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Dgn Night Aftermath 9/30

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OK....now that a little time has passed and my brain has allowed all of the information to sink in a little...A LITTLE.... :shock:

Lets see if I can do this:

I'll go in the order of remembering.

Brass: You are too cute! You were the 1st one that I met! Damn girl, you got some Pipes!! Oh...I have footage of Steven singing, and there is a clip where you are taking a picture of him with your phone, and then you go scurrying off like a little bunny....it is SO funny...If I can figure out how to post it, I will!!

Pharoh Al: You are so awsome! You're just one of those guys that makes everyone feel comfy. I like that! I feel very at home with ya! I loved dancing the nite away with ya!!

Manic Queen Brooky: Girl, you are a blast!! My husband thinks you are hot stuff! SO do I!! :happy:

Steven! Oh man, You are fun too! And dude,...you can sing!! I still wanna get together and bumb heads sometime! For shizzle!

Phee & Rayne: You guys are SOOOO cute......Thanks for the little extra inspiration to get my azz OUT! Had you not called, I may not have came! When I saw the both of you at the Apple, I was flabbergasted!!! I have crushes on both of you now.

DBK: I just love your personality. You are really a fun guy! Too cute too. Hope you got the pix I sent!

TA & Guage: Glad I had the chance to talk to you guys!! Guage, you ar way super sleek girl!! I was totally diggin your style!! Wanna raid your closet! And TA! You are way hotter in person. I love that picture of you!! Send me your e-mails, and I'll send you the hard copies!

Tina Marblez: Thanks for helping me out with the song....I got up there and froze! :laugh: You are so pretty....and girl you can SING!! jealous.

Dark M (Sean, Shaun, Shawn.... :laugh: ) You are a riot!! You are so nice, and I loved getting the chance to meet you

Draco!!! You got style too man, I love it!! Sorry I didn't chat it up with ya more! Glad you came out!

Ben: OMG you are too funny.....You had my gut hurtin guy!! Thanks for the initiations!

Slinger: Hope to see you on the Main soon!

Dark Chylde of Mine!!! YAY!! Hi I met you too!! Sorry we didn't get to talk much!

BRENDA! Girl you looked fabulous!! I am so sorry we didn't get to talk much!! I know you were super bizy meeting with everyone!! I'm glad I got my hugz in though!! At least I got that much!! :happy: I hope you had a good time!!

Saechlyn: It was good to see you again!! Wish I woulda danced with you!! Sorry, I am so bad at conversation!.......blah....

Der: Yippee!! You are way cool!!

Odims & Candy: Odims, between you and Phee, you are going to make me pee my pants....Candy...holy shnikies girl you got booty, what do I mean booty? You got it going on all around hunny!! :laugh: You are way hot....and such a cute personality!! I am sad to see you go so soon after FINALLY meeting you!! Please be safe...I want one more kissy before you go!! :kiss

Charlie: Met you too!! Glad to se you came out!

Chris...I hoep to get to hang with you again soon! You are a pleasure! And cute!!!!!!

Tom: I got my hug in I got my hug in!! :happy: I WILL see you at Luna soon!!

Awww Critter!! I'm am so glad you made it out!! Looks like shyness got the best of both of us there!! Sorry bout that!! I tried!! I really hope to see you again soon! I loved your Black & Red look!! Stunning!! I was checking you out behind your back you know!!

Zhuk & Hollywood!!! Girl you are so hot!! Zhuk, you got those Paul McCartney eyes that kill!!! We will shoot soon!!!

Bean!!! I got to dance with her you know!! HA HA!! Glad we got to shake our rumps a little!! I love those bangs!! I know I mentioned it! But I'm metioning it again! Wanna cut mine?

Morbid Suicide and Tigerlily!:: Wow, you are very pretty girl & Morbid, you are fun to talk to!! Thanks for the warm welcomes!!!

GothMama: I am SO sorry girl....I was a little off my rocker when we met towards the end of the nite!! I hope we can talk again sometime!

Marcy Marc: Glad I got my pinch in...I feel accomplished bnow!!. howz the azz today my friend?? I remember Candy saying how her hands were numb!! :laugh: Wish I would have been able to meet up with you and Carla at the BBQ to get some one on one chat time,....Loving the pictures in the other thread though!

WOW ReaperJeff!! Yes, long time no see!! Always a pleasure!! Should meet up sometime!

There a bunch of other people that I met but aren't really active on the board that much....but I remember you!! And I'm glad we got to meet!

NOW>>...... :laugh:

Just an FYI

This was my 1st time out and about to meet you guys!! If I didn't mention ya, its probably cause you caught me at the end of the nite when things are starting to run together --guilt guilt guilt...... :unsure: :blushing

All I can say is is we have a bunch of really great people on this site.

I am overwhelmed with new friends and new faces!!! Please allow my poor little brain to let it sink in!!!

I appreciate the warm welcomes from everyone!

Now I feel a little more confortable with the whole scene! I just don't get out that much these days!

I had a blast and so did Mike!!

Thanks for making Mike feel at home too guys!! :wub:

Oh and if I didn't mention you, will you please tell me....??? I apologize for that....

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Phee & Rayne: You guys are SOOOO cute......Thanks for the little extra inspiration to get my azz OUT! Had you not called, I may not have came! When I saw the both of you at the Apple, I was flabbergasted!!! I have crushes on both of you now.

:blushing :thumbup: You rock Kelly! Call me sometime!

I had a blast and so did Mike!!

Thanks for making Mike feel at home too guys!! :wub:

:laugh: He was cool. Him and Odims had fiun with my elbow ... and my knee. :laugh:

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Until you guys meantioned the spankings in this thread.... i totally forgot about them. :respect:

Maybe I have a little too much padding at the moment? :laugh::shock::laugh:

I still have yet to lift ya off the ground, There will be a next time ;)

Edited by pharoh
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Okay. :thumbup::laugh:

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooops --- sorry bout that Rayne. :blushing

Now I remember sitting with you and making comments about women passing by.

about 2:30.


i missed der nist!

i wasnt able to leave out sooner.

Ok - that's not gonna happen next time. I actually walked around for the

last hour looking to see if you had showed up.


Dang it! I think we only met as you were leaving.

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The Brenda BBQ was marvelous, it was nice to actually converse lucidly with people which isn't always possible at City. Brenda was goddess-like as always- I'm contemplating surgery on my foot just so I can steal those incredible shoes! And there was the added awesomeness of partying at a landmark I've been intrigued by my whole life... just wish I'd been able to take more pics. The club was fun too altho it would've been even more fun if I hadn't somehow missed Fierce Critter. Don't know how I managed that sweetie, you must've stayed on the dance floor the whole night! But it was a good evening- I didn't get lucky (what else is new), but then again I managed not to lose any clothing or get my car broken into. And there was even a surprise appearance by Pantsless Chris who I hadn't seen in a coon's age.

I hate doing the "who I chilled with" list thing 'cos I know I'll forget people & their feelings will be hurt. But I had a wonderful time with everyone I talked to! and Brass Fusion, my mom was quite impressed w/the cornbread!

special bonus party pic: GUARDIANS OF THE PORTAL ... don't they look intimidating? :laugh:

Hey, who are those studly dudes? I like Labatt Blue too! Thanks Kellygrrrl also for including me on your list of peeps you remembered seeing. Everyone else was drunk I believe haha. Glad to meet you Pomba, Brenda, TomCat, and Dark Juggalette. Did everyone miss Nienna and Shade at the club? I didn't :ice:

Was good to see all the other usuals there. I did miss TA and Guage and Froyn. I think about half the board was there to finally meet Brenda. Good times.

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I'm so sorry that I couldn't hang long. I had a great time, though. I loved talking to all of you!!

I wished we could've talked more... errone was monopolizing you at the party & I saw you for like 30 seconds at the club. Ai well, at least I had the chance to present you with a genuine CatDance Adornments creation... it's great for biz when celebrities wear your stuff! :animier:

speaking of which, let me know if you want a bracelet or necklace to go with the earrings- purchase or gifting of any CatDance item entitles you to a tasty deal on matching pieces to complete a parure or demi-parure.

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Things didnt go the way I exactly planned it. However I had fun at cc though, I rode with morbid suicide along with his hot french-maid TygerLili to the club. Good to hang with one of my best friends which I havnt in a long time. Plus I got really drunk and there was so much going on its hard to name and tell. However I missed brenda which I was hoping to see.

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DBK you are just fucking awesome man.

DeadBurgerKing - Sorry I didn't talk long, I was well in my cups by that point and feeling, believe it or not, shy.

DBK: I just love your personality. You are really a fun guy! Too cute too. Hope you got the pix I sent!

Damn...what's with you guys spreading these nasty rumors about me being "awesome" cute" "sweet" blah blah blah...I don't appreciate the assanation of my charector...man you guys are getting as bad as brenda lmao :laugh: jk jk

Thanks nister...we'll have to chat more the next time we see each other...that goes for you too feirce (hope you don't mind me saying, but you are gorgeous)...and as for you kelly...STOP MAKING ME BLUSH DAMNIT!!!...it's not nice :p lol I did get the pics you sent...they're in my photobucket and my myspace...you should go comment...(did you take the one of me and brenda btw? I'm trying to find out who did) you, your husband and I need to chat more next time ;) and nister is right...ur gorgeous too!!!

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I wanna say that FC you are one sweet gal.

And that's sweet of you to say! :blushing

...it would've been even more fun if I hadn't somehow missed Fierce Critter. Don't know how I managed that sweetie, you must've stayed on the dance floor the whole night! - Pomba Gira

Actually, with all the people I was meeting for the first time, and having such great conversation with everyone, I only made it out to the dance floor long enough to say hey to Marc and then ended up off it the rest of the night.

Damn it! I think I saw you! Were you wearing cute leopard-print kitty ears?!?!? I wasn't able to recognize you based only on a 90x90 avatar pic. And now I'm cheezed that we missed each other!!! NEXT TIME!!!!

Awww Critter!! I'm am so glad you made it out!! Looks like shyness got the best of both of us there!! Sorry bout that!! I tried!! I really hope to see you again soon! I loved your Black & Red look!! Stunning!! I was checking you out behind your back you know!! - kellygrrrrrl

Once again, :blushing! Thanks so much!

Yeah, I got a little shy. But mostly, I kept getting pulled away by new people to meet. Difficult juggling act, maintaining one conversation while others want to engage you in new ones. But I'm looking forward to seeing you again for more complete dialogues!!!

we'll have to chat more the next time we see each other...that goes for you too feirce (hope you don't mind me saying, but you are gorgeous)... - deadburgerking

:blushing :blushing :blushing

How could I possibly mind?!?!?

And yes, I hope to make better conversation next time. Damn if I don't get all closed-up sometimes and just don't know what to say to a new person I'm meeting. Happened a few times that night. Even before the liquor kicked in.

Overall, that was an exceptional evening. I only wish Jon had been there to share in everything. I missed my sweetie-pie.

Edited by Fierce Critter
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Actually, with all the people I was meeting for the first time, and having such great conversation with everyone, I only made it out to the dance floor long enough to say hey to Marc and then ended up off it the rest of the night.

Damn it! I think I saw you! Were you wearing cute leopard-print kitty ears?!?!? I wasn't able to recognize you based only on a 90x90 avatar pic. And now I'm cheezed that we missed each other!!! NEXT TIME!!!!

Yup, pink leopard catgirl ears (reppin' the anime scene), black bustier, hatchetman bling pendant, & NO waist-length dreadlocks, which seems to throw a lot of people! But... wait... someone mentioned red & black... was that you in the leather(?) waist cincher over red-black stripes? Grrr... if so I kept looking at you thinking Damn is that someone I should be speaking to? Ai well this is far from the first time I ve had cause to regret my lack of skill at recognizing people from online pics. I wish I weren t so damn shy... it is really hard for me to walk up to a new person & strike up a conversation. Weird cos it s no problem in a professional situation or even at the grocery store or whatever... but in a purely social situation it's like I'm suddenly 13 again & terrified that everyone is gonna be mean to me. & if I do strike up a convo I'm convinced the person is like "why is this loser latching onto me, doesn't she have anyone else to hang with?"

jeez you can tell I haven't been taking my meds, how pathetic... but Anyway, FC, NEXT TIME WITHOUT FAIL!!

and I forgot to say, Morbid Suicide & TigerLily definitely win the Cute Couple of the Night prize... what an adorable pair! (altho they prolly think I'm some kind a jealous old prude)

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