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Why don't you care about the origin of all things?

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But (heres my contradiction) I also think that you indeed "can" know God in the way that he intends us to at this stage, but the vehicle to begin the process of that discovery are in the biblical texts...The bible is full of intimate descriptions of God, and full of details regarding how he wants us to pursue him and know him with intimacy...


Sure - if your belief system only includes the CHRISTIAN God.

Pretty much excludes anyone who believes in everything else.

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It's all man made anyways. God was created by man in his image so that he wouldn't feel alone and desperate in this world. I definately care I'm just trying to be realistic about it. Society/humanity needs religion right now, just like they always did. To shirk responcibility and blame someone else when bad things happen. Also I guess to feel connected to the universe and part of something bigger blah blah blah. Mkay, that's it.

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No your right Critter...I'm talking about the Christian God and yes, it's exclusive but I wouldent exclude you or deny you your right to explain your perspective. Mine happens to be Xtian.

And Circe I can dig what your saying except that I DO take the blame for my own life and I AM responsible for what happens with it and how i use it. But the connection to the Universe thing is pretty cool too...I got no problem with that and I personally beleive that that is a human attribute that's built into all of us to some degree or the other. (Mkay? ha ha)


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i look around every day.

..at the sky..

..at the ground..

i sit on my driveway at night and stare at the stars...

i live a very fast-pace lifestyle.. and i make decisions constantly..

i stare into the eyes of every person i meet...

i love to play with my dog, Cassidy and i love how she curls up on me and scratches my legs..

i hug and kiss my mom every day before i go to work or to sleep...

i cuss at slow drivers from time to time...

i said all that to say this.....

i did not make the world i live in.. yet, forgive me, sometimes i live my life as though it revolves around me..

i am awed at creation.. the wind, rain, and smiles from people that claim to love me...

i thought my paintings and sketches and photography were unique.. but giving thought daily to a Creator so much more awesome than me, makes me feel small.. but not without significance...

i feel regret when i do wrong because He loves me?

i feel happy when someone gives me a huge hug because He knows i need it?

i cry sometimes and feel He sees me and i wish i wouldnt have acted so hasty?

i hold out my hand to someone in need because He would hold out His hand to me?

..i read alot of books about creation growing up..

and oddly the last one i read was the bible.. and man, i read Genesis over and over because i saw brilliance in it..

i make alot of quick decisions that i end up sorry for..

why would i feel sorry if ~ I ~ were the only one i have to answer to?

if i am my only critic, then all my choices are good, right?  hmmm.. things to think about... 

i explore all these things daily...

to me they matter..

Didnt read this fully until just now.

makes me feel small.. but not without significance...

Wow that sounds familair. =)

Not sure how to respond to the whole thing because i just was sort of nodding in agreement through the whole post. :blushing

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Granted....it makes no sense to place faith in a creator who was and always has been here before any and all alleged creation, because everything we experience is compeltely "Finite". 

Yet just as credible - is the undeniable truth that science and philosophy cannot "prove" or break down our existence and the existence of the cosmos from where we stand now - in the reverse order back to the absolute beginning of all things and beyond that begining - and ultiamtely - it again leads to a clash with the "finite" universe that we all share and understand.  And can our minds truly contemplate the "beginning" ...either witha secular worldview or a Judeo Christian worldview?  My frustration in this is that I can be publically ridiculed in a group format - and yet a sewn up and concrete alternative is never universally agreed upon and handed to me in exchange for my form of worship.  And yet it seems as if a great many people become frustrated with my unwillingness to aceept that seemingly empty alternative.


The concept of "infinity" or infinite-creation is one that sort of leaves me slack-jawed in awe. Think of the power behind a thunderstorm, or an atomic bomb, amazing right?. The Sun is radically more powerful than either of these, yet there is a dizzyingly large number of more powerful bodies than the sun. By comparison something that might drop me to my knees in awe here on earth, is almost inconsequential to the power and grandeur of things beyond any humans ability to directly observe. Trying to get my mind around it once i really sit down and contemplate the subject. Im at least tentatively under the impression that the universe is >notmind... mother...effing...boggling:wink thought i may be) =)

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