plus, it's a great book.

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