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Do you feel uncomfortable posting your "problems"?

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I generally don't have any serious problems that last for more than a day.

I might ask advice, or what others think about something that may help me with some things I'm dealing with. But thats about it.

I would NEVER post any personal problems with my husband. I would post about my kids, and I believe I have, that way someone thats been through that type of situation may have some advice to give.

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oddly enough this post has made me feel more at ease with posting in general...... perhaps the knowledge of knowing other feel the same i do helps..... i do believe i may start to open up a bit more as long as no one minds.....


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oddly enough this post has made me feel more at ease with posting in  general...... perhaps the knowledge of knowing other  feel  the same i do  helps..... i do believe i may start  to open up a bit more as long as no one minds.....



Heh.. I was just thinking the same thing actually..

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the "private" board was not about being snobby- my idea behind it was to make people feel comfortable posting with the regulars here that they know will stick around and are not just random people poking around who have no intention of posting or staying.

it was not about "selection" of people either.

honestly i don't care who posts what or where they post it.

even with a private board i would not share my most personal issues anyways. just thought it would help others take comfort in knowing that their "issues" are not right there in the open for just any random person to see.

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i have been on MANY boards that have "private" forums. it is to ensure that the members feel safe/comfortable. most of them have the 200 post minimum to post here.... 500 post minimum to post here.... ask admin for permission to post here... etc. and on those boards i have never encountered anyone feeling left out or that it was snobby or anything to do it that way.

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This place has too much of a "private clique" reputation with it already. Posting an "old members only" forum would be... bad.

As far as the topic goes, I don't make many new posts here at all. If I have personal shit I want to talk about, I post it on a filter on my Livejournal. With Livejournal, you can control who says what, and you can disable comments if you want, screen them so only you can see them (unless you unscreen them), and you have much more control. Troy, that sounds like what you are looking for.

On a message board, you have no control over who is reading it, who will reply, etc. Message boards are sort of cool, I guess, but on any board I've ever spent a lot of time on, there is always two or three people who get on my nerves, and they always seem to reply to everything I say. And they get on my nerves because they say stupid shit. There is no doubt that I am one of the people that gets on a lot of other peoples' nerves as well, but I am cool with that. The point is, here, you have no control, and posting personal shit that publically has a lot more potential reprocussions. You should just get a Livejournal and use that for personal shit. Then, only the people you trust can read it. You can even control what people on your "friends list" can see certain posts, by making custom filters.

Obviously, I've been through a lot, with Laura(nvayne) dying. I posted a little about that here because she knew a lot of people here, used to post here, and incidentally, I met her via this board. But, I ramble on about the situation elsewhere. Mostly because I don't want to sour every random person's mood that rolls in here, but also because I am not comfortable with half of the people on here, and don't feel they need to know anymore about it than they may already.

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On another board I visit (quite unrelated to this one) something like a private section was tried. An email was sent out to certain "trusted" people for a password protected forum. Somehow word of it leaked out and personal stuff was copy-and-pasted elsewhere, stupid drama ensued and such things.

Another "more secure" forum was opened, excluding those who supposedly leaked info. Same thing happens. This went on at least twice more until the "trusted" members were down to only a few, making the forum pointless as there weren't enough people to talk to anyway.

Better to have everything (except the administrative things) out in the open and have people realize they are posting in public.

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I personally don't like "private areas". I feel it's unfair because certain problems could be discussed in there with not all parties there to defend themselves.

Plus for new people I think they would feel not special because they couldn't post. If you don't want people to comment on your problem don't post. Because once you post it I feel everyone has the right to state their opinion even if it's not what you are looking for.

I don't mind posting my problems. Most of them are probably pretty dumb and boring of most of you. Plus I lead a boring life.

ANYWAY....No I don't have a problem posting my problems.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Most of the time I feel totally comfy with posting things - sometimes I have to re read and reread just because I think faster then I type - (same with my mouth so if I mumble my apologies) But there are some who are out to hurt people. No one on DGN seems to be like that though so thats a big relief. I think this forum has the maturity level to handle a "private board" that you don't really have to make private - just say that as a topic. But yea I'm like Troy in that instance.. Don't want to come off as a cry baby type cuz I hate those kinds of people too. But a lot of people on this board have ligit reasons/problems that aren't so minor and possibly it would be a help. It's just all in how one words their issues if they can be taken seriously or not.

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