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How many tattoos do you have?

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I love all of my tats. I just started a new one today, which will get finished within the next 2 weeks. This is #6 for me. I have so many more that I want.

How many do you have? Do you have a favorite? If you have a pic, post it in the gallery. If you don't have any ink yet (but are planning on it), what do you want and where are you going to put it??


I have plans to get so many tattoos that it's not even funny. However, I have plans to get my first tattoo for my 19th birthday and it's a toss-up between getting an 'ohm' done on the back of my neck or getting the "Mutterfly" tattooed somewhere on me. I asked permission from the artist of the drawing earlier today and she said she'd feel very flattered if I got it tattooed, but she wanted a photo of it when it was done and I said she'd get one. I SO want to get Mutterfly done, but it's a matter of figuring out where to place it as most of the other spots on my body are reserved for a different tattoo. I'm thinking of getting it done on the upper part of the forearm on my right arm or my left ribcage (( which will hurt like a bitch )). Or maybe somewhere slightly on my butt.....i dont know.

Lookit da perdy Mutterfly!! http://www.lionking.org/~west/mutterfly.jpg

I love that picture and I finally get the chance to show it. ;D

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Ooo, that picture is awesome.

Yeah, if there's anything that would merit a good deal of forethought and planning, it's where to get tattoos. Especially if you want a lot.

Hmm, I just need to find a few more things that will stay meaningful enough to me that I want them on me forver...

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ankh on liliths right thigh this is a cover up job of an old smaller tatto that was ruined when she had it recolored


this is on liliths left hip area, she gets alot of slack for it but she has her reasons......


THis is on lestats left upper arm it turned out really bad and he hates it when we can afford it it will be fixed by the guy who covered up liliths old tat.


this is on Lestats left legg it was done by an old friend of his


this is on lestats right legg it was done while he stationed in Cali.

Lilith does have another tat on her right ankle which was fucked up, any how she dont have any pics of it and it sucks any how

Edited by lestat_and_lilith
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I have 10 tats! They are up and down my arms, back, neck and ankle. I'll be getting another one soon, background done on my arm.

Zenji and I usually get one or more done every six months but since I was pregnant most of last year I couldn't get any. So I guess I'll just have to make them up soon.


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If I ever going to get a tatoo, I am going to get Big block letters on my chest that say:


        PLEASE TRY C.P.R.

        ONE MORE TIME!

        THANK YOU


...there's actually a doctor who has 'DO NOT RESUSCITATE' tattooed on his chest. Apparently, restarting somebody's heart causes lots of health problems if not done immediately.

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...there's actually a doctor who has 'DO NOT RESUSCITATE' tattooed on his chest. Apparently, restarting somebody's heart causes lots of health problems if not done immediately.

I suppose I would consider being dead one of the larger Health Problems I can think of though.

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I have none- but I've finally decided on something!!! And I want it on the back of my neck! :grin: Can anyone recommend a good artist (preferably in the Metro Detroit area) that would shine when given a greyscale/black & white image to replicate? I fear it may be hurty there since there is so much bone- can they numb your skin at all like they do before botox shots? lol

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Woo hoo, I just booked my appt for my next one.  I'll have three in two weeks.  And the new one's pretty substantial, it's going to be the biggest yet.  :happy:


I crave your fundage......I wish i could afford even a small tattoo the size barely bigger than a quarter. -_-;;

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The guy who did my tattoos out here in Laramie is actually from Grand Rapids, he started out working with some guys in the area, but from what he told me, there are no tattoo shops in downtown detroit or city limits, some old law I guess.. But he could be wrong, I'm not sure.

I'll probably see him Saturday so I'll ask him about this shop he was telling me about.. I guess he knows someone who runs a shop just outside of Detroit who does great work. I'll let ya know when I find out

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Also this guy supposedly specializes in black & whites, and I trust my tattoo artist's judgement, he's a really damn good artist himself..


People tell me I should become a tattoo artist, just because they think my tattoo art kicks ass. It's an idea, but not my ideal job. However, it'd be fun. ;D

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ozzy on my left bicep did it in art class 19 years ago and it looks it.

A skull on my left forearm got it started 00:00 december 8th 1991 that would be 18.

and a bat clutching a bleeding heart with my wife's name in it I got it before we ever agreed to be exclusive.

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