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Plastic Surgery


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What would you have done?

Penis enhancement? Peck implants?

Eyelid lift? Lip injections?

Just curious.

I am not really asking if you think its stupid, ok...wrong.....

Just if you could....and were ok with it and had the money....what, if anything...would you have done?

I hear they can make your toes smaller to fit into shoes now! And your legs longer....without the medival stretching rack!

I want a face lift someday. Maybe......I just want my lines to disappear and my face to be fuller like it once was.

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I'd probably never do it even if it were free. I don't like being cut on for any reason. I actually need a minor surgery that I've been putting off because I've already had 5 of them and don't want any more.

If it were possible to do it without the risk and without cutting somehow I'd like my stomach to be flat. I've never ever had a flat stomach even when I've exercised and been very very thin. I guess it's genetic because my kids and my mom all have a poochy belly.

Ah well, I'll live with it. I love me anyway, even with the poochy tummmy ;)

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Although I don't think I would ever.....


But i guess a nose job, cheek fillers, veneers on the teeth, lipo on the abs, and on the outer thighs.

Yea, I got it all worked out.

It's all dreams and fantasy anyway.

At the most, I think I would just get a chem peel to get rid of the pre-mature aging from smoking and past sunning.

I'm happy with what I got for now....for now....heh

But I also do not think I will age gracefully.....

my mother did not age gracefully...she is 50 and looks about 10 years older than that.

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Although I don't think I would ever.....


But i guess a nose job, cheek fillers, veneers on the teeth, lipo on the abs, and on the outer thighs.

Yea, I got it all worked out.

It's all dreams and fantasy anyway.

At the most, I think I would just get a chem peel to get rid of the pre-mature aging from smoking and past sunning.

I'm happy with what I got for now....for now....heh

But I also do not think I will age gracefully.....

my mother did not age gracefully...she is 50 and looks about 10 years older than that.


No "fixing" Kelly. Kelly is awesome just as she is. :peanutbutterjellytime

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If I could afford it I would definately have a few things done.

-Butt Implants

-Liposuction on hips, thighs, & abdomen regions

-Breast lift & implants (cause I will need them after they remove all the excess skin from my breasts)

Thats all I can think of for now but I know I'm forgetting a procedure.

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Tummy tuck. I'm in the same boat as Onyx. I wouldn't at all mind being a bigger girl if my stomach was just proportional. It sucks to know that even if I lose a lot of weight, I will have a horribly extended (and even droopy) stomach. Someday, a tummy tuck is definitely going to happen for me.

Other than that, nothing. I'd consider a non-implant breast lift, it would be nice for my nipples to not point south anymore. But I wouldn't do it if it meant implants of any kind.

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Well, I'm not really going to know what I need done once I lose all my weight, so I'm just going to list things that will probably need to be done. I've only lost 50 pounds so far, but I can already tell I'm going to need extra skin removed in several places, probably some lipo here and there, tummy tuck, breast implants if they shrink too much, or just a lift if I'm ok with the size when I hit my goal weight; some sort of eye lift or eyebrow lift, nose job.

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The things I'd really want to change about my body aren't ones that plastic surgery can do... I'd like my waist to be longer, and have some scars & hyperpigmentation erased, esp. the ones on my breasts which look worse w/every passing year.

In terms of pure enhancement rather than correction of flaws, what I'd truly like is to have my ears done in elf points. If I ever hit the lotto I definitely will. I'd like a tail, too, but only if it could be functional which is beyond the current scope of medical technology. Who knows, tho- that's the kind of thing stem cell research could make possible.

But what I really, really wish is that I'd realized how beautiful I really was when I was young, and acted on some of the opportunities that could've given me. I just happened on some nekkid pictures of me around age 30, & it's like WHY the $%#@ wasn't I dancing or modeling somewhere & making 3x as much as my crappy clerical job? Just one of those many things we don't realize till it's too late...

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I want the mind erasure treatment. A full memory wipe leaving the hard drive intact.

Like the total recall movie. Then I could be shiney and new.

Ok seriously, that perma-smile that the "Joker" has in Batman.

Big fore arms like "Popeye" and a tail like a lion.

Then I'd be pimpin' Fo Sho!! :wink

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Not to say there aren't parts of my body I'd like to tone up a little, but if I can't do that with exercise, so be it. Personally, I think real people with a little extra celulite are much more attractive than fake-looking people.

The clinic I used to work in had a plastic surgery center in it, and when those women would walk in it was hard not to cringe when I looked at them because most of them looked so fake. Not to mention all the people who would call me with horror stories about scary swelling, scarring, leaking, bleeding, pain, etc. Why put yourself through that for purely cosmetic reasons?

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I hear they can make your toes smaller to fit into shoes now! And your legs longer....without the medival stretching rack!

I read about the leg lengthening procedure a few years ago- from what I recall it isn't much of an improvement over the rack. Basically they cut the leg bones apart & then use hardware to hold the ends apart while new bone grows in between. The process involves being wheelchair-bound for several months while the actual lengthening takes place, then for even longer while the bones heal. Extensive and painful physical therapy is going on all this time, too- daily during the 1st stage, then less often during the 2nd stage. The complication rate is quite high, too. I don't think this is even considered cosmetic surgery- I remember they stressed it wouldn't be done for a normal height person who just wanted to be taller for asthetic reasons.

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