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^I don't necessarily dislike the hardcore movement, but if one considers it non objectively, one should, by now, have the conclusion that it was not the same. It was not the same for various social factors that indeed made it a significant genre of it's own right. I suppose that when one speaks of comprehensive, however, the original music and it's prototypes should be included. Perhaps not. I will say, however, that the critics are people involved in the scenes, many times as participating musicians, and they are people whom study music as a passion and the things they write are not so inaccessible that busy people have to be kept in the dark. I think if you're interested in something, then you'll read about it; I don't go on pretending that whatever I listened to is automatically punk rock because I would like for it to have been called that, I'm not so romantic in that sense.

I have to assume this is in response to what i said. I meant to make no reference to a specific like or dislike of a specific genre. Only meant it as a general comentary. Sorry if my tone/meaning was not clear. Always difficult on the internet.

Oh and just as an extention... people often don't bother to read about what they like. (reference my "the mob" comment above) They are doing the laundry , and just turn on their radio and have no clue (nor concern) about the artistic influence what they are listening to might or might not have. Which i guess is a shortened version of all that jabber i wrote above. Not to say this is a "good" way to look at it , its just the way i think the majorty views music (as well as any entertianment form)

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I have to assume this is in response to what i said. I meant to make no reference to a specific like or dislike of a specific genre. Only meant it as a general comentary. Sorry if my tone/meaning was not clear. Always difficult on the internet.

Yes, it was a response to your post. No worries.

To paraphrase my meaning, one can't show up in a scene after the fact and then (for example) say, "That was not punk rock, this is punk rock!", I mean one can, but when it's all done and over, people are bound to think, "no, that was something a bit different", not really meaning that one style was greater than the other. Many bands did just that, although some of them I liked or still like a bit, such as the Dead Kennedys. It's fair to say it was "hardcore punk" or something, but actual punk rock is something very different, and it was sort of done for, once hardcore took hold and began a greater influence...and punk was probably on it's way out anyway, which necessitated that new direction. But of course, it all happens quite naturally and gradually. But if a band already has the advantage of a "historical" perspective, where they can weigh all the aspects of a genre and pick and choose what to exclude, what to exaggerate, what to infuse in addition, and many bands are sort of taking the same approach, a new genre is born. I think it's sort of abstract to say something like, "Pink Floyd had a sad, dark song or two, so they are goth rock." -Obviously the comparison one makes in citing goth demonstrates that there was an actual movement called that, in this case years later, and no, Pink Floyd wasn't a part of that and probably made no significant mark as a catalyst for it's appearance--albeit, years beyond, Daniel Ash did show some interest in that other type of music in some songs he wrote.

Edited by Paper Hearts
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Hrmm... getting way off the topic of this >pinned< thread but oh well.... at least its not the random screaming idiot talking about tacos or something. =D

The "new kids" have defined what it is and its accepted as such.

Sorry, I derailed you a bit. My fault.

And the New Kids on the Block were awesome, I agree. -Because where would the scene be today if decent children didn't have something to rebel against? Influence/counter-influence/etc. Yes, I know you weren't talking about the New Kids on the Block. I'm such a bastard.

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I think basicly whatever music we were into once we started getting laid a lot is what is the "good old stuff" =D

hehe yeah, a fancier way of putting that would be, whatever music first made a deep emotional impact on you... or music you associate with your earliest major life transition. Sof or me the "started getting laid" music is mid-'70s classic rock & George Clinton style funk... but late '70s-early '80s punk is from the time when I first started figuring out who I really was, & was first around people who truly accepted me for myself.

Unless they start burning albums in the streets , its all still there to be listened to. Nothing remains the same anything you like is going to change in one way or another, same thing for anything you don't like.

True dat. All art forms... all human endeavors for that matter... are dynamic and evolving things. We all grow and change as we move through space and time, therefore the art we create is going to reflect that. I never want to be the kind of old fart who disdains any art or pop culture created after their own coming-of-age period. After all, if it were still the "good old days" we wouldn't even be here exchanging opinions via this miraculous new medium!

Often we throw around terms like "the point of" and "what it was about" in reference to very broad artistic subjects. We don't realize thats just SO subjective. Usually if someone describes a musical genre or claims they know the secret to its "meaning" you can be sure they are going to have lots of (well informed) critics.

I find it annoying when descriptions of any artistic "movement" make it sound like the artists associated w/that genre all got together for weekly strategy meetings or something. There have been artistic movements that WERE that self-conscious... but most times it isn't that way at all. Back then some of us truly believed we were making a statement that could change the world... and some of us just wanted to party. For most of us tho, it was a mix of both- and not necessarily the same proportion mix from one moment to the next.

Having said that, it is , in the end, not a space shuttle launch, its music. Many times we dont realize the vast majority of music enthusiast just listen to what they happen to like and thats it. There isn't any deeper intellectualized importantce attached to it. In the end its "the mob" that decides what lives and dies. But, they just like whatever they like they are too busy doing their homework or raising their kids and paying the electric bill to get to deep into the "significance" of some given musical genre.

nicely said. I think overanalyzing music sucks a lot of the joy out of it... & to me that's what music is supposed to be about- the joy of creative expression, and connecting with other humans through that expression. Which is why I really can't respond to PH's question re: the influence of hardcore on the gothic genre. That's just too alien to my way of thinking about music. Not saying it isn't a valid question... we all have our own ways of enjoying things that are important to us. But when I hear a Black Flag song I don't mentally label it "hardcore"; more like "The Freezer Theater, Clutch Cargo's, Graystone Hall, that army coat I used to wear". When I hear the Stranglers or J.J. Burnel I don't label it "punk/protoGoth"... the association is more like "Skater Dave & StevenInBlack at the Sex Swamp, StevenInBlack's dorm room with that red light bulb on". Sure, there are artists that I associate with others who are similar in tone, but making fine distinctions between related genres doesn't enhance my enjoyment of the music, so there's no reason for me to do it... except maybe as a purely academic excercise. And any academic workouts I do these days are gonna be related to, A. finding ways to teach Asperger's kids to communicate; and B. learning to do algebra well enough to tutor in it. :wink

... & it's such a blessing to be around peeps who are capable of exchanging intelligent opinions in a civilized manner!

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... & it's such a blessing to be around peeps who are capable of exchanging intelligent opinions in a civilized manner!

Good post. (didnt want to quote the whole thing but it desrves it. ) =D

Random subject change: Stuff like The Misfits (which is a prefect example of the punk/darkness mix) isnt on there yet becasue i havent been able to figure out how to take crappy recordings (virtually all the early misfits stuff is poorly transfered) and not have it sound like total ass once its encoded. That stuff screams "remaster me" Same for a few other bands. :cry

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Good post. (didnt want to quote the whole thing but it desrves it. ) =D

Random subject change: Stuff like The Misfits (which is a prefect example of the punk/darkness mix) isnt on there yet becasue i havent been able to figure out how to take crappy recordings (virtually all the early misfits stuff is poorly transfered) and not have it sound like total ass once its encoded. That stuff screams "remaster me" Same for a few other bands. :cry

thanks sweetie!

Yup, almost all that early '80s hardcore stuff had stunningly poor recording quality, even by the standards of the time...

BTW Estranged Hubby Rick is a tape trader & can get live versions of a lot of this stuff in various esoteric loss-free formats if you're interested... let me know if there's anything you're looking for. EHR specializes in late '70s- early '80s punk and Butthole Surfers/Melvins type stuff but he has a huge circle of trading partners who can get hold of just about anything imaginable... concert & TV audio & video, interviews, assorted oddities... a lot of the concert audio is from soundboard recordings w/awesome quaity & no crowd noise. Even if there's something you're looking for personally (i.e. not for the station), just PM me & give me your wishlist.

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thanks sweetie!

Yup, almost all that early '80s hardcore stuff had stunningly poor recording quality, even by the standards of the time...

BTW Estranged Hubby Rick is a tape trader & can get live versions of a lot of this stuff in various esoteric loss-free formats if you're interested... let me know if there's anything you're looking for. EHR specializes in late '70s- early '80s punk and Butthole Surfers/Melvins type stuff but he has a huge circle of trading partners who can get hold of just about anything imaginable... concert & TV audio & video, interviews, assorted oddities... a lot of the concert audio is from soundboard recordings w/awesome quaity & no crowd noise. Even if there's something you're looking for personally (i.e. not for the station), just PM me & give me your wishlist.

Thanks for the offer.

Excellent job on the DGN radio........sounds great on winamp absolutely zero technical problems thus far... :sorcerer::beer:

Appreciate the kind words sir. Good to see you on/around the board. =)

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If I only Were A Goth - Thou Shalt Not is the song. They have several gothyspoof type songs. There are a couple different ones on DGN radio. "The Vampire Club" i think is the funniest one. Pirates show up at the goth club and then a fight breaks out between the goths and the ravers , comedy ensues. "Wings Were pulled... tops hats were crushed.... so much drama Vlad and Akasha broke up..." (to paraphrase) lol

With all due respect, "The Vampire Club" is by Voltaire, from the album "Boo Hoo".

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With all due respect, "The Vampire Club" is by Voltaire, from the album "Boo Hoo".

Yep your right. I've mentally confused The Vampire Club and If I Only Were A Goth and "When your evil" several times as to who the proper artist is. There is at least two posts by me about this in the music section (er.. well at least one is in the music section)

They are , labeled properly in the audio stream though, fortunately.

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Heya Troy!!! I just wanted to say that I love the radio woohoo me dancing around to the cure at moment :o) :peanutbutterjellytime ok so why is the dancing banana called peanutbutterjellytime???? I am either very confused or having a blonde moment.... could very well be both!

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I just reloaded my PC and am now having problems trying to listen to DGN Radio. Windows Media Player 9 says class not registered, Real wants an update it says I don't need yet won't play and when I click on the Winamp logo, Real Player comes up instead. Don't know why but until this reload, I could play DGN Radio with no problems. I am beginning to hate computers. I tried from a second computer and same problem with Windows Media Player 9.

Edited by Draco1958
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Heya Troy!!! I just wanted to say that I love the radio woohoo me dancing around to the cure at moment :o) :peanutbutterjellytime ok so why is the dancing banana called peanutbutterjellytime???? I am either very confused or having a blonde moment.... could very well be both!

Hi Tabby,

Thanks for the very kind comments. Honestly these sorts of comments are the only thing that keeps me doing this stuff. Theres so much behind the scenes "work" involved with DGN in general that the occasional "thanks troy" is my "pay" for this unpaid job. :laugh:

Ah the mysterious origins of the dancing banana are shrouded in legend. I submit this as a link to the dark knowledge that may lead to revelation. on the subject. (or might be just some random internet BS that someone linked to me one time and i took the banana graphic lol)

I just reloaded my PC and am now having problems trying to listen to DGN Radio. Windows Media Player 9 says class not registered, Real wants an update it says I don't need yet won't play and when I click on the Winamp logo, Real Player comes up instead. Don't know why but until this reload, I could play DGN Radio with no problems. I am beginning to hate computers. I tried from a second computer and same problem with Windows Media Player 9.

As of right now 5pm Saturday there does seem to be a problem with the stream, it was working fine at some point yesterday (last time i can clearly remember checking it) looking into it now.

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