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Weird Crap About Me You Really Don't Need To Know

Fierce Critter

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1) I do not like to eat with the same utensil I cook with. If I stir soup with a spoon, I will get a clean spoon to actually eat the soup.

2) I have an almost obsessive problem with leaving sticker residue on things. Be it a CD case, or the safety seal on a bottle of pills. Goo Gone is my friend.

3) I share the same shoe size as 3 of my 4 sisters.

4) I have always had a slight bald spot on the right side of my head, near my temple. Stylists tell me I have "peach fuzz" there. It makes certain hairstyles impossible.

5) I can only operate the shift key on the left side of a keyboard, because the right shift key on the typewriter we had when I first learned how to type did not work. So I have learned how to quickly hit shift with my left hand and can scrinch my fingers up to type the left-hand letters.

Ahh. I feel purged.

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lol, that's awesome, I'm the same way with the shift key... except I never really had a reason for only doing it with the left pinky. I just never bothered using the right one, and the left one feels natural now. When I capitalize an A, for example, I move my ring finger over to type it while I'm holding the shift with my pinky.

As for a secret about myself... there's a song by New Order I actually like. Shh- don't tell anyone.

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When I capitalize an A, for example, I move my ring finger over to type it while I'm holding the shift with my pinky.

That's how I do it, too...I didn't even know that was strange. :unsure:

Uh, I have a thing about...sensation symmetry, I guess you could say? If someone grabs my right forearm, for example, chances are I'll either grab the other side in the same place or command them to do so. Drew uses this little idiosyncrasy to torture me all the time. And now the whole world knows. *sigh*

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That's how I do it, too...I didn't even know that was strange. :unsure:

Uh, I have a thing about...sensation symmetry, I guess you could say? If someone grabs my right forearm, for example, chances are I'll either grab the other side in the same place or command them to do so. Drew uses this little idiosyncrasy to torture me all the time. And now the whole world knows. *sigh*


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although i learned to touch type i hover the keyboard using:

right middle finger

left index

left pinky

other facts.

still shock people how quick i can drive over the mountains in a 45 bhp diesel let alone a 97bhp petrol car.

my great grandfather was the horse trainer on the buffalo bill wild west show.

pegs on a garment hung out to dry should be the same colour, doesnt matter if it isnt but i will dig through the pouch looking for a matching peg

i nearly joined the army with intention to serve as a royal engineer officer untill i badly broke my leg.

i have a disturbingly high pain tollerance

i have very little upper body strength but my lower body strength is enough to beat a freinds car in a "push of war"

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1) I do not like to eat with the same utensil I cook with. If I stir soup with a spoon, I will get a clean spoon to actually eat the soup.

2) I have an almost obsessive problem with leaving sticker residue on things. Be it a CD case, or the safety seal on a bottle of pills. Goo Gone is my friend.

HA! Me too!

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One of my strangest compulsions involves kicking clotted snow free from the wheel wells of cars. There's rarely anything so satisying as that, to me. And it doesn't even have to be my car, it's just something that I must do or it destroys me.

I do that a lot too. It bothers me.

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This will kill any chance of dating anyone ever but I have a strong emotional need for validation whenever I do something nice for a friend or S/O. I need to hear I did good that they are happy otherwise I go into a funk worrying. Got this from my ex.

I'm at times too in touch with my emotions. Otherwise known as being oversensitive at times.

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I am the same way with cooking utensils. lol I never really thought about it till now, but I do the same thing.

I also will only cut my food with holding my fork in my left and cutting with my right. When the food is all cut up I switch the fork to my right hand to eat.

I can't sleep with my closet door open. It creeps me out.

I will not sleep in a bed with even one wrinkle in it. If I wake up and there's a wrinkle, I will either shift to another spot and avoid it, or I will gt up and fix it.

I like to sneeze.

I have to fold my socks down, but I won't wear the ankle length socks.

There's many more but I don't want to bore you.

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Spray bottles aimed at me really weird me out. It doesn't even have to be held by someone, or full. Even if it's completely empty on the counter in the other room, if I glance up and see it's aimed at me I have to turn it to face a different direction. And I can't just walk up to it to turn it either. I have to move out of its "cone of effect" and then shuffle up to it and turn it. Then I breathe a sigh of relief and I can sit back down.

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If my pajama pant legs get scrunched up in bed, I hate it!! I cannot sleep until I fix them.

I cannot stand it when I see someone who lets thier socks get twisted up.....I HAVE to tell them to fix thier sock.

Everything has to be symetrical.

I hate eye crusty's...GROSS GROSS GROSS

I hate when people bite fabric - *chills*

I hate that our garbage can is in the closet where the furnace is....I throw away and RUN! I am afraid of the furnace blowing up on me. (I do NOT like using gas grills either - and I will NEVER light the pilot light on anything)

I have a routine in the morning....if it gets out of routine...my whole day feels strange.

I do not like when I am sitting on a couch and someone sits next to me causing the couch cushion to become uneven....causing me to sit on an angle.

I sleep with a fan on high every night - even in sub-zero temp.s

This is my weirdest yet...almost afraid to admit.....

I drive a Japanese car.....well, since they hate us, I think that there is a secret bomb in it....I think to myself, on the 1,000,000th start up it's gonna blow up on me....ultimate terrorism....put bombs in new cars and rig them to blow up on a certain number of starts......

(ok...I am aftraid of explosions.....)


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I also will only cut my food with holding my fork in my left and cutting with my right. When the food is all cut up I switch the fork to my right hand to eat.

That's the way I do it, and it's the way most righties do it... it's so you don't lose control of the knife and stab yourself in the eye while you're cutting. Common sense, yo.

Spray bottles aimed at me really weird me out. It doesn't even have to be held by someone, or full. Even if it's completely empty on the counter in the other room, if I glance up and see it's aimed at me I have to turn it to face a different direction. And I can't just walk up to it to turn it either. I have to move out of its "cone of effect" and then shuffle up to it and turn it. Then I breathe a sigh of relief and I can sit back down.

I knew I liked you, but I wasn't sure why. Now I know why.

This is my weirdest yet...almost afraid to admit.....

I drive a Japanese car.....well, since they hate us, I think that there is a secret bomb in it....I think to myself, on the 1,000,000th start up it's gonna blow up on me....ultimate terrorism....put bombs in new cars and rig them to blow up on a certain number of starts......

(ok...I am aftraid of explosions.....)


They really don't hate us, anyway. We're allies. They totally worship us. They're still screwed up about the internment and the big ol' bombs we dropped on them, but theirs is more a victim culture. Have you seen Godzilla movies, and wondered about the "hero" fascination they have with the giant lizard that destroys Tokyo?

Now, I guess I got some of this secondhand, from a blog by an American living and working in Japan for an extended period of time, but apparently they get off on being subjugated and put upon. Hell, that's what j-pron is all about.

They are bizarre people. Not that that's a bad thing.

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1.) I'm a perfectionist.

2.) I hate clutter but my own doesn't bother me because I know where everything is.

3.) I eat ice cream on french fries.

4.) I got the nickname pepper from... an evil thing that I did as a child. Yes, I was an evil, evil little girl. But, I've gotten better since I moved to Detroit. :respect:

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1) I do not like to eat with the same utensil I cook with. If I stir soup with a spoon, I will get a clean spoon to actually eat the soup.

2) I have an almost obsessive problem with leaving sticker residue on things. Be it a CD case, or the safety seal on a bottle of pills. Goo Gone is my friend.

3) I share the same shoe size as 3 of my 4 sisters.

4) I have always had a slight bald spot on the right side of my head, near my temple. Stylists tell me I have "peach fuzz" there. It makes certain hairstyles impossible.

5) I can only operate the shift key on the left side of a keyboard, because the right shift key on the typewriter we had when I first learned how to type did not work. So I have learned how to quickly hit shift with my left hand and can scrinch my fingers up to type the left-hand letters.

Ahh. I feel purged.

weird - number 1, same for me...

number 2, same and i peel stickers off things because they bug me (lighters, candles, etc)

number 3, same. well used to be the same. my feet GREW and i only have 2 sisters. but we all had the same size back before i had all my kids.

number 4, i don't have a bald spot but i do have this spot on the left side of my top/near back of my head that sometimes looks a bit bald because of the way my hair grows. i guess a "cow lick" is what i have there. so sometimes i have to play around with my hair so it does not look that way.

number 5, same.

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One of my strangest compulsions involves kicking clotted snow free from the wheel wells of cars. There's rarely anything so satisying as that, to me. And it doesn't even have to be my car, it's just something that I must do or it destroys me.

I do that too.

If I drive somewhere, as often as possible I like to take a different route back. It drives me nuts to take the exact same roads to and from a place. My mother is like this too.

I am deathly afraid of snakes. Even stupid little harmless garter snakes, I KNOW they are harmless but I can’t help myself. I freak out. If I see one I have nightmares about it for weeks.

I know there are more. Hmm...

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Uh, I have a thing about...sensation symmetry, I guess you could say? If someone grabs my right forearm, for example, chances are I'll either grab the other side in the same place or command them to do so. Drew uses this little idiosyncrasy to torture me all the time. And now the whole world knows. *sigh*

That's very interesting. I've never heard of that.

I promise not to use it against you. ;)

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One of my strangest compulsions involves kicking clotted snow free from the wheel wells of cars.

I share this one, too. But what I REALLY like to do in the winter is find ice that hovers over a slight depression and step on it, the reward of which is a wonderful breaking glass sensation & sound.

I also have to remove EVERY BIT OF SNOW that has accumulated on the roof, windows, hood & bumpers of my car before driving off. I can't drive off until I know it's all gone.

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I also will only cut my food with holding my fork in my left and cutting with my right. When the food is all cut up I switch the fork to my right hand to eat....

I have heard that spies sent to Europe are grilled to not do this, as it gives them away as being from the U.S., supposedly because the European "way" is to fork with the left, cut with the right, and just eat keeping the fork in the left hand.

Movies I've watched have borne this out.

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Another one about me. I think I've shared this elsewhere before.

I will often "pulse" my toes or fingers to the beat of or the words of a song, or simply words in a conversation.

And sometimes I have to "count" by pulsing my fingertips one at a time and counting, "1, 2, 3, 4...".

I also frequently type out the words of a conversation or thought with my fingers. They can be in my pockets or sitting on my lap, and I'll type like they're at a keyboard.

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