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Lila Jo

My mom thought she was having a boy and she made a bet with my dad. The bet was that if I was a boy then my mom got to name me and if I was a girl then my dad picked my name. My first name is the same as my dads mother and my middle name is a girls version of my dads first name which is Joe. My mom suggested the middle name to make it sound more southern.

If I would have been a boy than my name would have either been Joseph Leo(after my dad) or Orville Ezra(after my moms father).

I thought Ezra was a unique name. I only saw it once until now. I had a great, great, great, great, great grandfather who's name was Ezra.

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My daughter's name is Melanie Rose. I got her name in a kind of weird way. When I was pregnant with her I honestly thought I was having a boy(His name would have been Jesse James or Damian Michael). One night I had this dream that I had a lil girl and her name was Melanie Rose. That was the whole dream. So a week later when I found out I was having a girl I decided to stick with that name. I am glad I did cause that is a beautiful name.

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i'm going to call my first born ZOLTAN. someone allready took conan...

thats a j/k btw.

i'd like my children (if i find a woman foolish enough to have children by me) to have a celtic name to keep the family history in line, but then again i like the tradition where the mother names the children

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but then again i like the tradition where the mother names the children

I named two of my children fully by myself. My first, her dad wasn't around ... my last, I just did it.

I didn't name my second born at all, and comprimised on the name of my third.

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i'm going to call my first born ZOLTAN. someone allready took conan...

thats a j/k btw.

i'd like my children (if i find a woman foolish enough to have children by me) to have a celtic name to keep the family history in line, but then again i like the tradition where the mother names the children

hey, I like celtic names, and that's actually part of my heritage... ;)

when are you gonna be around here so we can get this shit rollin'? my biological clock's totally ticking down. :ice:

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I actually have no clue why they named me Troy other than a brief comment from my mother once or twice over the years:

"If you were a girl we were going to name you Diana if a little boy then Troy"

I poped out a boy so my name is Troy instead of Diana.

My middle name Matthew is my grandfathers name as well as my fathers middle name.

Oddly i went my whole life up until last year never meeting another Troy face to face. I met him at a tournament, and we both were like "no way!!! I thought they made a mistake on the tourney sheet and put my name twice...lol" He said he had never met another troy before and this guy was like in his late 40s.

I've never really had any nicknames other than randomly being called "Troyboy" (which i dont mind at all) and in the last year or so a female friend of mine occasionally calls me "Troy Bear" which is pretty cute i think.

Occasionaly when my mother (and oddly enough one of my GFs) was pissed off at me they occasionally would call me "Troy Matthew!!" Not sure exactly why that is supposed to be stern sounding. :laugh:

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