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Whats Your Excuse For Not Going To Cc On Saturday ?

Troy Spiral


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  Scary Guy said:
Sup Spookykid?

lestat_and_lilith you talk about being thankful for what we have.  Well we have more than City Club.  Most people just go there because they know everyone from what I gather.


i think i was more or less thinking how crappy ti has been for soul rev and here we are complaining when we atleast have something..... i was feeling like standing on a soap box......

How ever i do agree that if we dont attend other club yes they will vanish, hence one of the reasons i wa inquiring about the eventsy ou had posted. Not htat i have alot of time to attend any but i am willing to try new places when i can get out.

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I usually make the trek once a month or so but It's a good drive from Lansing to show up and not meet anyone. That and when I go alone I cant very well drink much. The last few times I have gone I've had a couple buddies with me or my X but I have stayed away for the past few weeks barring company. I'm thinking I might head out tonight but it's still debatable. I think my biggest concern with CC is it just seems way to cliquey for me. CC reminds me of a big high school reunion for freaks. Everyone seems to have their little social circle and unless you’re trying to get a piece of ass, I don’t see many people mingling out side of them. The people you bump into seem cold and pretentious more so then what I find at Necto. I thick I have only talked to handful of new faces at CC where every week someone new comes up at Necto. I'm not giving up on CC anytime soon but I might start going to Mephisto’s or Luna more regularly instead to see how the crowd is. Hopefully they are more personal clubs.


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How ya doin Scary Guy?? I still have to come visit you! I haven't forgotten!

  TheLordShaper said:
I'm thinking I might head out tonight but it's still debatable. I think my biggest concern with CC is it just seems way to cliquey for me. CC reminds me of a big high school reunion for freaks. Everyone seems to have their little social circle and unless you’re trying to get a piece of ass, I don’t see many people mingling out side of them. The people you bump into seem cold and pretentious more so then what I find at Necto.


Well I've never been to Necto as that's a bit of a hike for me, but as far as the social circles at CC...I agree. I don't go to the club to get effed, or to eff anyone myself. I like to go, hang out, listen to (hopefully) some fun music and get my drink on. I wish I could randomly meet people who were laid back and just looking to hang out too! Of course I do have a few personal issues that prohibit that to a good extent when sober LOL. But, I can remember always going to wait in line at the restroom near the end of the nite and chatting it up with the other girls (and an occasional guy) there. Then you could hang out on the couches and giggle the rest of the night away. It was FUN.

The last time I was at CC was back in October with a group of friends. We normally peruse the gay bar circuit, but I guilted them all into going to CC for my birthday. Besides bumping into people and getting cold stares, I was namecalled from fellow clubgoers for being overweight (oh what joy! thanks- I wasnt aware!), and a couple of my friends who are not "goth" were verbally abused too. I'll be lucky if I can ever get them to go back with me. :( And why go back at all? Because even tho I hate a number of things about CC, for a long time that place was like my second home. It's like a dysfunctional relationship I can't bear to let go of. :/

Anywhoo I am rambling now...so to get back on topic- the Venetian Snares show might be a no-go now since Erik failed to get us tickets and is now sick and not going at all. So..if I can talk Di into still going out and if tix are still available, CC has a better chance of being visited....

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I have been a VERY VERY vocal , outspoken complainer about various problems at city club. I've bitched about them on television (public access), Radio (89.3 FM for months and months, even named names and blamed specific people, and thats one of the reasaons i was fired from the station) and bitched all over the net and , directly to mike. (the owner)

But, having said that, City Club IS the cornerstone of "the scene" (if any single thing could be) and has been for longer than many posters on this board have been potty trained or even alive.And, the fact that its for the most part >exclusivly

Now, does that mean its the "BEST" club, no. But its the ONLY club that has managed to stay around for a long time, regularly, as a "scene club" for over two decades.

Once Luna or mephistos or some other place hits the 5-6+ year mark, having the same days open, consistantly, and doesnt give the impression that it may be out of business in a year, they could, quite easily take "the defacto scene club" title away. But that wont be happening any time soon.

Having said all that "DGN night" , will be at CC probably for a long time to come until some other place manages to approach the reliablity and longevity that CC has. People know where it is, know what it is, and its got "history". Nor are any of the problems there particularly huge, doomsday type problems. Many of the things i used to bitcha bout, actually are "fixed" at this point, or are not nearly as bad as they once were, and some others, are shared by other clubs as well.

Also something like Necto isnt even in the running, its to far west (and im still quite dubious about its reliablity as a "goth night" , consistantly) Despite the fact that i've been going their since before i even heard of city club.

"DGN Night" could be at any club, i just currently dont feel its prudent to switch it to a club night that may be gone in a year, when its been at LCC for years now, and even people that havent been on DGN in 4 years know where "DGN night" is. Im not against changing the night, i just feel the cons outweigh the pros.

As for you guys that arent going to CC, just due to being slackers.... been there, done that. :whistling:

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  Scary Guy said:
I can site many reasons why I hate it and Labyrinth, Troy you opened up this can of worms, so it's no one's fault but your own :p

I had you, in mind , specificly as one i was waiting for a long tirade from. Although , at this point , being a DJ at a differnt competing club, that competes directly with CC your complaints have lost a lot of their teeth. :tongue:

Regardless , i've actually sent people down to mephstios (directly by telling them about it) and indirectly by pointing them to the DGN calendar for a long time now and mentioning your name.

Which reminds me, another thing on my list of bitches about city club, i've been sending mike (one of the CC owners) business for TEN YEARS and i still have to pay to get in the door. Bullshit? yes it is.

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  lestat_and_lilith said:
I for one dont know a living or dead soul in the placce beside the person/ people who come with me.... that is the main  reason why i joined this bored..... now that i joined the bored and i still dont know any one other then the peps i take with me i want to go more  just so i can meet some of you in person, even if we never devleope a great freindship it will just be nice to say hi to some one beside the person i drove with.

If i never meet any one

i will go to CC  to dance and  zone........

sometimes it is good to be alone

Go on saturday and find me. Ill introduce you to at least like 10 people if the alcohol / medication mix is working well (meaning im not feeling sick from the PTSD). After a month or so of that it will be IMPOSSIBLE for you to walk from one end of the club to the other without finding friendly faces here and there , and in some cases, it will be difficult even to get to, say the bar, starting from the dance floor without basicly having to ignore a few folks temporarily. :grin:

One of the key reasons i started this board was to make it easier for people to "make friends" without some of the difficulty associated with doing that by just going to a club with only who you brought with you as friendly faces (if any).

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  Troy Spiral said:
Which reminds me, another thing on my list of bitches about city club, i've been sending mike (one of the CC owners) business for TEN YEARS and i still have to pay to get in the door.  Bullshit? yes it is.


Troy- you're barking up the wrong tree! Get to know the door people- they'll let you slide by! :tongue:

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I've never understood the "the bathrooms are horrible" whine about CC.

In the early 90's, I hung out at a lot of different clubs, and NONE of them had very nice bathrooms. That didn't stop me from going for pete's sake.

And from what I've heard, the bathrooms at CBGB's in New York are the worst in the world - I can't IMAGINE not attending a landmark club like that because the bathrooms aren't up to par.

Anyway, the last year or so I went to CC, I visited the ladies' room several times a night - and I can say for sure that I saw a marked improvement from when I first started going in the early 90's. That last year, I can say I always had a dry seat to sit on, some kind of toilet paper either in the stall or out on the sink, etc.

And I always stopped at the bar and grabbed some drink napkins first - just in case. :wink :

As for cliques, I think you only see that if you're into clubbing for meet-greet purposes. Up until joining The Spiral Board in late 2001, I either went solo or with my husband - and wasn't in the least interested in meeting anyone. I actually preferred a bit of anonymity there. Since I don't care if anyone was friendly to me - I didn't notice any cliques or the negativity that comes with them.

Now, since I've been on DGN for about 3-1/2 years now, I've experienced a certain amount of board-related negativity - and that's not a complaint, it simply comes with the territory of people interaction. That is the ONLY reason I would expect that upon our return to Michigan, I might, for the first time, have to deal with cliquey behavior from other CC patrons. Before DGN, nobody knew me so nobody interacted with me and therefore I didn't experience that sort of negativity - I simply wasn't affected. Now that there might be people who can say, "oh look - it's that Critter from DGN - gossip gossip, sneer sneer", I could see that actually being a factor in how an evening there might play out.

But that still wouldn't keep me from going - 'cause I still don't give a rat's ass what others want to say about me in order to boost their own compromised egos. :wink :

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Oh, by the way. In relation to what a couple others brought up earlier in this thread (forgive my being too lazy tonight to go back and reference the posts directly), now that I've lived 3 years in an area that DOESN'T have a regular place like CC to go to, I have to be honest - the whines about CC and all its inadequacies really make me laugh. I don't understand why people get so pissed off about things like attitudinal staff, dirty seats, skanky bathrooms, cliquey clientele, etc. To me, a club night is what you make of it. And if you're going to CC prepared to be turned off by all the above - then you're NOT going to enjoy yourself - period.

But for heaven's sake - YOU HAVE A PLACE TO GO. When Friday/Saturday nights roll around and (the majority of you) don't have to worry about getting up for work in the morning - YOU HAVE A PLACE TO GO. When you're in the mood to hear some music that even SOMEWHAT pleases your ear as opposed to the top 40 dreck most "normal" clubs play - YOU HAVE A PLACE TO GO. When you want to dress in a manner that pleases YOUR eye but you don't want to be stared at like you're a freak, or you don't want to fear possibly even being physically HURT for looking like that - YOU HAVE A PLACE TO GO.

I think you get the point.

It doesn't matter if there are cleaner clubs out there. It doesn't matter if there are swankier clubs out there that have "goth" nights once a week - on WEEKDAYS. It doesn't matter if there are clubs out there with nicer staff, or nicer bathrooms, or better sound systems - it doesn't matter because at the very least, with CC, YOU HAVE A PLACE TO GO. And it's ALWAYS there. And it's there on CONVENIENT days.


I totally don't mean to upset anyone with this. It's just that after living 3 years in an area with nothing even CLOSE to resembling CC, 3 years with the majority of my goth/punk/whatever wardrobe collecting dust in a closet or bins, 3 years of noplace to go to hear goth/punk/industrial/EBM/whatever music except my freakin' truck CD player - well, it makes one a little nuts.

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I won't use the bathroom at City Club unless I'm about to piss myself or something, and even then I can stand up and use it so it isn't a problem, but I will use it at Mephisto's.

Troy I can guarentee you if you switch goth night to Mephisto's that you will get in free of charge on any night. Also pretty much anyone who becomes a regular gets in free too.

Also speaking of working at the radio station update your yahoo information, it still says you DJ on it.

As far as my bitching about the club goes I've done that ever since I found out there were other better clubs. I will also say openly and freely that I do like Luna and Necto. So take my comments how you will :)

I also think that if a club with the same size dance floor and hours of City Club who catered to the same type of crowd opened up elsewhere it would overpower it in no time.

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ScaryGuy's complaints are totally legitimate, regardless of whether he is competition or not. No need for this ad hominem logic to make his analysis seem any less to the point.

City Club is horrible. The only thing it has going for it is how long it has been around. Every other thing about it is shit. Its age would be relevent if the place wasn't such a giant shit hole that will ultimately be(if it already hasn't), ironically, the nail in the coffin for the local goth "scene". The only reason I go there is to make fun of people, and I can't even do that often because it is the exact same cast of ridiculous people at the place every week. So, even the comedy is stifled at this point because of redundancy.

The music sucks. The music is stuck in 1997. It is the same DJs doing the same shit every week. The only guest DJs are also the same DJs that come and go. They have been playing the same songs since I moved here in 2000, and those were the same songs DJs were playing in Indiana(a place known for being behind the times) three years before that. KMFDM "Anarchy", Covenant "Dead stars", NIN "Head Like a Hole", Beborn Benton, Apoptygma Berzerk, And One, Garbage, etc, etc, etc. It is 75% the exact same play list week by week. This doesn't do anything for "the scene" but make it age poorly and get boring... which is exactly what it has become in this city. No one cares about anything but the same songs, and the same club. Show turn out for "scene" shows is horrible even if someone does a fantastic job promoting. Other clubs suffer attendence problems while City Club is packed. I hear the argument about them playing whatever packs the dance floors. This is the result of a long line of shitty DJs. Good DJs would get the club dancing to new songs and styles, moving past the old stuff with time. I mean, how did the shit they are dancing to now get popular? Someone had to introduce that shit to them. This may be more the management's fault than the DJs, but whatever.

The club is filthy and unsafe. I'm afraid to touch anything there. I smell worse leaving City Club than I do any country dive bars. That is totally frightening. The building should be condemned. I've heard more horror stories about muggings outside of the club, spiked drinks inside, etc, than I have from even booty shake clubs, which is also frightening. City Club is about as pleasant of an experience as Harpos. I'd sooner pee on the dance floor than in the bathroom, but I wouldn't do either for fear of catching any potentially mutated airbourne genital warts that certainly is floating around.

Being heavily frisked going in, and the way the staff treats their customers is completely unacceptable. It doesn't end with the ridiculous frisk you receive at the door. Watching them barge their way through the crowds pushing people around, yelling at them, and being as unpleasant as possible is, to me, completely ridiculous. It is overkill. Why people think this is ok is way beyond me.

The layout of the place is horrible. The dance floor is too loud to really talk, even though the sound system is about the worst I've heard in a well established club anywhere. The area with seats is pretty tiny, messy and usually occupied by the same clique every single week. The dance floor always looks like some sort of vile beer swamp. The chairs are covered in brown film.

This is why I don't meet up for DGN night. I can never understand why people don't go do other things than City Club. You go to City Club just because it is there? That's so horrible. There are dozens of "places to go". Sometimes people go to that club on both Friday and Saturday in one weekend when there are other "places to go". Who cares if the other places will be there next week or not? Isn't that what message boards, email and phones are for? There are other things to do out there. In fact, you'll find there are a LOT of other things going on that are vastly superior to that place... in fact, you'll be hard pressed to find anything worse. I just don't understand the appeal. For under 21 kids, I can sort of understand, but that is about all. It isn't a comfortable place to chill and talk to friends. The music sucks. The dance floor is gross. It is in a place that should be condemned, and the staff are unnecessarily rude... why the hell do people go there? Just because its there? That's totally silly. Once in a great while, maybe... but it seems insane to go regularly. It seems even more ridiculous when there are so many other places to go... which is more or less what I do. I go elsewhere. There are plenty of other places to go and have fun, why waste time with that shit hole? It seems too much like making the best of a bad situation when it is all completely unnecessarry.

Also, I lived in Indiana for 25 years. I know what it is like to live somewhere with no club at all. That was far more interesting than City Club every weekend. Sitting around rolling d20s is cooler than City Club.

A friend was commenting how the goth scene of the 90s is turning into what the hippies of the 60s became. It is a bunch of old eccentrics who never change, and just get stuck in their routines, listening to the same ten bands the rest of their lives and never branching out to do anything new or unusual. If any place in the world reflects this observation, it is City Club and the static crowd that shows up there week after week dancing to the same songs from 1997 over and over again.

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Blame the patrons for the music. As a DJ, and knowing all the other DJ's. I can tell you they usually get yelled at if they try to introduce anything new. I'm lucky because I get A LOT of leeway where I spin at. You listen to any of the radio stations and you will hear some staples but you hear a lot of new stuff as well. Also to correct you, the music at that dump isn't the same as it was back in 1997-2000, it was BETTER BACK THEN! (I started going in 2000, I remember what they played, and I still like those playlists better than the ones I hear now). As a matter of fact we had DJ Moondancer come in and guest DJ. He's been out of the loop for about two years now and I loved it. City Club has lost a lot of its goth/industrial edge and has gone more "techno" (especially on Saturdays). Not that I have a huge problem with that, But every week, yeah it gets old. I can say the same thing about a few other DJ's who keep repeating songs. (example, Jinx really needs to give Covenant's "Call All Ships to Port" a rest, seriously. I mean yes I play it on occasion. But with him it's almost guaranteed he's going to play it. Same thing with Tim Tiki and Little China Girl, No Flash in the Sky, etc... (I'm only bitching bout Mephisto's DJ's because for the most part thats the only place I ever go anymore). I used to be guilty of the same thing, and in some cases I still am, but I try to avoid it. One of the reasons I keep a playlist is so I can see what I played the week before and try to avoid doing it again. That and even 3 years ago there were many other songs other than just the top 10 hits as well. I like to try and hit on those. This week you can expect to hear me play some Fad Gadget, possibly a whole block of it.

BTW I really don't know what would be more fun than going to a club, seriously. Maybe a party with some friends but the sound system is better at the club. I guess if it was a choice between City Club and doing nothing.... I'd do nothing (since I have better music at home and a better sound system). Unless I really wanted to hear loud music late at night, then I might show up. Lucally we have so many other clubs I never have to do that. I'd probably end up going to a hick bar before going back to City Club.

Thats it for now I guess...

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That "scary guy is an employee" comment was meant more as a wise ass comment than anything. He's been saying similar things since before he was working at a club. Hell is phone number is still programed into my cell phone from a pre-scary guy as DJ era. I actually am thinking that tommrow nights possible outing might be, rather than luna, to try and track down SG at Mephistos. :devil:

If anyone thinks im in disagreement with the "standard CC complaints" they didnt read my post above (which is what SG covers for the most part, with some variations) And, for sure dont know my history with this subject, i was near "frothy-mouthed preacher" status at one point i was so adamant about trying to get many of these things fixed.

I've been complaining (as stated above) about 95% of the same things, that everyone complains about, vocally , for nearly a decade in one form or another. I've also been telling complaing patrons to go bitch to the DJs if they have a problem with the music , and to Mike directly , if they have a problem with the atmosphere/setup for nearly as long.

In recent years i've slowly been becoming somehwat indiffernt to the music at clubs , unless im DJing there (and that hasnt happend in years either, and never at CC) as long as they can manage to belt out some reasonably danceable stuff when a girl drags me out to the floor. Not becaue i "dont care" but becasue im locked in social-ping-pong so often now, sometimes the only way i know what was played is to get ahold of playlists online afterwards.

I've went through my "omg this conversation is ...yawn.." stages on and off as well. Currently im in a "willing to talk about it without banging head against keyboard" stage. :laughing:

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"And from what I've heard, the bathrooms at CBGB's in New York are the worst in the world - I can't IMAGINE not attending a landmark club like that because the bathrooms aren't up to par."

-- i have been there and yes the bathrooms at cbgb are awful/scary.

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I guess where I'm coming from differs from a lot of people who take issue with the conditions at CC.

I started hanging out in the Detroit scene in the late 80's, early 90's. My favorite hangouts were the ones that tended toward the more dingy hole-in-the-wall flavor. The Old Miami is a good example.

Also, the basement of St. Andrews' Hall - The Shelter. Does anyone else remember it pre-, oh, 1992? I think that's about when they totally remodeled it. Before remodeling, it was dark, dank, and interesting. I loved it there, especially "the dark room", if you know what I'm talking about.

Post remodeling, it became very yuppiefied. The clientele totally changed, and I couldn't stand it anymore.

I'm not happy with some of the cosmetic changes CC has gone through since I started going. In particular the painting-over of the murals in the ballroom.

But I personally think a dark, decrepit atmosphere lends itself better to a "goth" scene than a glitzy, shiny-happy club.

I guess it's just me.

But I have to say, I think if you took the majority of the people who right now regularly patronize CC and tuck them away in the rural south for 3 years, they'll agree with me - CC is FAR better than nothing.

Frankly, I'd fear for CC if it cleaned up too much. I just can't see it staying "pure" to a punk/alternative/goth atmosphere if it was glitzified and started attracting a younger, more superficial crowd.

Not saying that newcomers to clubs, or people who are attracted to more glitzy clubs are ALL "superficial". Just saying that in my experience, that's the kind of peoples I come across when a club is too "pretty".

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Troy if you have my number still how come you never f*ing call me? Seriously give me a ring and I got a new cellphone too, anyone who wants the number throw me a message (no PM's please, just any IM chat will do). Still I'd prefer if you tried the house first then my cell.

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  Fierce Critter said:

But I personally think a dark, decrepit atmosphere lends itself better to a "goth" scene than a glitzy, shiny-happy club.

I guess it's just me.


Nope, definitely not just you.

I wouldn't mind them cleaning up a bit and I do hope the building doesn't collapse on us all one day. (ack - buried alive at CityClub? That would be just a bit too goth).

I remember this same discussion on the old board awhile back and with all it's flaws there are a lot of us who, if I remember the quote correctly "love that shithole" ;)

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Guest DGN Bot

the "grimy dive" does have a strange sort of a charm, especially in a goth/industro context.

I remember the first time i set foot in a "clean" goth club , my inital reaction was "wow this place is nice... er.. wait a minute somethings not right... i dont get the "wild/hedonistic" type feel from this place at ALL. WTF, a child-safe goth club?? Wonder when they will be adding the diaper-change stations. (exaggerating of course) :laughing:

Now i can appreiciate both styles of club.

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  Scary Guy said:
Troy if you have my number still how come you never f*ing call me?  Seriously give me a ring and I got a new cellphone too, anyone who wants the number throw me a message (no PM's please, just any IM chat will do).  Still I'd prefer if you tried the house first then my cell.

Bro up until recently i havent been calling hardly >anyone

Ill send you an IM on yahoo.

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  • 2 weeks later...

  Scary Guy said:
I'm all about opening a club to compete with it...

Something run by people interested in the scene and not just making money off of it.

I keep getting different ideas in my head, maybe something like the house/machine in 13 ghosts, that would be sweet (except for in the bathrooms of course, I guess those could go downstairs or something, or use frosted glass at that point).


Wow. I would love that!

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