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Okay, Odims finally got it to work.

It only took him well over 30 minutes. DAMN YOU VISTA!

He had to shut down the computer for it.

For whatever reason Vista would lock up while trying to install it directly without downloading the installer to the harddrive first. Like it would try and refrence the install files after it had already deleted them from the temporary folder. When that happened I had to end the installer task from the Task manager, then restart the computer. After I donloaded it first to the hard drive the installer worked fine, other than the million times Vista asks, "your computer is doing something, do you want it to?"

I talked with my brother, who is becoming quite the tech geek, who told me that vista would prefer if you created two user accounts, one that has all the admin privleges and less security measures for installing stuff, then you're "every day" account that is locked down. That makes it run a bit more smoothly.

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The permanent news item they have on their website reads:

Weekly Outage

Every week (usually Tuesday morning but we're off by a day due to the recent MLK day holiday) in the morning (Pacific time) we have a 3-4 hour outage for database maintenance. The upload/download servers and some web pages are offline during this time.

At the more "hardcore" level there are a lot of very passionate people (with a lot of computers/time/money) involved who tend to be especially tech-savvy. If there was a "real" problem, Seti @ Home is gargantuan in size and the number of people involved. I can't imagine they don't have backups of backups of backups for this stuff.

Although the little script that makes the list show up in my sig is running really slow. Might need to nuke it soon and just change it to a link or something smaller.

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I've also noticed they are kinda slow at processing the credit. I have just under 1600 credits in the "pending credit" area.

I seem to be racking this up a lot faster than they are sorting through it. At least if I stopped running SETI@home for a day it should act as a buffer to keep my RAC high.

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Now I'm having problems downloading new tasks. I've completed and uploaded everything and I have about 10 that are pending download. :cry My RAC is going to plummit if I can't start any new tasks!

NM.. seems to be working again. still slow however, but at least I have both processors back on duty.

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You're a nerd. We aren't doing anything, we let our lapy tops to the work.

Anywho, Troy, you have formed the new cult. :-D

Hah. Yeah the other 17 cults i have going were getting too easy to manage, figured i'd start a new one to spice things up.

After four days of running that damn thing, I finally made it on Troy's list. Yay!!!!! well, I noticed I showed up yesterday, but forgot to post that till today. Yay!!! *Dances around*


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Hurray my RAC is 430, and I'm over 7000 total credits! not that bad for only a couple weeks work.


Almost forgot, I also have 2000 credits pending.

Yeah that's definitely hardcore in the context of the rest of us DGN pikers. *hangs head in shame*

I did a bit of reading, but I'm still not totally clear on what exactly it is that we are looking for in these things. They are recorded radio telescope data over the entire sky and I'm sure the program is looking for some sort of "probably man made" sounds/tones but how that actually gets determined is pretty foggy to me. After a half hour of reading FAQs and such i put it on my "too be looked into in the future" list of subjects. It gets very technical with how radio waves work and makes a lot of asumptions that you know what the terms they are using already mean.

I've read a lot of articles were they talk about the whole project in general, but the actual details of what is supposed to appear out of the background noise I'm not sure. I do know that "likely candidate signals" get special attention and they re-process them with some sort of special computer stuff to do a deeper analysis of the signal. I vaguely remember hearing that they get like 1 signal a week that needs to have this done to it (and it always turns up negative, at least so far)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seti@Home is a non-profit scientific endevour. Even the guys running it dont actually make any profit. No one as far as i know that is involved in the project at our level .. that is the data processors, are compensated in any other way except the knowledge that they are helping advance science, at no cost to them (since it uses only computer time that would otherwise go to waste)

In a sense it helps DGN in that i know at least for me , in the back of my mind when i see the seti screen saver running i at least cursorlly think about DGN and the "team" aspect of it.


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What? No one wants to help me up "our" score by donating better equipment. *sigh* Okay I'll keep using what I have.

My computer isn't even a two-hamsters on treadmills system, i only have one hamster and he has a bad leg. *sniffles* I don't have much to donate. I could donate Hobbles (thats what i call him) but i'd want him back.

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My computer isn't even a two-hamsters on treadmills system, i only have one hamster and he has a bad leg. *sniffles* I don't have much to donate. I could donate Hobbles (thats what i call him) but i'd want him back.

No, you keep hobbles and I'll go along w/ freeze (for all the times it just freezes me out).

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