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Normally i don't notice post counts all that much but phee is rapidly approaching the 10 "purple pip" max post title possible on the board "Spam Grand Master"



Now thats a lot of posts hah. :unsure::shock::laugh:

oh and you can view this post count ranking page just by clicking on anyone's title... random fyi. (custom thing i added awhile back)


Image Posts Title
0 Newbie
10 Neophyte
42 Secret Of Life
43 Neophyte
69 Yeah Baby
70 Neophyte
100 Member
200 Member II
300 Member III
400 Member IV
500 Member V
1,000 DetGoth
2,000 DetGoth II
3,000 DetGoth III
4,000 DetGoth IV
5,000 DetGoth V
10,000 Spam Master
15,000 Spam Master II
pip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gif 20,000 Spam Master III
pip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gif 25,000 Spam Master IV
pip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gif 30,000 Spam Grand Master

Group Icons

Image Title
supporter.gif DGN Supporter
supporter.gif Sr. Moderator / Supporter
supporter.gif Moderator / Supporter
gallery_1_1_17657.jpg Board Founder
gallery_1_1_17657.jpg DGN Benefactor
gallery_1_1_17657.jpg Moderator / DGN Benefactor
gallery_1_1_17657.jpg Sr. Moderator / Benefactor

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quick suggestion... maybe you should name a distant benchmark after the first person to reach it. then every person to reach it thereafter would be a tribute to the original psychopath.

Let's say... erm... how about Phee for example... is the first to reach 50,000 posts.

Then the title for 50k could be "Phee" or any variation thereof.

But if you were to actually promise that prize it would set off a spamfest the likes of which man has never known. So if you think it's a cute idea and you plan to do it, don't tell Phee.

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Yeah postcount isnt all that meaningful really.

I'd guess people like ferice critter have probably posted a ton more than their post count would indicate as she tends to post full "descriptive" posts with lots of info in a single post.

Were someone that posted just a single word in a post still gets +1 post.

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Yeah postcount isnt all that meaningful really.

I'd guess people like ferice critter have probably posted a ton more than their post count would indicate as she tends to post full "descriptive" posts with lots of info in a single post.

Were someone that posted just a single word in a post still gets +1 post.

Damn. Never thought of it quite that way.

In that case, I INSIST that we base pips/titles/awards on WORD count, not POST count. :wave:laugh:

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The intentional passive aggressive rudeness is , unnessiary and has gone on long enough. If you have a problem with someone bring it up with them. The whole board doesn't have to hear the same thing over and over again, especially on issues that are long since settled.

The DGN "don't be a jerk" rules are there, and are not going to change. If you feel that someone else is being rude as usual thats not justification for responding rudely.

I've spent thousands of hours on this board trying to do the best i can (and probably close to a thousand+ dollars if not more) If I or any of the other mods is "not trying hard enough" or "not doing a good enough job" for you please bring it up with them/me privately. Bue sure to let them know how many hundreds of hours you've spent working on making DGN the best you can and your perfect decision making processes that they could benefit from.

Most of us do this unpaid job for "you" not so much because its the most fun thing in the world.

Theres literally hundreds of little decisions that get made over the course of a week or two, cant please everyone even though god knows we/I try. There is a ton of stuff that goes on behind the scenes that we try to work things out with people, for obvious reasons it isn't all spewed out on the board.

If the goal is to make me feel bad or try to get me to "quit" its not so hard as you might think. Anyhow there is a PM system for a reason.

(if your a random unlucky poster reading this thats not sure what its referecing i apologize, just put this post on mental ignore)

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The intentional passive aggressive rudeness is , unnessiary and has gone on long enough. If you have a problem with someone bring it up with them. The whole board doesn't have to hear the same thing over and over again, especially on issues that are long since settled.

The DGN "don't be a jerk" rules are there, and are not going to change. If you feel that someone else is being rude as usual thats not justification for responding rudely.

I've spent thousands of hours on this board trying to do the best i can (and probably close to a thousand+ dollars if not more) If I or any of the other mods is "not trying hard enough" or "not doing a good enough job" for you please bring it up with them/me privately. Bue sure to let them know how many hundreds of hours you've spent working on making DGN the best you can and your perfect decision making processes that they could benefit from.

Most of us do this unpaid job for "you" not so much because its the most fun thing in the world.

Theres literally hundreds of little decisions that get made over the course of a week or two, cant please everyone even though god knows we/I try. There is a ton of stuff that goes on behind the scenes that we try to work things out with people, for obvious reasons it isn't all spewed out on the board.

If the goal is to make me feel bad or try to get me to "quit" its not so hard as you might think. Anyhow there is a PM system for a reason.

(if your a random unlucky poster reading this thats not sure what its referecing i apologize, just put this post on mental ignore)


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The intentional passive aggressive rudeness is , unnessiary and has gone on long enough. If you have a problem with someone bring it up with them. The whole board doesn't have to hear the same thing over and over again, especially on issues that are long since settled.

The DGN "don't be a jerk" rules are there, and are not going to change. If you feel that someone else is being rude as usual thats not justification for responding rudely.

I've spent thousands of hours on this board trying to do the best i can (and probably close to a thousand+ dollars if not more) If I or any of the other mods is "not trying hard enough" or "not doing a good enough job" for you please bring it up with them/me privately. Bue sure to let them know how many hundreds of hours you've spent working on making DGN the best you can and your perfect decision making processes that they could benefit from.

Most of us do this unpaid job for "you" not so much because its the most fun thing in the world.

Theres literally hundreds of little decisions that get made over the course of a week or two, cant please everyone even though god knows we/I try. There is a ton of stuff that goes on behind the scenes that we try to work things out with people, for obvious reasons it isn't all spewed out on the board.

If the goal is to make me feel bad or try to get me to "quit" its not so hard as you might think. Anyhow there is a PM system for a reason.

(if your a random unlucky poster reading this thats not sure what its referecing i apologize, just put this post on mental ignore)

I hope this was not wrote about my comment, because I was not trying to be rude I was just playing with Phee. What I posted was not meant to be rude or to be a jerk I am just really playful.........really I'm a nice guy. I think we all need not take ourselves so seriously, life is serious enough we don't have to make it any harder. I love to make people smile with my silly little comments and loved to be made fun of too ...it's very healthy to laugh especially at your yourself. Remeber no one gets out alive........Oh yeah Phee NANNAR NANNAR NANNAR......That is all

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I hope this was not wrote about my comment, because I was not trying to be rude I was just playing with Phee. What I posted was not meant to be rude or to be a jerk I am just really playful.........really I'm a nice guy. I think we all need not take ourselves so seriously, life is serious enough we don't have to make it any harder. I love to make people smile with my silly little comments and loved to be made fun of too ...it's very healthy to laugh especially at your yourself. Remeber no one gets out alive........Oh yeah Phee NANNAR NANNAR NANNAR......That is all

Doubt it was you. And I apologize if you were kidding on this post anyway lol.

As for Phee, I say STOP posting for lets say...50 years! So I can catch up in numbers :thumbup:

P.S. I wish my true joinage date would be updated so I could look more like an elder member. I know I joined around 2001 or so when it was Troy Spiral board. Troy? Do you know my join date from before?

Edited by Reaper
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I hope this was not wrote about my comment, because I was not trying to be rude I was just playing with Phee. What I posted was not meant to be rude or to be a jerk I am just really playful.........really I'm a nice guy. I think we all need not take ourselves so seriously, life is serious enough we don't have to make it any harder. I love to make people smile with my silly little comments and loved to be made fun of too ...it's very healthy to laugh especially at your yourself. Remeber no one gets out alive........Oh yeah Phee NANNAR NANNAR NANNAR......That is all

That post actually "replaced" the post that it was referencing. Often the people that are like "I hope its not me?" arent the abrasive posters. Usually its the people that are asshats and try to defend the fact that its ok for them to be asshats that are the problem, they usually are repeat offenders that just go on and on no matter how you try to reason with them.

Rarely does somone thats considerate enough to ASK if they are comming off as rude thats a problem. =)

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