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How many tattoos do you have?

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i only have 2 being that one is a mistake lol id say i just have one ... flames up my right arm ... something custom made for me, my brother and my two cousins adrian and adam ... its more a family thing .. and its good because eveytime i look down at them it reminds me what great family i have even if they are 2,223.08 miles away from me :)


heh, I need to see that one in a better light. :whistling

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have five...Four on my ankles (wings, like Hermes) and one on my back...it's hard to describe, so i'll get a picture on here soon...but, i'm getting a piercing apprenticeship at a tattoo parlor so whenever it's a slow day...i can get free tattoos :woot:  *squee!*


I finally got pictures! check 'em out at my tattoos gallery! Now i don't have to worry about explaining the one on my back...update: unfortunately, even with the apprenticeship, i haven't gotten any new tattoos =( poop...oh well...

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Eight... from oldest to most recent: crude little male/female sign on L arm, Samhain cat on L arm, dopefiend heart design on R arm, fancy savastikas on backs of shoulders, Social Distortion dancing skeleton logo on R arm, "Lotustika" savastika/Dark Lotus cross hybrid "butt hat"; horribly messed up Hatchetman and Nkyinkyin symbol, L. calf.

The studio owes me some free/discount work for the Hatchetman/nkyinkyin... can't wait till school's out so I can start getting it done.

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  • 2 weeks later...

0, if somethings going on my body it better represent my core values, and right now theres nothing that I can think of that really represents me in that regard. So none. Im a commitment phobe in general. I like piercings because theyre removable and I dont scar easily so it all works out. Even my 00g ears healed up.

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I have a bunch and plan on getting a LOT more.

Right forearm underneath - "tribal" reaper

Right upper arm - Band logo - "Parousia"

Right upper arm lower - piece of "bone art" with a hidden skull and some red tribal art interlaced

Right forearm top - Skull and X-bones

Right shoulder - Fucking dreadful cross (My first, and completely hand poked)

Left forearm top - tiger with wings superimposed over a dagger

Left upper arm - emaciated corpse with "rotted flesh" around it

Left shoulder - demon skull with a splash of blood behind it

Left chest above my heart - My last band logo with smoke rising off of it.

Check my gallery for a few pics where my tats are visible.

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I have five--on my right shoulder, I have a tattoo of the doll painting that was on the cover of the comic book, "I Feel Sick". On my left arm, I have a tattoo of one of Posada's dia de los muertos skeletons. On my left wrist, I have a sigil representing the sun and venus. On my left calf I have the demon-cat from the inlay to the current 93 album, "As The World Disappears". On my right calf I have an image designed by a good friend, it's of a pterodactyl against the sun.

I want a new one, which would most likely go on the back of my neck, which would be of a tarsier, but I have to find someone to do it...

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Oh and this is where I go for tattoos out here.. He's from Grand Rapids and has worked around the Detroit area for a while.. Now he's out here in Laramie Wyoming since this is where his mother lives.. Cool guy, gave me some good references as to where I should get ink done when I come home..


Edited by Soulrev
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i have 24 tattoos :grin i started the day of my 18th birthday which was 9/15/2002 and the most recent on i got was on 7/15/2004 so i a period of almost two years i manged to get 24 almost a new tat a month lol i dont have any pictures though which i am sorry but i can try to describe them to u all

left leg: 1. outside ankle splash heart

2. inside ankle rose with a music clef

3. inner side of my lower leg a dragon

right leg: 4. outside ankle: a little moon cresent that forms the head of a unicorn

5. inside ankle a plain old outline of a dolphin

6. out side of my lower leg another dragon

left wrist: 7. just two little star looking flowers with a little tribal thing

left shoulder: 8. just says the word mom on it (for now until she passes than i'm getting a cross with her name and stuff and rip underneath it)

right shoulder: 9. a sword with a rose wrapped around it

okay here comes the complicated part this is all going across my chest its going from left to right: 10. some star i saw and liked

11. just a head of a rose

12. black butterfly

13. a heart with tribal

14. another black butterfly, but it looks like a bat really

15. a fireball with a face which the ink in this one glows under black light lol

16. the head of a unicorn with a shooting star around it

okay if u thought that was complicated this is my back it is my pride an joy people call in my little rose garden and if u think it sounds like it looks good than u should seek me out at city and check it out for your self it is awesome :grin

reminder this is all on my back

17. left shoulder my sign virgo and my ruling planet mercury symbol

18. right shoulder i have another rose head with a little tribal

this is all going down the spine of my back from the bottom of my back to the top of my butt lol

19. rose with vines coming out the sides and bottom

20. a rose with stem with a tribal hook

21. yet another rose with more tribal

22. a heart with a purple rose piercing through it

23. than another rose with winged tribal

and last but not least this is the pride and joy of my tattoos lol

24. this peice of art also goes from bottom of neck to top of butt it is a rose vine that that has mutiple of roses and the vines look like it is going in and out the skin on my back while it's weaving around all the other tattoos going down my spine

well that is all the art that i have so far its been almost a year since i last got inked i am in dire need of more i just dont have the extra money anymore but i will soon enough lol and when i do i will be sure to post and keep it updated :tongue:

Edited by krazykittie91584
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I dont have any tatoos I couldn't find anything beneficial about it.  If its for attention I can just talk and get the same amount of attention.


I grew up around bikers and have always respected their ethos. One of which is, when asked why they live the life they live, the typical response is:

If I have to explain, you would never understand.

Tattoos have so many different reasons and meanings behind them that to try and figure out the benefits of them, you might as well be attempting quantum physics. But one thing I have noticed is...Only a small percentage of people get tattooed for attention. And the attention that tattoos generate is completely different than that of conversation.

If I have to explain...You would never understand.

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I have 12 tatts:

1. Lotus on the back of my neck

2. A pisces symbol a few inches under the lotus

3. Butterfly on the left side of my chest

4. Peacock on the right side of my chest

5. Tribal symbol on my lower back

6. Butterfly on my butt

7. Dragonfly on outer left leg above ankle

8. Tribal sun on front left leg above ankle

9. Chameleon on inner left leg above ankle

10. Lizard on inner right leg above ankle

11. Flower vine on front right leg above ankle

12. Phoenix on outer right leg above ankle

I plan on getting more too! :nut

At some point I will get someone to take pics of all my tatts, then I will post them.

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Tattoos have so many different reasons and meanings behind them that to try and figure out the benefits of them, you might as well be attempting quantum physics. But one thing I have noticed is...Only a small percentage of people get tattooed for attention. And the attention that tattoos generate is completely different than that of conversation.


That's kinda how I feel about it too. I actually don't like it when people ask me about my tattoos. Mostly because all of my tattoos have deeply personal significance and usually when someone asks, they only want to hear the sound-byte explanation anyways. And in the case of the sigil tattoo on my wrist, I refuse to explain it unless I'm fairly confident the person I'm talking to will "get it", so usually I just tell them, "Oh, that's personal..."

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I have three tattos one is a black rose on my left breast, second is on my leg that is a heart with wings a hallo and horns that has perfect angel on the inside, and then the third is on my lower back that is a ying yang half water half fire trible that has water and fire engulfing the trible. The next one that I want my husband designed for me i just don't know where to put it, maybe some suggestions. i will post a picture when I figure out how, but its an ank that has a celtic rop design in the base and a slim heart top. Its cool looking.


Edited by paganwolf
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