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My mom got the idea from Peter Pan......Windy........and that it was stormy and windy out when I was born in November.

I named my kids Listel and Natasha only because I liked the way the names sounded. I had those names picked out from the time I was 15.....it took me almost 10 years to use them.

I miss carried a boy....he would have been Jessi Ray.

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Rachel Kathryn...

My mom said she named me Rachel because she liked the sound of the name and she didn't know anyone with that name. My middle name is the same as my mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother's first name.

No way! My moms name is Etta Kathryn.....Etta after her mom but everyone called her Kathryn!

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Named Camille Ann Rem*isi*ew*icz at birth (asterisks added to foil family search attempts). It took me until sometime in the middle of 1st grade to learn how to spell my last name. I kept a cheat sheet in my desk until then.

My first name came not from the movie, but from a much older cousin. My aunt named her daughter Camille, and my mother liked it so much she asked her sister permission to use it, too. I'm not really named after the cousin. For years, she was "Big Camille" and I was "Little Camille".

I don't know anything about the middle name. More than likely, my mother just got lazy. My 2nd oldest sister also has the same middle name.

When I married Jon, I dropped my middle name legally, as I never liked it. I intended to legally add a middle name, but I don't think I'll bother. If I did, it'd probably be Remi, a frequently used abbreviation of my former last name that many members of family have been branded with.

Jon is Jonathan Rowland Gos*ling, asterisk added for the same reason as above. He recently found out he is directly descended from the makers of the rum, and probably has relatives in the caribbean. Arr.

His first name came from Jonathan Livingston Seagull. His middle name is his father's. He hates his last name due to his father pretty much being an asshole, and has threatened to change it to my maiden name. He also would like to change his middle name to Otter.

I was somewhat relieved to change my last name to what I thought would be an easy last name to deal with. But unfortunately, it seems they don't teach that baby geese are goslings anymore because the vast majority of the time, people do not pronounce it correctly.

Lately, the name Critter has grown on me. I answer to both Critter and Camille happily.

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I already have my kids names all planned out! :happy:

So far....

1st boy: Michael Quinn K. - After Mike of course, and then my Mothers Fathers Family name

1st Girl: Joyce Kelly K. - Both of our Grandmothers names are Joyce...Kelly for me!

2nd Boy: Kyle Robert K. - After my brother Robert Kyle!

2nd Girl - Grace Marie K. - I like that name....and my middle name, my mothers, my grandmothers, my great grandmothers...etc.....

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my first name is dawn. . .umm pretty much my mom put 4 boy and 4 girl names into a hat and told my dad to pick his fav. he didnt like any of them so he said whatever and chose dawn because it fit best with the middle name he wanted wich is marie after my g-ma

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I already have my kids names all planned out! :happy:

So far....

1st boy: Michael Quinn K. - After Mike of course, and then my Mothers Fathers Family name

1st Girl: Joyce Kelly K. - Both of our Grandmothers names are Joyce...Kelly for me!

2nd Boy: Kyle Robert K. - After my brother Robert Kyle!

2nd Girl - Grace Marie K. - I like that name....and my middle name, my mothers, my grandmothers, my great grandmothers...etc.....

My kids are (in order) ...

1. Emily LeAnn (would have been Lucas Mathieu if she was a boy)

Funny thing with my oldest. I was told she was a boy right up until she was born. She was Lucas, until she turned out to be a she. Then she went 2 days without a name. I picked Emily because it was an old name and I hadn't heard it in awhile. It turned out to be the top name of 1999. LeAnn is a friend's middle name is where I got it. She's not name after the friend. Her father was not around at her birth. Lucas Mathieu I have no idea where I got that from ... I've had it in my head since I was little. I always wanted a bunch of boys. LOL.

2. Ashley Marie (would have been Cole Allen if she were a boy)

Her name was not picked out by me at all. Her father did it. I did however ask for the boy's middle name to be Allen, for my little brother, who's middle name is also Allen. She was also a boy up until she was born, but after the first child, we were prepared. We also switched doctors and hospitals after that one.

3. Austin James (would have been Cheyanne Nicole if he were a girl)

We knew Austin wsa a boy before his birth. We picked Austin together, being the only boy name we could agree on. James is his father's middle name. Cheyanne Nicole I picked out myself.

4. Elijah Alexander (would have been Lillian Grace if he were a girl)

We knew Elijah was a boy before his birth as well. Elijah came to me in a dream, seriously, which is weird because I rarely remember my dreams. Alexander is a name that his father had wanted to use for quite some time and I wouldn't let him use with Austin. I don't like it (no offense to those with Alexander's) ... I did settle for using as a middle name as it goes very well with Elijah. His father HATED Elijah, but agreed because he got to use Alexander. Eventually, by the time he was born, it grew on him and he liked it. Lillian Grace also came to me in a dream, just before routine ultrasound where we found out he was a boy.

**** Notice the first letters of their first names, IN ORDER, are E, A, A, E. Also notice that the first letters of the names they WOULD have been if they were the opposite sex are L, C, C, L. Strange and unusual coincidence. I did not plan that and realized it after the birth of my youngest. ****

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"Hilary Byrd". My mother says she picked Hilary 'cos "I was in my English literature phase at the time" although she is never able to name a specific book or character- I guess it just had an aristocratic English ring to her. Byrd is her maiden name. The legal spelling of my first name is actually H-i-l-l-i-a-r-y. MaMa tells me that when she taught me to write (around age 3), I simply refused to spell it that way no matter how she tried to convince me. Kids, go figure.

BTW the Mary as middle name thing is a Catholic tradition... Mary/Marie/Maria is kind of a standard female middle name in Catholic cultures. Not just female, either... it's fairly common for men in Spanish speaking cultures to have Maria as a middle name.

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Brenda Marie.

My first name was to be Alicia, but there was a black lady in the bed next to my mom's, and she named her daughter Alicia. Mom figured that it was an eithnic name (eyeroll...) and chose Brenda. Marie is my grandmother's middle name.

I was supposed to be "Chevon Rae", but my Mom and Dad claim they couldn't find a spelling for Chevon ... *rolls eyes* ... So they came up with my name in the hospital. I told them when they told me, "Why didn't you just spell it like it sounded, whatever works." My Mom looked at me and said "oh yeah, we could have done that ..."

So my first name, they claim came from my mother's name. Her's being Lecia (said Lee-see-a), mine being Melissa. I guess I KINDA see it. My middle name Rae, is from my Dad's name of Raymond.

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I was supposed to be "Chevon Rae", but my Mom and Dad claim they couldn't find a spelling for Chevon ... *rolls eyes* ... So they came up with my name in the hospital. I told them when they told me, "Why didn't you just spell it like it sounded, whatever works." My Mom looked at me and said "oh yeah, we could have done that ..."

So my first name, they claim came from my mother's name. Her's being Lecia (said Lee-see-a), mine being Melissa. I guess I KINDA see it. My middle name Rae, is from my Dad's name of Raymond.

Siobhan? I always liked the name, but the one spelling I'm sure of is impossible to pronounce unless you're familiar with it.

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Siobhan? I always liked the name, but the one spelling I'm sure of is impossible to pronounce unless you're familiar with it.

Yes. That's it. Very, very close to Chevon in pronounciation.

It's Irish. With my green eyes and red hair, that would have suited me much better than Melissa does.

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Lila Jo

My mom thought she was having a boy and she made a bet with my dad. The bet was that if I was a boy then my mom got to name me and if I was a girl then my dad picked my name. My first name is the same as my dads mother and my middle name is a girls version of my dads first name which is Joe. My mom suggested the middle name to make it sound more southern.

If I would have been a boy than my name would have either been Joseph Leo(after my dad) or Orville Ezra(after my moms father).

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