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I read some of the emails yesterday. They wont publish the kids emails.. only Foleys. The "picture" email... I'm not sure how the hell that was so sexual explicit.. like it's being reported. Apparently the kid had emailed Foley a pic of a bunch of his friends doing something while they were on vacation... Foley asked the kid to send a pic that the kid was in.

It all seemed rather innocent to me. I know they have not released all the emails but what they have released... I dont see what he big deal is.

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I read some of the emails yesterday. They wont publish the kids emails.. only Foleys. The "picture" email... I'm not sure how the hell that was so sexual explicit.. like it's being reported. Apparently the kid had emailed Foley a pic of a bunch of his friends doing something while they were on vacation... Foley asked the kid to send a pic that the kid was in.

It all seemed rather innocent to me. I know they have not released all the emails but what they have released... I dont see what he big deal is.

It begs the question then if it is no big deal... why did he resign?

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I don't know. I just know that the emails that have been published are not sexual in anyway. This is another of those stories that we are only getting a small fraction of... so there is no way to really form an opinion on them.

I can guesse though. If he resigns... there is no embarrasing investigation into his life. There is no great big over blown deal over something that shouldn't be. He can still have a life.

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It would have to be damn bad. I can't remember his name off hand.. but there was another one that got caught a few years ago. He was running a child porn/prostitution ring out of his office. He was a Democrat though... so he got a slap on the wrist, never even got asked to resign and even got re-elected.

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It would have to be damn bad. I can't remember his name off hand.. but there was another one that got caught a few years ago. He was running a child porn/prostitution ring out of his office. He was a Democrat though... so he got a slap on the wrist, never even got asked to resign and even got re-elected.

And apparently it wasn't heavily publicized. But in the article (the one phee linked, i guess), didn't it quote the guy as having asked the kid if he made him "a little horny?"

That doesn't sound innocent at all.

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The page of most interest in the Foley scandal was 16 years old at the time the abuse occurred. This happened in 2005 and represents one of many cases where Foley made inappropriate advances with children working as pages. The GOP leadership has known about Foley's misconduct since Autumn 2005, although, GOP leaders are claiming that they were not aware of the details in this particular case, involving the 16 year old page from Louisiana, but were aware only that Foley had "over-friendly" relationships with some minors working for him. Foley, until last Friday, was a deputy whip for the House Republicans and co-chaired the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus. In resignation over the scandal, Foley has said, "I am deeply sorry and I apologize for letting down my family and the people of Florida I have had the privilege to represent."




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"im deeply sry and I apolgize 4 letting dwn my rents and the ppl of fla i repersented"

I mean was it just me... or are you disgusted to be a citizen of a country in which someone with grammar and spelling THAT HORRIFIC can get so far in politics? Forget the pedophilia for a moment...

Wait! DON'T forget the pedophilia! That's way more embarassing!

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"I vt taht we pass this 1337 bill, cuz IT R0x0rZ!!!!!"

If Froyn was a politician, political correspondance in general would be more "hip" than it is today. It's not his fault that he can't spell or use grammatically correct sentences. He has writers for that and a publicist to explain any typos.

I fixed it for you... i think... didn't make sense to me the other way

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