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Dgn Fundraiser

Der Nister

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I know that this idea isn't fully thought out but I was thinking that maybe one way to help keep DGN going could maybe be some sort of rummage sale(s) to raise money.

I don't have the details in mind yet (because I'm not fully awake) but maybe others could help flesh out this idea.

Maybe it'll work and help - who knows?

Any help on this would be appreciated.

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The rummage sale idea is more feasible than you might think.

'Cause you can do it online.

I'm on about 2 dozen Yahoo groups that are all for selling, and they're all named something like "SE Michigan Garage Sale". People sell EVERYTHING, from clothing to appliances to food to you name it. Things of a sexual or profane nature aren't allowed, so you can't sell your collection of gay porn.

This is really very feasible.

Someone would first set up a Yahoo ID & e-mail address of "DGNSales" or something like that, and share the passwords & other access information publicly on the board.

Then they join a bunch of these selling groups, and share the posting e-mail addresses on the board. (I have all the groups I sell on compiled into a single mailing list for quick sending).

Anyone who has something to sell for the benefit of DGN can sign into the Yahoo e-mail address themselves and list it under the DGNSales ID. They would handle the sales individually, arranging delivery or pick-up and haggling over prices, and uploading pictures to the group's photo album if necessary.

But the cash can be passed on to someone in charge of the DGN kitty.

I'm willing to:

1) Create the DGNSales Yahoo e-mail address and ID;

2) Do the group applications for groups all over the Metro Detroit area;

3) Do some sort of post creation & maintenance here on DGN.

There are some kinks that would have to be worked out, such as when you list an item, it's supposed to have a specific city associated with it. And most of these groups have limits to the number of posts you can make each day. There are ways of getting around this, which might entail one specific person listing EVERYTHING, something I can go into more details about if this sounds good to people.

Alternatively, if a lot of people would be willing to do this through their own created Yahoo group ID and send/receive their own e-mails and give the proceeds to DGN, that would actually simplify things, and I can give a tutorial on how to do all this easily.

What'cha think?

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I think we should do this...

Steven You game?

I'm game, but Powersource is on a bit if a temporary hiatus/nearsplit/we may morph into two seperate bands/fuck it I should just make some calls and front my own band / maybe we can fix this by doing some actual songwriting/strange place.

did that make sense?

I'd love to see alienaire.

but I dont think I can deliver Power Source anytime soon.

Still I'd love to be involved, even if that means grunt work.....

But in all honesty......a Party could be a great time and raise some serious fundage.

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I have a couple of strobe lights and a fog machine we can use for a party. Why not do a bachelor auction? The ladies bid on a guy and have him for an evening. Only rule would be no bruising or scarring allowed....LOL On a serious note, how about those good with photography take pics, cemetaries, gothic looking churches and such and make a pic CD to sell? I know, some lame ideas but I'm trying.

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It would be easiest to hold a party at a VFW. Individual VFW halls have different rules on alcohol and may restrict the minors or you will have to have a system in place to identify minors. Most halls actually require that a hall member serves the alcohol to prevent minors from abusing the systems. One learns alot from sorority life. If I remember correctly- the Livonia area is centralish to the DGN community.

Possibly, we could set up a DGN date auction for singles. For events not involving alcohol- mostly because I'm not going to explain any incidents to my boss. We may be able to use a large conference room in the hotel assuming I can get my manager to 'donate' some day that it's free. I'd have to talk to him though. That would work for any sales- silent auction, cake walk, etc. Or, possibly get a few of our good cooks and do a dinner? That way people can donate time if they can't affort the money.

I'd be willing to take some responsibility for the winning idea if someone wants to head/start a mini committee.

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No bruises or scars? Damm.

I have a couple of strobe lights and a fog machine we can use for a party. Why not do a bachelor auction? The ladies bid on a guy and have him for an evening. Only rule would be no bruising or scarring allowed....LOL On a serious note, how about those good with photography take pics, cemetaries, gothic looking churches and such and make a pic CD to sell? I know, some lame ideas but I'm trying.
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