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Looks like Bush has won...

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Though Ohio is still up in the air, I'm pretty sure Bush has won a re-election. There are still somewhere between 175,000 and 250,000 votes to be counted in Ohio. Bush, at the moment, leads Ohio by 136,000 votes. Given that Bush is getting between 48% and 52% votes there... well, you do the math.

I am so glad that he won with a majority of the popular vote by 3,500,000+ votes. I am so tired of the whole "Stolen election" thing. We need a new piece of poop on the stick.

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Get your school uniforms, prepare to be unemployed (or stay that way if your like some of us) get ready for the rest of the world to continue to hate us more and more as well as advance into the bright future with out us, say goodbyes to those in military service who will now less likely come home (sorry Donnie, I tried,) say so long to the environment, so long to education, so long to religious freedom, hello to State approved bigotry (the gay marriage ban).

On the brightside....the very small brightside, the music always gets more passionite and dark when this sort of thing happens (more BS to rebel against.) The comedy is easier to come by (if things aren't so bleak, there is less to make fun of) and the movies that Oliver Stone will make in 15 years or so will now have a definite subject... that is of course if all of these types of expression aren't squashed by the Right.

And of course all of this may have also been true under Kerry... it even may have been somewhat likely, but I KNOW it's true under King George.

(Sorry I am just a little upset right now....feeling a bit trapped....)

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Ditto EVERYTHING Phee had to say.

I was in shock for a while, then, as I was in 2000 when that bastard ended up winning, I was totally deflated & despondent.

Now, I'm leveling out and trying to find a glimmer of hope. I honestly don't know if I can, and this is coming from someone who, while not a Pollyanna, can usually find the positive in many a bleak situation.

But I just don't know what good can come from 4 more years of hatred, intolerance, rightious indignation, quashing of civil liberties, war, alienation, etc.

And I can't understand a country's people who would CHOOSE such. It's beyond me.

And to be honest, I don't give a rat's ass what any conservative, republican, fundamentalist DGN'ers think or want to spew at me anymore. I'm done being one of the few trying to honestly understand where the "other side" is coming from. So I'm, from this point forward, refraining from even READING the "political" posts in this forum. I just can't debate or engage in narrow-minded discussions with people who share that bastard's viewpoints anymore. Including this thread.

Bye-bye politics. Off to try to salvage what's left of my lower, middle-class, non-Christian open-minded life.

Enjoy the new Theocracy. Goodbye democracy.

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But I just don't know what good can come from 4 more years of hatred, intolerance, rightious indignation, quashing of civil liberties, war, alienation, etc.

And I can't understand a country's people who would CHOOSE such. It's beyond me.

It's about fear.

Bush perpetuated the State of Terror that 9/11 began, he used it to gain more power than the "leader of the free world" had already, and to push his own adgendas through. The election was not about statistics (Bush would have failed that) about what has been done positively (um... yeah Bush would fall flat their as well) it was accomplished by fear, fear of homosexuals, fear of pagens, fear of what women will do with a choice, fear of "foriegners," Bush gave a laundry list of bad things that will happen if not elected... almost like a threat. Bush and Kerry have both stated that it will be more dangerous if the other candidate won, and the reason I believed Kerry, as I have seen how much safer we have been in the last 4 years from terrorists, poverty, and wars. But Bush had a more powerful fear machine, that could outscare Kerrys (and Kerry had a pretty big one too.) I would probably try to move out of this country if I didn't have a daughter here whom I do not have custody over... this is not an over reaction, or rhetoric, we elected someone who's lies have killed thousands of American troops, hundreds of thousands of Iraqies, and who's neglect killed thousands of American civilians. We have elected someone who is perpetuating hate of homosexuals, pagens, and people who don't speak English, we have elected someone who will not take any accountability for his mistakes, lies, and mishaps. We have elected someone who has alienated and inspired hatred from more of the the world (like we needed more hatred towards us.) He simply used his fear to make us think that if he was not elected we would be in more danger... well now we are.

I am with Critter 100% I will not be able to be silent or a smoothing factor about these items and still maintain a clear conscience... I know there will be reprecussions... but I think that a lot has to be said.

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...get ready for the rest of the world to continue to hate us more ...

I revel in how much W. pisses of Europe. One of the few positives, actually.

hello to State approved bigotry (the gay marriage ban).

It's not quite that horrendous. When you relabel things 'civil unions' there is more support. Also, it's mostly old people (55+) where there is a majority of anti-gay marriage support. So in 10-20 years when more tolerant, young people gain political power (and old people die) this will very likely be reversed.

On the brightside....the very small brightside, the music always gets more passionite and dark when this sort of thing happens

The music is good, but the lyrics are really bad.

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Why is it so hard to believe that people actually support President Bush. I'm not saying that they support all of his ideals. They do seem to be passing state level amendments along the same lines as his ideals though. The President is just a weather vane of the American populace.

Where exactly would you move to and enjoy the freedoms you take advantage of here?

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I don't disbelieve that people support GW Bush. In fact I believed it so much that I never thought that John Kerry stood a chance. Georgie-boy is not so much a weather-vain, but an indicator of what America is really like. The people here are bigoted hateful and uncaring of anyone but themselves and the people directly around them.

The problem is that Americans are so filled with fear that is tends to lend to their hatred of other people who are even a little different. They're so afraid of what will happen if change comes (because by nature, change is a violent thing) that they will do whatever they can to stop it. Proposal Two in Michigan was a prime indicator of this. To re-define a civil-union to make it clear that it exists only between a man and woman is symptom-matic of this fear.

GW Bush is just a the leader of all the little pissants and fuckheads in this country, he's the one they want. Sure there are a few who are not, but what does it mater, they're a silent minority.

I'm glad that I wasted my vote the first and only time I will ever use it. I don't believe in democracy anymore. I hope it fails.

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What ever happened to loosing gracefully?

Ask Bush when he lost in 2000.

I have no problems believing that people support Bush, it is just very sad that they do, and that it is out of fear.

And where would I move? Somewhere the Government won't try to tell me who and who not to marry.

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Where exactly would you move to and enjoy the freedoms you take advantage of here?


canada? most of europe? australia?

the US is hardly the only free country in this world. in fact while being one of the richest, we still don't provide things like universal access to basic healthcare. or laws that ensure an adequate amount of maternity/parental leave.

and now, Bush is planning on taking away some of the rights we do have. and appointing Supreme Court Justices that will probably serve 30+ years passing and repealing the same sort of things that Bush believes in.

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WOW. If for no other reason, I LOVE that this new board format allows for putting certain members on ignore, with the choice of reading individual posts by them if you choose.

I may be able to keep up on the political threads after all. :fear:

That said, I agree with what Rose just said there, and even more with what Drew & Phee said earlier.

This country, if yesterday's vote IS representative of the "true" America and it's basic beliefs, is NOT a loving, welcoming, caring society. And NOT a country I can feel proud about, or even safe in.

Melting pot? More like a pyre where "different" people and people with different views can be burned. Figuratively, and who knows - maybe literally some day if these zealots have their way.

"Land of the Free" - so long as you believe ONLY certain beliefs and act ONLY certain ways.

Gods, it sickens me.

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Don't move to Canada just yet, as tempting as the thought might be.

Canadian officials are already making it clear that there won't be any exceptions to their rules and regulations about how one goes about obtaining Canadian citizenship just because someone might want to escape the GWB regime. Full Story Here

I looked into getting a dual citizenship a few years back and it's MUCH harder than one would think. Can't just waltz over the border and say "I'm here!", pick up a job and carry on.

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